Ground Rules for Decolonization Class

Ground Rules for Decolonization Class

The decolonization class is a space where we openly discuss topics, views, and insights with the group in an effort to decolonize your minds and explore what it will take to make the shift towards being healthy, balanced and peaceful stewards of the land. We still require honour and respect within the class, but encourage people to share so that we can work through the topic of the week as deeply as we can. Come prepared to ask questions and discuss the answers in circle.

Harvard Class – Justice: What’s the Right Thing to do?

This is a 12 part class that found years ago that helps with critical thinking and exploring for one’s self the difference between right and wrong. The following link is Episode 01 and if you click on the three bars in the top left of the video labeled 1/19, you will find a playlist with the other 11 episodes.