Why should I train in the Pacem Arts

Why should I train in the Pacem Arts?

The Pacem Arts identifies and provides remedies to address the root causes of the problems in our lives. If you are here, you are most likely feeling that mankind has taken a wrong turn. The power and authority to do something about it rests within each individual, not the state. Through a Christ level of consciousness, the training provides the skills, tools and confidence required to heal and stand as a witness to testify to the wickedness within and around us. By walking our peaceful path we influence and inspire others to do the same. Revolutions and ignorance continues the cycle of violence while evolutionary healing protocols like the Pacem Arts, stops it dead in its tracks. Violence will not end the violence. Healing and love ends the violence as the violence is nothing more than a manifestation of unhealed pain, trauma, ignorance and unintegrated shadows from within each of us.

How is this accomplished?

How is this accomplished?

Each of the four bodies requires specific protocols and ceremonies to facilitate healing, with the goal of fully integrating all four into one; balanced and centred. By creatively merging ancient teachings and modern knowledge, guided by spirit, each individual has an opportunity to explore all of their relationships, starting with ones inner child and working right through to their external relationships with the state and it’s corporate empires.

The programs and tools within the school, facilitates a process where each individual has the support and information to explore ideas, concepts, feelings and relationships that is often dismissed or ridiculed in modern society as it goes against almost everything we were taught. This journey is often uncomfortable and disruptive as we confront, challenge and even dismantle the very foundations that we have built our lives upon.

This school is designed to help facilitate and support that journey for the individual by building a tribe upon which we can all draw support, inspiration, guidance, knowledge, wisdom and experience.

What is the Pacem Arts / The Art of Peace?

Welcome to White Walking Feather’s School for the Pacem Arts!

The Pacem Arts is an evolutionary training protocol to help facilitate healing and conscious reconciliation of relationships between an individuals physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies; which can then be expressed peacefully in all other relationships, especially with family, friends, neighbours, environment, Mother Earth and the Creator.

An introduction to the Pacem Arts

An introduction to the Pacem Arts

We live in challenging times and it appears that the world is at war. While many are choosing to go to war against others in an effort to address their concerns, there is a small group of people who are realizing that the problems we face runs far deeper than we realized and the solutions rest squarely within each individual. There is no blame, but rather a realization that each of us are 100% responsible and accountable for our actions and our participation in the war that has manifested as a result of our ignorance. When we acknowledge this, we find that the solution is not war against our neighbour, but to find peace, knowledge and conscious, spiritual awareness within our selves.

Our history is littered with war, violence, colonization, greed, lust, discrimination, theft, hatred and pain. For thousands of years this has been passed down from generation to generation, to the point where most of us are not even consciously aware of why we struggle so much in our lives.

The Pacem Arts / The Art of Peace is designed to help each individual re-connect with their heart space so that the healing journey can begin. The Sacred Heart Circle is a core principle of the school which creates a safe space for people to be vulnerable and do this profound shadow work. When the student is ready, they are welcome to then start the decolonization process where we challenge generations of assumptions, programming, brainwashing and other chains that tend to keep people attached to the war machine.

The goal is to do the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing so that we can find peace within ourselves. That is where the true peace is found. Politicians and state bureaucrats will never be able to bring peace to the world because they are the war machine and it is not their job. Their peace requires force, violence and coercion, which is not peaceful. True peace is our job and it is found within, especially when we heal ourselves and fully integrate the four parts of our being to the point of balance and being centered. Spiritual awakening then helps us walk a path of non-violence and peaceful non-compliance as we venture towards an evolutionary shift in consciousness. When we reach this point, self-defense is no longer required. We have walked off the battle field.

The Pacem Arts is a unique and disciplined art form designed to help each practitioner heal their heart, discipline their mind, bring conscious awareness to all their relationships, practice healthy and peaceful communication protocols, study history and explore our dependencies so that we can all work towards true independence and explore the richness and prosperity when we build inter-independent relationships with one another.

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Within the framework of this school, we will talk about feelings, traumas, history, relationships, behaviours, boundaries, morality, ethics, spirituality, ceremonies, protocols and even dig into the system and our relationship with it. I would recommend that you start with my book “Graduating Life with Honours”, which is a free download. It lays out the foundation of the school very well. If you want to join, the Sacred Heart Circle is the core of this art form. We cannot do any of the other work without first doing the internal healing work. Others attend the Decolonization Classes at the same time and do well as the content we cover does trigger people, which can then be resolved or discussed in the Sacred Heart Circles.

If you love this work and want to support the school, I graciously accept donations. If you want to support people who cannot afford to train in the school, I’m setting up a sponsorship program to connect practitioners with philanthropists. I also have a public blog, so please feel free to read my public posts to help you get a better feel for what we do here. This school triggers people as we break down the status quo in order to transform ourselves into a new paradigm of life and govern ourselves under the Law of Love. Change is a constant here and it is challenging! If you are up to the challenge, then welcome to the Pacem Arts.

UNPLUG Workshop

In 2017 I performed a number of presentations to help people work through acknowledging our dependencies and what we can do to become independent. I’m offering this presentation to you now to help explain the type of work that we are doing here in the school. Special thank you to Sweetgrass Sitting Bear for his opening prayers, smudge and friendship!

UNPLUG – St. Albert – February 28, 2017 – Part 1 of 3
UNPLUG – St. Albert – February 28, 2017 – Part 2 of 3
UNPLUG – St. Albert – February 28, 2017 – Part 3 of 3

About White Walking Feather

About White Walking Feather

White Walking Feather (aka rob in the page family) is an individual whom dedicates his time towards writing books, blogging, teaching and facilitating healing circles while doing his best to live off grid and explore his relationship with Mother Earth. Some people have also called him a knowledge keeper and an elder.

For the first 30+ years of his life, he struggled with depression, addictions and multiple suicide attempts. Despite numerous visits to psychiatric wards in the hospital, it was not until he hit rock bottom that he decided to surrender and try a new approach to life. It is this surrender that helped him heal, learn new communication skills and completely change his approach at life.

These new skills turned his life around and he found success in his IT career, managing projects and dedicating himself to training in the art of Tae Kwon Do where he reached 3rd Dan Black belt and ran his own school for a couple years. As a result of his healing journey, he realized in 2005 that his relationship with the state and other corporate entities was not healthy as they were extremely abusive and violent. This started him down a spiritual path to reconnect with Creator and Mother Earth. In 2007 he moved off grid with his family where they build earthships, gardens, a greenhouse and took every measure they could to be free, independent and healthy.

On April 15, 2008 he declared peace and refused to provide service to the Queen and her lords that control her feudal empire. Since then, he has been invited to speak at public events, online radio shows and was featured in Ben Steward’s third film UNGRIP. He has written a book, released in 2015 and is currently in the middle of writing his second one. For years he has also shared his thoughts freely on social media and blogs. In late 2019 he decided to open up a school as he recognized there are no well rounded training methods to help people navigate the complex web of lies and deceit that surrounds modern social constructs. As a result, the Pacem Arts was created with the intent to utilize training methods learned through the Martial Arts but dedicated to the Pacem Arts instead.