Graduating Life With Honours

Graduating Life With Honours

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Presenting Benefactor Participation

Benefactor Participation

As we transition from modern society to a new way of life, benefactors help by supporting the school and many students through the transition. By acknowledging that poverty was created on purpose by the money changers, this should not prevent people from participating with the school. Benefactors can help remedy this so that every individual has a chance to heal and connect to their full physical, emotional, mental and spiritual power and authority. Making changes at this level causes great disturbance, which is profound and takes time. By sharing energy with one another, we can help support and facilitate this transition, making it a little easier for those who have the burning will and desire for self improvement, peace, freedom and love. By working together, we can rebuild the ancient tribes that were lost a thousand + years ago through colonization.

Presenting Decolonization Participation

Decolonization Class

While all the information taught in the school is publicly available, it takes tens of thousands of hours to sift and sort through the trash. Despite all the intellectual work, integrating it all into a core moral and ethical foundation requires asking profound questions and exploring the answers to those questions. Classes are typically held once a week where information is presented and then followed up with discussions that explore the deeper meaning, significance and impacts it has on our lives. This is a process to decolonize and challenge the mind while exploring how we can approach life and relationships from a whole new paradigm.

Presenting Sacred Heart Participation

Sacred Heart Circle

It is a sign of courage and strength to acknowledge when one needs help. Dealing with the matters of the heart is often a taboo topic in modern society, but within the Sacred Heart Circle, matters of the heart is sacred! This sacred space is the core of the school as this is where the healing journey begins and helps form the core of the tribe. This sacred ceremony is held once a week where participants have opportunities to share, learn and grow with others in the circle. Facilitated by individuals who have personal experiences working through profound recovery processes, they use that experience to help hold space for others to do the same.

Presenting Free Public Participation

Free Public Participation

The public side of the school shares White Walking Feather’s writings, videos, workshops, experiences and teachings shared publicly over the years. “Graduating Life with Honours” is his first book released in 2015, for free, and is available to the public for download. For those who prefer self study and exploration, the public blogs and sharing will help facilitate the free transfer of knowledge and wisdom gained as a result of over 20 years of experience.

Features of the School

Features of the School

The public side of the school shares White Walking Feather’s writings, videos, workshops, experiences and teachings shared publicly over the years. “Graduating Life with Honours” is his first book released in 2015, for free, and is available to the public for download. For those who prefer self study and exploration, the public blogs and sharing will help facilitate the free transfer of knowledge and wisdom gained as a result of over 20 years of experience.

It is a sign of courage and strength to acknowledge when one needs help. Dealing with the matters of the heart is often a taboo topic in modern society, but within the Sacred Heart Circle, matters of the heart is sacred! This sacred space is the core of the school as this is where the healing journey begins and helps form the core of the tribe. This sacred ceremony is held once a week where participants have opportunities to share, learn and grow with others in the circle. Facilitated by individuals who have personal experiences working through profound recovery processes, they use that experience to help hold space for others to do the same.

While all the information taught in the school is publicly available, it takes tens of thousands of hours to sift and sort through the trash. Despite all the intellectual work, integrating it all into a core moral and ethical foundation requires asking profound questions and exploring the answers to those questions. Classes are typically held once a week where information is presented and then followed up with discussions that explore the deeper meaning, significance and impacts it has on our lives. This is a process to decolonize and challenge the mind while exploring how we can approach life and relationships from a whole new paradigm.

As we transition from modern society to a new way of life, benefactors help by supporting the school and many students through the transition. By acknowledging that poverty was created on purpose by the money changers, this should not prevent people from participating with the school. Benefactors can help remedy this so that every individual has a chance to heal and connect to their full physical, emotional, mental and spiritual power and authority. Making changes at this level causes great disturbance, which is profound and takes time. By sharing energy with one another, we can help support and facilitate this transition, making it a little easier for those who have the burning will and desire for self improvement, peace, freedom and love. By working together, we can rebuild the ancient tribes that were lost a thousand + years ago through colonization.

About White Walking Feather (Brief)

About White Walking Feather

White Walking Feather (aka rob in the page family) is an individual whom dedicates his time towards writing books, blogging, teaching and facilitating healing circles while doing his best to live off grid and explore his relationship with Mother Earth. Some people have also called him a knowledge keeper and an elder.

Why should I train in the Pacem Arts

Why should I train in the Pacem Arts?

The Pacem Arts identifies and provides remedies to address the root causes of the problems in our lives. If you are here, you are most likely feeling that mankind has taken a wrong turn. The power and authority to do something about it rests within each individual, not the state. Through a Christ level of consciousness, the training provides the skills, tools and confidence required to heal and stand as a witness to testify to the wickedness within and around us. By walking our peaceful path we influence and inspire others to do the same. Revolutions and ignorance continues the cycle of violence while evolutionary healing protocols like the Pacem Arts, stops it dead in its tracks. Violence will not end the violence. Healing and love ends the violence as the violence is nothing more than a manifestation of unhealed pain, trauma, ignorance and unintegrated shadows from within each of us.

How is this accomplished?

How is this accomplished?

Each of the four bodies requires specific protocols and ceremonies to facilitate healing, with the goal of fully integrating all four into one; balanced and centred. By creatively merging ancient teachings and modern knowledge, guided by spirit, each individual has an opportunity to explore all of their relationships, starting with ones inner child and working right through to their external relationships with the state and it’s corporate empires.

The programs and tools within the school, facilitates a process where each individual has the support and information to explore ideas, concepts, feelings and relationships that is often dismissed or ridiculed in modern society as it goes against almost everything we were taught. This journey is often uncomfortable and disruptive as we confront, challenge and even dismantle the very foundations that we have built our lives upon.

This school is designed to help facilitate and support that journey for the individual by building a tribe upon which we can all draw support, inspiration, guidance, knowledge, wisdom and experience.