
While this class started out talking about courts, feudalism, rulings, jurisdiction and other such technical topics, the ending was orchestrated by spirit and was a complete surprise. I had not planned to have these types of discussions, but it was absolutely fitting and relevant to the conversation and topics covered in tonight’s class.

The class referenced two documents, both of which you can download here and here. You can also access other documents by visiting the library and opening the post “Important documents & Links”

Recorded December 13, 2020

Death & Wills

Photo Dharma from Sadao, Thailand, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

We had a particularly deep and touching class today as we discussed a topic that many find uncomfortable. However, in the end, the class reflected a profound shift in our relationship with death and I found it moving, touching, emotional and absolutely beautiful. I hope you enjoy the class as much as the group who participated and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feelings about how we can grow a much healthier relationship with death and embrace this most sacred ceremony we will experience in our lives.

Recorded December 6, 2020