Introduction to the Library

The Pacem Arts relies heavily on knowledge, training, experience, healing and wisdom. This library is designed to provide as much information as possible on all areas of study, whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. To help sort through the high volume of information, categories have been used.

The Core will contain key and foundational videos, recordings or documents that every student should go through prior to moving on with other content. Without the basic teachings, it is common for people to get confused or misinterpret the work being done. This is especially true of people want to work towards decolonization and freedom. It is recommended that people attend the Sacred Heart Circles and start here.

The Decolonization category will hold all recordings and documents that come out of the Decolonization classes. The majority of them will be audio recordings, but there will be some documents from time to time.

The Sanctuary is where meditations and other spiritually related material will be placed. This is a space where and individual can come to listen to those meditations or find other local or external resources to help with their spiritual journey.

The Gym will hold videos to help us connect to our physical body through breathing exercises, warm ups, stretching and other physical activities based on the ancient teachings of the martial arts.

The Repository will contain miscellaneous documents, URL’s to external websites, videos, audios and other resources that are important to the study of the Pacem Arts.

There will be two blogs, one for the public and another just for students. Both blogs will be accessible within the library and the public blog will also be accessible on the home page for the public to view. Students will have access to both as current events, specific insights, teachings, etc is shared through the blogs to help challenge or facilitate training in the Pacem Arts.

Ketopower Fitness

I want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication that Claude has put into developing this website but also helping me heal from some health issues over the past month. If you struggle with health issues and need a mentor or coach, Claude can fulfill that role very well. Claude is a facilitator within our Sacred Heart Circles and has fulfilled that role beautifully. With his martial arts training, education, life experience and facilitation skills, I have no hesitation to recommend Claude for those looking for help in their healing journey. – White Walking Feather

About White Walking Feather

About White Walking Feather

White Walking Feather (aka rob in the page family) is an individual whom dedicates his time towards writing books, blogging, teaching and facilitating healing circles while doing his best to live off grid and explore his relationship with Mother Earth. Some people have also called him a knowledge keeper and an elder.

For the first 30+ years of his life, he struggled with depression, addictions and multiple suicide attempts. Despite numerous visits to psychiatric wards in the hospital, it was not until he hit rock bottom that he decided to surrender and try a new approach to life. It is this surrender that helped him heal, learn new communication skills and completely change his approach at life.

These new skills turned his life around and he found success in his IT career, managing projects and dedicating himself to training in the art of Tae Kwon Do where he reached 3rd Dan Black belt and ran his own school for a couple years. As a result of his healing journey, he realized in 2005 that his relationship with the state and other corporate entities was not healthy as they were extremely abusive and violent. This started him down a spiritual path to reconnect with Creator and Mother Earth. In 2007 he moved off grid with his family where they build earthships, gardens, a greenhouse and took every measure they could to be free, independent and healthy.

On April 15, 2008 he declared peace and refused to provide service to the Queen and her lords that control her feudal empire. Since then, he has been invited to speak at public events, online radio shows and was featured in Ben Steward’s third film UNGRIP. He has written a book, released in 2015 and is currently in the middle of writing his second one. For years he has also shared his thoughts freely on social media and blogs. In late 2019 he decided to open up a school as he recognized there are no well rounded training methods to help people navigate the complex web of lies and deceit that surrounds modern social constructs. As a result, the Pacem Arts was created with the intent to utilize training methods learned through the Martial Arts but dedicated to the Pacem Arts instead.