We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times. This video highlights how careful we have to be in these times.  This is not meant to scare but bring awareness.  As we work on finding peace within ourselves and acknowledge the sacredness of who we are, being aware of what other people are trying to do to compromise our sacred journey is critical.  I even ask that people be critical of what I’m doing and confront me should I ever cross that line in an attempt to compromise others.  There is no leaders here, just spiritual beings working to navigate the evil cults that are out in the open now, trying to enslave people and detract us from our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical journey towards peace, freedom, love, compassion, prosperity and joy.

We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times.

Here is the link to an article called  

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus:   How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are  Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global  Order 

This is why our work is so important.  We do the Sacred Heart Circle so that we can work through our traumas, fears, etc and find ways to communicate and be consciously aware of everything going on within us and around us.  We then take steps to be independent so that we don’t depend on the state or other grid partners.  We work hard to heal and form tribes so that we have the support and inter-independent relationships around us to navigate these trying times.  The decolonization classes provide tangible tools, skills and insight to implement our own personal sovereignty and detach from the testicles that have trapped us within this occult grid that is closing in … quickly.

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