Two days ago I was scheduled to speak at “The Greater Reset” event, a week long series of speakers providing alternatives to the globalist plans under “The Great Reset”. I was excited and honoured for the invitation to speak. About ten days prior to my talk, we were invited to connect and test our equipment for video and audio quality, which I did and everything checked out just fine. However, on the day of my talk, my equipment went all buggy. The app kept resetting and I could barely hear the host, let along interact with him or present my topic for discussion. Despite my extensive background and experience in the IT industry, I could not get my connection to work. I ended up unable to speak at the event and it was upsetting and troublesome for me. I felt tremendous sadness as a result as I felt I had an important contribution to make to the discussions.
This spawned deep reflection within myself and other members of my tribe. It was important to me to figure out why I was prevented from speaking. I figured that it was one of three reasons: My energy was off and I sabotaged my participation, Spirit changed it’s mind and no longer wanted me participating, or somebody else did not want me there.
Through several hours of reflection and discussion, we had to conclude that Spirit was protecting me as something changed over the last few days that would put me in jeopardy. What people don’t know is that prior to the event, I put down tobacco and smudged myself while praying for Spirit to guide me and provide me with the words to best serve the message. I am protected but I cannot “see” everything that is going on. In fact, I can only “see” a very small percentage of what is actually going on. So I depend on Spirit to guide and protect me, which is exactly what happened this week. The problem is that it was hard for me to “let go” and surrender to what Spirit needed to do. I felt sad and deep pain as I felt I was letting people down. In some ways it was also my false ego wanting to be heard too.

Through the night, I come to terms with what happened and I’ve now accepted that Spirit is going to intervene to keep me safe, even if it is highly inconvenient. I’m being confronted by Spirit to surrender more deeply than I’ve done before, to trust in the guidance of Spirit to help me navigate this path. I’ve done many surrenders in the past, but this one is a bit unnerving as it also puts at risk my work to provide for myself and trust that Spirit will provide for me.
The message that I’ve received, confirmed by my tribe members, is that my time for planting seeds is now over. People have made their choices and now it is time for us all to explore why we made those choices and work out the consequences of them all. As such, my work to bring awareness and information to help people make good choices is done. I’m now responsible for tending the garden!
What does that mean? Well, I’m still trying to figure that out, however, I do know that it involves people traveling here to interact with me, spirit and Mother Earth directly for further development and training. This is a spiritual boot camp of sorts so that people can then take what they learn here and start their own tribes, build their home fires and hold space for others in their area. I see people traveling here to immerse themselves in a way of life that will facilitate further surrenders to Spirit and develop Spiritual Braves in the process.
I have the support here of Divine Feminine and a tribe to do this work. This is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual journey, all four being addressed here through ceremony, connection, work, play, rest and circles. My time on social media will be significantly restricted as I focus on this school and building programs for people when they arrive. I will continue to surrender to Spirit and trust that those who need to be here, will come. I also trust that Spirit will orchestrate my life so that all my needs are met, at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. I can testify that my latest surrenders over the past month have proven to be extremely healing for me. I continue to report that I’m growing stronger and healthier. Lou, the lump on my neck, continues to soften and shrink. I can work a full day now, sleep through the night without having to wake up to go to the bathroom and I don’t feel aches or pains in my joints. Having a low stress, supportive, encouraging environment is indeed healthy and good for me. For that I am grateful!