Conditional Acceptance

We had another fantastic decolonization class where we discussed the paradox of how to resolve disputes peacefully rather than engaging in violence, whether that is of a personal nature, one-on-one, or within the system when dealing with corporate or government claims.  

I don’t feel I answered Landon’s question properly, so I’m going to make a second attempt.  Is there any time where a conditional acceptance did not work?  Yes.  Early on in my journey, I tried this approach but got scared and did not finish.  I surrendered to the fear and intimidation, which was a self sabotage.  As a result, I did not get the results that I wanted or expected.  However, now that I’ve gained some confidence and know the process well, I do well at it.  However, I’ve not had to use the process in years for myself.  Now I use it to help others.  I hope that helps answer the question in a better way.

I hope you enjoy the audio recording of the class.  Peace to you.

Recorded September 27, 2020


I’ve shared the technical details of feudalism many times in the past. This class explores the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impacts of feudalism and what it takes to heal, remove dependencies and explore what it really means to be independent in inter-independent relationships. It is a wonderful two hour discussion about the impacts and intricacies of decolonization and walking away from the feudal empire to embrace our spiritual jurisdiction, authority and power from within.

Recorded September 20, 2020