I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out why more people are not taking steps to be free. Then a dear friend shared this video and it became clear to me.
They are not taking steps to be free because they don’t want to be free. I agree with the assessment that James Corbett made in this video and if you read my book ‘Graduating Life with Honours‘, you will find that supported in great detail. I attached the pdf of the book ‘The Politics of Obedience’ to make it easy for people to find it. I really do encourage students to read the book.
I’ve been struggling for years trying to figure out why more people are not taking steps to revoke their consent to being governed and taking up the duty of self governance or working hard to rebuild our ancestral tribes. What is it that scares people so much? This video and book helped me realize that they are not actually scared, they just don’t want to.
When I realized this ugly truth, it was like a light bulb went off. While many would argue this point, I think it is an accurate assessment. I suggest that the vast majority are not consciously aware of why they make the choices they do. I wonder if this group masks their choices in fear to prevent them from consciously exploring the root causes of their dependencies and trauma. It is this point where fear and blanket dismissals seems to govern the masses, but only as a mask. If we dig through the fear, we will find a justification for staying with the tyrant; benefits and privileges.
When I take a look at current events, I can now see this playing out and no amount of confrontation is going to shift people from this way of thinking. They want to fight with one another. They actually want to belly ache and complain about masks, quarantines, vaccinations and all that stuff, because it distracts them from accepting fully responsibility and accountability for their own life and taking the steps to make it happen.
People have yet to surrender to Spirit. Until they do so, this narrative will continue to unfold and deteriorate.
For years I felt a sense of duty to confront people in order to help them make that transition, to bring awareness to their conscious mind and help them take that leap of faith in themselves. For years I’ve been met with frustration and a stunned disbelief on why those efforts failed so miserably. I now know why. Because I’m not helping people in fear overcome, I was dealing with people who already made their choices and were fully committed to the outcomes those choices produced.
I also felt this overwhelming duty of speaking up and testifying to the violence I saw in order to protect the vulnerable, weak and violated. Turns out this duty was misguided as I focused on people who, again, had already made that choice. Through these summer months, I am re-evaluating my approach and will be implementing changes in the coming weeks.

This school is designed for people who have made the conscious choice to withdraw their consent from being governed, are willing to do the work to heal themselves, acquire skills and walk the path of self-governance with the support of a tribe. This is not an easy path, but it does demonstrate that we can have forms of governance that does not include tyranny, violence, coercion, greed or any of the other frailties and flaws of modern political institutions.
What do we hold as sacred?
That is the most important question to ask to help people confront themselves and their own participation with the state. Is the Pope sacred? How about the Queen, Governor General or even the Prime Minister? Are we looking at the flesh or the office?
It is critical that we acknowledge that people in power hold the office as sacred when in fact it is nothing but a fictional construct and leads us directly towards treating these constructs as if they are holy. They are NOT and should never be treated as such. They are tools for tyrants and it is our spiritual duty to disconnect ourselves from them and treat them as such: dead bodies. Time to bury them and allow the vessels to decompose and release their nutrients for those that are alive.
If you are insulted or take offense to what I just said, then this school is not for you as you are choosing to support the sanctity of your tyrant oppressor. However, if you agree with what I said, then you are welcome to join us as we explore how we can accomplish freedom from tyranny in a peaceful, non-violent way. The Politics of Obedience is a good reference to help us in that journey, just as my own books and other writings that I’ve shared in the library.
You are sacred to me, just as Mother Earth, air, water, plants and animals. My relationships are also sacred. I refuse to let tyrants, fictional constructs or abhorrent behaviour desecrate that which is holy.