Time is, by far, the greatest gift we can give somebody else, but to share how we feel is a close second. A dear friend just shared publicly how she felt about me holding space for her healing journey. It is powerful and I felt moved to share it with those who are not sure whether or not to take that leap and join. I hope this helps. I also added a few more that I have received over the past few years. May their words find space to help you on your own journey.
“Rob is one of the few people I have ever felt comfortable sharing my healing journey with. Not just because he has been through it and has come out the other side with a robust understanding of healing, or even just because he walks the talk, but also because he communicates with such respect when he calls me on my shit…which is a huge part of what I have had to heal from. The truth is, most of what we experience, we have a role in creating. And I needed to learn to keep myself out of abusive situations. When I would get back into those relationships, I was immediately called out with compassion and supported to ensure I could be free of those patterns and people.
It’s rare to meet someone who understands the truly painful process that healing our relationships is. It’s not all light and good vibes. It’s dark. It’s painful. And it’s completely worth it to come out the other side. Though I would add it’s a continual process.
I know what a difference it has made in my life to have Rob hold space for me to talk, sometimes to cry, and sometimes to push me to learn, work and grow. ” – Natalie Pepin
“Coming together to hold space where it’s okay to be vulnerable as men is one of the best medicines. Being able to express our weaknesses and being completely open to understanding that we are not alone in the fear that we are inadequate. This retreat allowed for this to happen. Admitting to yourself that it’s okay to cry and okay to be hurt is something more of us as humans need to do. Because if we don’t and we walk around like we are always “strong”, then that eventually manifests into physical medical sickness. Let it out and don’t hold that garbage. This retreat will allow that process to begin. Challenge yourself to something that no other man is willing to do. Learn to love freely and openly.” – Sweetgrass Sitting Bear (Benjamin Badger – Kehewin First Nations) [testimony regarding Men’s Retreat]
“I was very pleased and excited to hear that White Walking Feather is offering mentoring, for those that are willing to do the work. I am so grateful for all the work he has done, and continues to do. He has knowledge and wisdom that he shares openly in his books and blogs. How generous is that? A couple years ago, I had a visit from Child Protective Services. It did not go well. I didn’t handle things in a good way. They were pushing me, to have my daughter released into their system. I called WWF immediately. I was shaken. Scared. Knowing that he would understand my situation. Living off grid. Trying to live peacefully. WWF helped me draw up a letter, mentored me, helped me to grasp and understand what needed to be done, and why. He spoke to my heart. Please know that YOU must do the work. I have heard nothing back from CPS. They heard me. In my experience, he won’t candy coat things for you. Sometimes you have to get into the trenches, and do the work. I have a great respect for that. I thank you WWF from the bottom of my heart for offering all the tools and knowledge you have shared with us. With much respect and love” – A Northern Earth Mother