Calgary made masks mandatory in public spaces and now Edmonton has followed suit.
I’m astounded that politicians are moving forward making medical decisions like this. Let’s review a few key points:
Medical Procedure: An activity directed at or performed on an individual with the object of improving health, treating disease or injury, or making a diagnosis. – International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology
Medical Procedure: The sequence of steps to be followed in establishing some course of action – Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary
Medical Procedure: A series of steps by which a desired result is accomplished. – Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th ed.
Here is the catch: In order for any medical procedure to take place, it must have full disclosure and informed consent. NOBODY can FORCE you to undergo a MEDICAL PROCEDURE without informed consent, especially non-medical government personnel. This is the foundation of our sovereignty over our bodies. The moment we surrender this sovereignty, they will do what ever they want to our bodies, including but not limited to forced vaccinations, organ harvesting or even culling (death).

The last I checked, nothing is being done “not withstanding” the Charter, which means everything must be done in accordance with the charter. EVERYONE has the right to refuse medical procedures and full disclosure must be provided so that people can make informed choices in order to meet ‘informed consent’. Only then are doctors protected from liability should something go wrong.
Ordering people to wear masks is a medical procedure. Ordering people to social distance is a medical procedure. Ordering people to undergo testing is a medical procedure.
Forcing people into medical procedures through shame, guilt, intimidation, violence, force, etc is not valid, no matter what you think or feel.
Systems of government still have to follow the rules laid out for THEM!!! If any harm is done as a result of their orders, they are liable for the torts that occur. A tort is an injury and they are liable within the constructs of their system.
A friend who runs a business asked me this question and this is what I told her. But she also had a good point. If somebody enters her business with a mask on and faints, her insurance will most likely not cover any injuries that may result. Liability is a huge issue with these bylaws.
What is even more disturbing is how abusive people are getting while they attack those who know their rights and confront the government or others who are using mob rule to force these rules on people.
I get it that people are scared. But people cannot ignore the fact that the politicians still have to follow the rules and if people don’t know what the rules are, then the politicians are going to do what ever the fuck they want. That is how tyranny manifests because the people are supposed to be the checks and balances! If people don’t stand up to the state or even know what they can or cannot do, then they are going to walk all over everyone. They got everyone so scared and they did that so that they can take complete control. Well guess what? They took complete control and people not only handed it to them on a silver platter, but rallied behind them at the same time.
You all might as well throw away the charter because it no longer applies. Why? Because people have completely ignored it out of fear and ignorance. You have been hoodwinked and you are not going to get your country back. It is gone and the majority of people support the changes.
Get prepared, because the next phase is going to involve crashing the system and making people COMPLETELY DEPENDENT ON THE STATE OR KILL PEOPLE.
I am going to share the conditional acceptance letter that we worked on in class a few months back. It was written to address forced vaccinations, but should also work very well for forced mask wearing or any other medical procedure they want to do on people. When I get a copy of it, I will share it with you all.
Image is the definition of Informed Consent from Canadian Law Dictionary 5th edition