Important Notice: Transactions on this web site don’t function like any other site. We are decolonizing ourselves and as a result we cannot use automated payment systems. Instead, we are offering a wide range of alternatives, all governed by trust, faith and spirit under the Law of Love (Spiritual & Natural Law). As our access to these transaction methods get locked down by the global empire, our options will become more limited. It is up to you to manually initiate the transaction depending on your own needs and means. We will provide a wide range of options and are open to other creative means to interact with one another. Also note that as more people sign up and our needs are met, the prices being asked will go down. If a few philanthropists find it within their hearts to support the work of White Walking Feather, this site will be free for all. Discounts are available already as some people pay more to help move this cause forward.

To view all the options that are available to you with the corresponding payment instructions click here.

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