The Sacred Heart Circles have specific ground rules to help create a sacred and safe space for people to do their shadow work. I’m going to highlight the ground rules here, or you can listen to the video and catch them there as well. Please note that the video was done in late 2019 and there have been a few small changes to the circle themselves, but the ground rules remain the same. Most notably, the circle runs for two hours now and the time is currently Saturdays at 6PM MST.

Ground Rules

Treat each other with respect, honour and dignity.
Confidentiality is required, what is said in circle, stays in circle. No sharing on social media, etc.
No recordings.
Turn on your video so that we can see you, helps with communication.
Accept responsibility for yourself and allow others to do the same.
No drugs or alcohol, if under the influence, please don’t enter the sacred space.
Use “I” statements when sharing thoughts or feelings.
One individual talking at a time, no interrupting somebody who is sharing.
Please be on time, don’t be late. Circle gets locked out 5 minutes after we start.

If you accept these ground rules, then you are welcome into the circle. Thank you for helping us all create a space that is sacred and safe for all involved. If anybody turns violent in the circle, I will confront them and if the behaviour continues, that individual will be removed from the circle and potentially even the school. I take a zero tolerance to violence in the circles and school.

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