Over the past few weeks a few of us have been working hard to develop a website for White Walking Feather’s School of the Pacem Arts. Figuring out how to deal with energy exchange through the new website has been challenging, especially considering I don’t have a person to interact within the ‘system’. In my meditation this morning, Spirit instructed me that my idea of money has to be decolonized as well. I’ve been working for years to remove my dependency on Fiat Currency, but met with frustration as I could only get so far before hitting a wall. I was missing a key component, you!

Within the feudal system, the King would dictate what form of ‘currency’ he needed in order to satisfy the serf’s duty to pay service to him. Hundreds of years ago, that service was paid in the form of wood, military service, food, silver and gold. The silver and gold was then struck into coins to make interactions between the King and the serfs more standard. Everyone knew the ‘value’ of a gold coin, so it became the standard upon which to evaluate the value of other commodities, including the serf’s time. Yes, time is now a commodity and people sell it in order to pay their service to the king.
Then the banksters took over and replaced the commodities (wood, time, food, silver, gold) with their own fiat currency. I speak at length about this process within the school. The king then passed ‘laws’ to make this fiat currency the only ‘legal’ way to pay taxes, essentially turning it into a monopoly. Over the decades, people have become so accustomed to using the fiat currency, we lost connection with the old ways.
But it goes even further as I only described currency within a feudal system. What did our ancestors do within their tribes, prior to being serfs to the king? They helped one another to ensure everyone’s needs were met. There was no interest in wealth, power or conquest. Those are colonial constructs. They were interested in finding a balance of energy within the tribe. Some people were completely or partially dependent, like the sick, old and young, while the others could produce more than what they need, a fact that is now being exploited by the greedy and rich today. How do we decolonize our relationship with energy exchange so that we can return to ensuring the needs of all are met?
This decolonization process will require moving away from the monopoly established by the King and return to a spiritual expression of energy exchange. The challenge with this process is that the bankster families are pushing to further consolidate their control of money because it is THE one tool that allows them to control the whole entire world. Why? Because we have abandoned our spiritual power and authority to share with one another, instead choosing to participate in their energy vampire system. This system forces people to be feudal serfs in order to participate in it. They also designed it to cut out anybody who would try to bypass it, claiming that they are engaged in money laundering, illegal activities, fraud, tax evasion and other acts against the king. This is classic intimidation by a bully because the bully knows that spiritual authority trumps his and he desperately wants to ensure that does not happen.
A few of us have been exploring these concepts for years and there are still ways to exchange energy with one another so that we can get our needs met without being a slave to the system. To get there requires that we design a way for people to transition from fiat currency to spiritual energy exchange. The addiction to fiat currency is more invasive than alcohol or drugs, but I’m confident that by slowly making changes, we can make this transition happen. It will require patience, time, education and healing as it will most likely trigger us all until we get to the other side.
When we move towards freedom outside of the system, we end up being anonymous as the system requires identification to keep track of transactions. This anonymity makes energy exchange challenging but not impossible as the system moves quickly towards implementing the mark of the beast. There will come a day where people will not be able to ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ without the mark. That is why it is important we learn how to connect to spiritual energy exchange and move away from the idea of engaging in commerce and having to ‘buy’ or ‘sell’ anything, whether it be food, clothing or even land itself.
I’m going to outline the transition options that we have, along with the pros and cons of each. If people have ideas to add to this list, I’m open to adding them as it will help us all.
Precious Metals: Gold, silver, copper
Most people instinctively recognize the value of precious metals as they have been used for thousands of years. There is a difference between having the physical metal in one’s pocket vs paper certificates on account. There are many times more paper certificates than actual physical metal. I don’t trust the banksters at all on their promise that they will turn over actual metal upon demand. During political and economic chaos, it is best that the metal is in your possession.
Don’t forget that the metal has been used in many ways. Here in Canada, coins from 1967 and older contain silver, as does some cutlery, dishes, electronics, etc. The government is clamping down on physical metal purchases by requiring ID so that they can keep track of who has the gold. The downside of using metals as a currency is that moving metal around can be challenging and expensive. There is a reason why people put their metal in a vault and used the vault receipt instead. That is what started paper money to begin with. (money as debt videos)
While Bitcoin is the most famous, there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies in the world. Mass adoption is still a challenge as governments around the world scramble to try and figure out how to control this new, anonymous, decentralized tool that completely bypasses their centralized money control systems. As a result, cryptocurrencies have been demonized for years, but now the banks are seeing an opportunity to get into the game and convert their fiat currencies into crypto’s as the blockchain keeps track of ALL transactions. This is exactly what governments want, so now they are working hard to implement the idea through their central banks.
Governments cannot control the decentralized network, but they can control the corporations that setup exchanges to help facilitate the process of purchasing or selling crypto with fiat currencies. The exchanges act as a broker between the parties, which requires that everyone have government issued id. However, people can still trade, buy or sell crypto outside of the exchanges. The downside is that there is no broker, so people will need to trust one another, but it can be done. Outside of the exchanges, anonymity is much easier to maintain and allows people to exchange energy with one another outside of the controls of the system.
Anonymous Gift Card / Credit Card
The system still has a few straggling tools available for people who are looking to exchange energy outside of the system. Anonymous gift cards and credit cards can still be purchased and then shipped to other people. In fact, that is what they are designed to do. It still requires that the individual filling the cards have fiat currency, but for the time being, cash still works. There will come a time where the system will move to a cashless society at which point, an individual will need the mark of the beast in order to fill the cards. At this point, this option will fall away and should be removed from the list. There is also a risk of having the cards frozen by the corporation who issued the cards, ceased by authorities or the potential of being lost or stolen in the mail.
Cash transactions physically or by Snail Mail
There was an old saying that “Cash is king”, but that saying is quickly going away. With the recent events, people are now scared to touch cash in fear of getting sick. Does not matter whether it is a rational fear or not, this is having a huge impact on how many people will accept cash in exchange for goods and services. Cash is the king of anonymity and is why most governments are working hard to get ride of it. They cannot track transactions or control people if they use cash instead of debit or credit cards. Reward cards were invented to help elevate this issue as not only can stores track what was purchased, but it did not matter if it was paid with cash or electronic transfer. The transaction was captured and tied to the individual. Anonymity only works when the cash is used by itself. Cash also has risks as it can be ceased, lost or stolen as well.
Bank Transfers
The world revolves around the infrastructure that banks have developed for all to use. While it may seem like it is a convenient service, it requires being a feudal serf in order to participate and to keeps track of everything. Banks now control how much money you can move per day, must report larger transactions to the government, can cease funds from accounts without due process of law and the banksters steal ‘value’ without people realizing it, through a tool called inflation. Government issued ID is heavily used to validate that the individual is a serf in good standing with the state. Anybody outside of that system is not welcome to enjoy the benefits of their services and are often labeled as terrorists or criminals.
PayPal and other online transaction services
Years ago, I could get a paypal account with just an e-mail address. Now it requires phone numbers and connecting accounts to existing bank accounts. This is their way of validating their customer as phones and bank accounts require that your identification has been validated by an authority. So these services are becoming more and more challenging to use. A work around is to ‘borrow’ somebody’s paypal account, but that requires trust.
The Challenge with websites
Automation and convenience has been one tool that the banksters and government puppets depend on in order to implement tighter and tighter controls. I’ve found through this website development project that it matters not what I want to do, in order to automate the process of collecting energy from people in exchange for participating in the school, I need to use their tools. Those tools dictate the protocols that I can use, which requires that I have a person, government issued ID and other proof that I’m a slave.
In order for me to keep this school going, I will need to find an alternative and that requires some inconvenience, manual record keeping, flexibility, communication and other protocols to make this work. It also requires that others can ‘see’ the value of this decolonization process and are willing to participate. The Pacem Arts website will be setup to help people make that transition by implementing ALL of the above protocols, while acknowledging that over time, some of these protocols will be removed as the system slowly clamps down and makes these alternatives no longer viable.
But what are we truly valuing? Is it the token itself, like gold, money, cryptocurrency, etc, or is it the energy and contribution of the individual? The true value rests with the energy and intent of the individual. When the big money crunch comes, and it will, the economy will stop. Why? Because people don’t acknowledge or recognize that they energy that money represents is their own creative power and influence. People stop creating when the money flow stops, when the solution is to continue creating despite of it. This is the ultimate decolonization of our minds when it comes to money. Money was only ever meant to be a store of energy so that we can do an energy exchange sometime in the future. Well, the greedy figured this out and ended up with all of it. But all of that energy is work already done. It is in the past. We are still standing here capable of adding value to people’s lives despite the greedy stealing all of the past.
The School for the Pacem Arts will also explore community-exchange.org as a way to exchange energy with people around the world as we transition to even more spiritually grounded methods such as gifting, trusting and healing. Since everyone is at a different place in their lives, we will implement all of these different methods of trading energy for energy. My goal is to have my own needs met and at that point, my request for energy will drop. As more people join the school, that will also result in lowering my request for energy in exchange for participating in the school. I already have some very generous individuals helping out and that in turn helps us all. This may feel confusing at first, but with some time, I’m confident that we can work it out and help us all decolonize ourselves from the money system.