Alternative Currency

Fiat Currency issued by Central Banks are a monopoly and we need competition. We are currently exploring as one of many other alternatives that we can use to facilitate exchange with one another that provides alternative currencies that we can use. If you have other suggestions, we are open to exploring them as well.

Risks: Challenging for people to let go of their dependency on their idea of “money”. Currently there is a low participation rate with alternatives. Governments hate competition, so there is a risk that the alternatives will be attacked.


Barter is an ancient tribal custom that has been around for thousands of years. The challenge with barter is it requires more effort to facilitate the exchange and the things one individual has, may not be what the other needs. Please write to for an updated list of needs that you can choose from. We can then make arrangements to complete the transaction.

Risks: Takes time to complete the trade. Barter often deals with commodities which are hard to transport. Needs are shifting over time, so the list of needs is constantly changing.

Gift/Credit Cards

There still remains some anonymous methods through gift cards and pre-paid credit cards. Gift cards that are currently acceptable is: Peavey Mart, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Rona, Independent grocery store (President Choice). Pre-paid credit cards are also accepted. We are currently looking into a pre-paid card that can be loaded from anywhere. Until then, gift and credit cards (CDN) can be sent to:

White Walking Feather
In Care Of
PO Box 384
Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0

Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Vendors may lock out the cards without notice. Difficult to support local vendors using gift cards issued by large corporations.


For many people, physical cash is the only way to go. The challenge of running a website accessible by people all around the world is the physical transportation. Snail mail is still a valid option and cash payments (CDN or USD) can be sent to:

White Walking Feather
In Care Of
PO Box 384
Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0

Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Availability of cash will also disappear when banking institutions move to a cashless society. This option may not be viable for much longer.

Precious Metals

Precious Metals have been used as a currency for thousands of years. Most people comprehend the intrinsic value. The challenge is shipping metal which has additional costs. Regardless, this is an option and any gold or silver can be sent to:

White Walking Feather
In Care Of
PO Box 384
Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0

Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Availability of precious metals is also low due to recent events.


In an effort to decolonize our relationship with money, we are exploring alternatives like decentralized and distributed cryptocurrencies. We currently accept Bitcoin (address below), Steem (@wwf) and Hive (@wwf). As interest increases, we will welcome other decentralized and distributed crypto’s as well.

Risks: Central banks are getting into the Crypto game and we refuse to participate in their solutions. This arena is technical and complex, so there are barriers. Also requires government ID to create accounts on exchanges to convert fiat currency to crypto.


Due to decolonization efforts of White Walking Feather, it is not possible to use the automated business commerce functions of PayPal. As a result, we are limited to personal gifts sent through PayPal, send to

Risks: The potential for PayPal to lock the account is present due to continued changes in financial and government regulations as a result of the globalization efforts and roll out of the mark and social credit scoring systems.


Due to the decolonization efforts of White Walking Feather, automated commerce is not possible. However, through the support of a friend, funds can currently be received through manual e-transfer by sending your payment to

Risks involved: This function may go away if the state or bank changes their policy or implements the mark.

Important Notice

Important Notice: Transactions on this web site don’t function like any other site. We are decolonizing ourselves and as a result we cannot use automated payment systems. Instead, we are offering a wide range of alternatives, all governed by trust, faith and spirit under the Law of Love (Spiritual & Natural Law). As our access to these transaction methods get locked down by the global empire, our options will become more limited. It is up to you to manually initiate the transaction depending on your own needs and means. We will provide a wide range of options and are open to other creative means to interact with one another. Also note that as more people sign up and our needs are met, the prices being asked will go down. If a few philanthropists find it within their hearts to support the work of White Walking Feather, this site will be free for all. Discounts are available already as some people pay more to help move this cause forward.

To view all the options that are available to you with the corresponding payment instructions click here.

Energy Flow Program

As we decolonize our way of life, the transition can be challenging, often requiring help from others. However we also recognize that everyone has skills, abilities, knowledge, experience and talents that is tremendously valuable. This is not about money, but ensuring there is energy and value exchange to generate flow and prosperity for all involved. By investing value in the training, students will be able to draw value out of it. This school is dedicated to facilitating a flow of value among all involved by providing a program to encourage this shift in relationships.

The Pacem Arts uses a unique subsidy program for those who are short on fiat currency, while acknowledging the broad and vast forms of value that people have to contribute otherwise. If you sign up at the subsidized level, you have several options available to you.

The subsidy is the minimum recommended level of currency. If you can afford more, then you are welcome and encouraged to do so. If you have alternatives forms of currency, those are welcomed as well. Currently we accept gold, silver, Bitcoin, Steem & Hive cryptocurrencies, but will have other forms of currency available soon.

If you have no extra currency, then we also have a pay-it-forward program. Post your energy offering on the bulletin board and help someone else in need. Can you fix computers, do energy healing, coaching, building things, growing food, wild foraging, training, knitting, cooking, babysitting, teaching or any other creative offering? Then you have value to offer somebody else. There is no exchange of fiat currency, but it is the exchange of energy and value that keeps the flow moving through the school. I will be evaluating in the near future to help facilitate these types of trade relationships between one another and those outside of the school. The flow of energy does not necessarily have to come to the school, but as long as the flow of value is moving between all involved, everyone benefits!

For a pay-it-forward program to work, it also requires that people ask for help. This is the biggest barrier that prevents flow from taking place. Ask and ye shall receive. We encourage people to ask for help. Take people up on their offers on the bulletin board and then pay it forward to help somebody else. I will be posting things that I need in the bulletin board to help kick start this flow of energy. It may include writing posts for the school, growing food or providing other needs that I have or other tasks as I anticipate growth of the school and will need help managing it all. We ALL have great value and when we engage with others, we enrich the lives of ourselves and all those around us. This is where true prosperity and wealth are generated. The wonderful part is that nobody can take it away either.

As further crackdowns occur within the financial and state authoritative systems, we are proactively decolonizing ourselves from these economic models by implementing payment alternatives to PayPal and banks. We will use PayPal and banks for as long as possible, but alternatives are available for those who want to explore these alternatives and start trying them out; anonymous pre-paid credit cards, gift cards, anonymous cryptocurrencies, snail mail cash and others are being explored. I will be developing training programs to teach people how to use crypto’s and other technologies to work around the lock down of the ‘grid’ and pending mark of the beast. Note that there are risks involved in these alternatives, but over time I’m confident other options will present themselves and risks can be mitigated as well.