The Pacem Arts relies heavily on knowledge, training, experience, healing and wisdom. This library is designed to provide as much information as possible on all areas of study, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. To help sort through the high volume of information, categories have been used.

The Core will contain key and foundational videos, recordings or documents that every student should go through prior to moving on with other content. Without the basic teachings, it is common for people to get confused or misinterpret the work being done. This is especially true of people want to work towards decolonization and freedom. It is recommended that people attend the Sacred Heart Circles and start here.

The Decolonization category will hold all recordings and documents that come out of the Decolonization classes. The majority of them will be audio recordings, but there will be some documents from time to time.

The Sanctuary is where meditations and other spiritually related material will be placed. This is a space where and individual can come to listen to those meditations or find other local or external resources to help with their spiritual journey.

The Gym will hold videos to help us connect to our physical body through breathing exercises, warm ups, stretching and other physical activities based on the ancient teachings of the martial arts.

The Repository will contain miscellaneous documents, URL’s to external websites, videos, audios and other resources that are important to the study of the Pacem Arts.

There will be two blogs, one for the public and another just for students. Both blogs will be accessible within the library and the public blog will also be accessible on the home page for the public to view. Students will have access to both as current events, specific insights, teachings, etc is shared through the blogs to help challenge or facilitate training in the Pacem Arts.

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