While main stream media and politicians dismiss the Lieutenant Governor and Governor General as being merely “ceremonial” and often hinting that these roles hold no real power, this is far from the truth.
The Queen in Right of Alberta is a corporation sole, meaning that it is the merging of a corporation with a single individual. When the ceremony is complete, the corporation is removed from the last LG (Lois Mitchell) and will be draped over the new LG (Salma Lakhani). At that point the corporation continues to function and be animated by the actions of the spiritual being agreeing to have a corpse draped over their shoulders like a cloak. Corporations are dead. They have no life. When we agree to animate the dead, wear its mask and act out, we pretend to give it life. We personify the dead and not allow it to decompose and return its nutrients to Mother Earth for the living to consume.
Each individual does this too, when they get a drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.
The Governor General of Canada is a corporation sole. I speak about it at length in my ‘Journey Towards Truth’ videos. The Queen gave this office a black rod to represent her power and authority here. As a result, the GG setup a court (Privy Counsel) upon which all authority flows from. It is also the court that governs the Executive authority for the empire and individuals from the winning party is invited to minister to the GG. From this court, the LG’s are assigned, the most recent being Salma Lakhani to hold the LG office for the Queen in Right of Alberta.
The ceremony, while often downplayed and dismissed, is actually a religious observance, a solemn rite. The meaning behind the ceremony is profound and unless we take these ceremonies seriously, we will continue to fail in our attempts to comprehend what is going on around us.
The feudal system depends on ceremony and people end up being feudal serfs because of their participation in these ceremonies. We enslave ourselves because we don’t comprehend what is happening before our eyes.
When Salma Lakhani goes through her ceremony, she is going to swear an oath to the Queen, essentially making herself a feudal lord. In return, the queen has granted her the authority to hold that office on her behalf, to govern the manor and her feudal serfs. The corporation will be transferred to Salma Lakhani, to have the final say in everything that goes on within the manor called ‘Alberta’. Title for all this land is held within this corporation. Title for all that is ‘registered’ is held within this corporation. That includes land, vehicles, homes and PEOPLE.
Through this ceremony, a new corporation sole is created. The corporation itself has not changed, but the spiritual being who agreed to have this corpse hung on her like a trophy has changed. As such, there is a new corporation sole and I will be sending out letters to make it very clear that I AM NOT a subject of her or anybody else.
When we hold valuable securities, like drivers licenses, birth certificates, etc, those are evidence that we are subjects of the corporation sole (Queen in Right of Alberta / Salma Lakhani). It is not enough to send out letters. It also requires that we return the property of that corporation sole back to the owner. We are not the owners and many of these documents express that on the back where it states that it is the property of the Government of Alberta, etc.
The spiritual ceremonies being held are not necessarily that of Creator as freedom, love, peace and prosperity for all is the energy that should be flowing from these constructs. Instead, I propose that the spiritual ceremonies are that of the devil and I use the third temptation of Christ to back up that assertion. The kingdom itself belongs to Creator, hence the duty to steward the land and bring prosperity to all life. However, the right to rule over the kingdom rests with the devil and that is done through the fictional constructs that we have around us today.
“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”
When I look up the original greek word for ‘kingdoms’, I’m confronted with the definition:
royal power, kingship, dominion, rule
not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom
This is exactly what we are dealing with right now. People exercising royal power and the right to rule over a kingdom, which is the domain of the devil / Satan. I will worship Creator, not some fictional construct. As such, I refuse to provide service or swear an oath of fealty to these people. Every time we sign a document we are swearing an oath. Think about the implications and why the state constantly wants our oaths.