As governments around the world continue to lock down their populations, fear seems to be the main weapon being used against the people. In Edmonton, police are stopping people and giving $1000 tickets to occupants of the vehicle if they have different addresses on their ID. People are being ticketed for walking by themselves in the park or being on the beach. This is not about a pandemic, this is about control, fear and tyranny.
Why are we in a position like this now? I would suggest that we have moved away from our nature and live life far beyond where we are supposed to be. We abandoned our tribal ways of life in exchange for being a herd. In the process we abandoned our duty within our tribe and asked that privileged people rule over us within that herd. As such, those leaders guide the herd as they see fit and the herd must follow.
We are then confronted with disease that sweeps through the herd. Disease is a natural event governed by natural law. Its design is to thin herds, especially the sick and weak. The scavengers and predators also prey upon the herd to help keep it moving and strong. But our herds don’t move. They sit in one spot, cities. As such, these herds end up consuming all the resources of that spot and must ship food and other materials in from the country side. They then consume and turn that one spot into toxic waste due to the accumulation of waste, pollution and other environmental issues.
Herds are supposed to be constantly on the move. Some tribes would follow the herds and as such are used to picking up camp and following the herds. But with our modern herds being in one location, these people want to move around, so they travel where ever they can. Some of us don’t like traveling. Our ancestral tribes remained relatively in the same spot, small and in harmony with our surrounding environment.
But people don’t live like that any more. We gave up our ancestral ways in favor of being in a herd and that causes sickness, tyranny, stress, anxiety and slavery. While we remain in herds, we will be farmed like cattle and only when we leave the herd and start rebuilding our ancestral tribes will we find health, freedom and peace.
This requires healing, learning, knowledge, experience, teachings, relationships, trust and spiritual family. This is not an easy path as most people want to bring their herd mentality into the tribe and that will not work. Colonization is a violent, abusive and brainwashing protocol to remove people from the tribe to integrate them into a herd. If we want to reverse that trend, we must find peaceful, loving, decolonization protocols to help people heal so that they can embrace their nature.
When we do that, the trauma will heal and we will find that we have time to spend with others. The stress will be significantly less as we find the tribe can support our needs while we participate in supporting the needs of others. Nobody gets left behind because the tribe is small enough where everyone is included, cared for and a valued member of the tribe. People can come and go if they choose, but protocol is important as this changes the dynamics of the tribe.
I’m exploring these protocols and relationships in my new book, which you can read here on my Patreon page. By healing ourselves, we are no longer manipulated or trapped by fear, the foundational weapon that tyrannical governments use to control people.
I don’t buy the story being spoon feed by media and government. I still see their end game being rolled out before our eyes and the majority of people support it. I don’t. I refuse to comply with their tyranny. I declare peace and I will govern myself so that I don’t fall into the war that is being played out. This is indeed war, World War III! This is not a war of bullets, yet. Instead, this is a war of ideas, control, manipulation, propaganda and tyranny. Their weapon is fear. They know people better than the people know themselves.
Heal thy self, that way fear can no longer control or manipulate oneself. They depend on traumatized people to want to be protected by a parent. The people are the children, the state is the parent. As long as people remain children, they state will feel obligated to parent them. However, when we heal and learn how to stand as adults, the relationship changes and that is how we can change the world. We do it by healing ourselves and taking on the duty to fully self-govern.
That requires that we provide supports around ourselves to accomplish that goal. We need to re-connect with our ancestral tribal structures. This too requires healthy individuals to start this journey. When the tribes get to a sufficient size, then the capacity to take on the sick, elderly, young, etc can be fully realized. We need to get moving on these ideas as the state will soon loose it’s capacity to look after those who are vulnerable. In fact, it is already starting as reports are coming in where staff are abandoning seniors residence resulting in dead bodies, feces and starving seniors (Montreal Gazette)
By practicing the Pacem Arts, we provide ourselves with the healing, tools and tribal protocols we all need to start returning to our home fires and building healthy relationships with those around us. We can then walk away from the battle field governed by the state and start to fix the foundational issues that have plagued mankind for thousands of years. I truly believe we are ready for this next evolutionary process in our consciousness. This requires Christ level consciousness and it is now time.
Join us in circle and go through the material that I’ve put up so far. I’m confident that when we surrender our violent ways and do the hard work to heal, that we can overcome what ever unfolds around us. Read my books if that helps too! Print them out and make notes along the way. I welcome those who want to surrender their old ways and explore what these new relationships may look like. I don’t have the answers as what will unfold will be co-created by us all. But I am willing to hold space for that creative process to unfold. I welcome it.
Peace, healing, good health and love to you all.
Note: The picture is from a tribe in Europe. Even our European ancestors lived as tribes before we too were colonized. Our indigenous brothers and sisters have a lot that they can teach us, if we are open to remember all that we lost through the trauma of colonization.