Art of Peace – Podcast

We have started a podcast!  It runs every Wednesday at 5pm Eastern / 3pm Mountain / 2pm Pacific.  We are recording it on zoom, so if people want to attend live and ask questions, you are welcome to join us.  Please keep your video and audio muted and pose your questions using the zoom chat feature.  I will post links to the podcast here and use this post as a repository.  Come back often to catch new podcasts as they are recorded.  The first 14 podcasts will be a book study on my book “Graduating Life with Honours”.  Afterwards, content will be driven by people attending the podcast and asking questions.  I’ve had numerous conversations with people over the years and often wished they were recorded.  Now they will be!

To access the podcast live, please use this link.

To donate to my mission, you can send an e-transfer or go through my paypal link.  A friend has setup a gofundme where people can donate for my journey across Turtle Island.

Past Podcasts:

Episode 27:  February 5, 2025.  Continuing the conversation about relationships in Chapter 7.  Specifically, tribe building, what ceremony actually is and how important it all is for our journey here on Mother Earth.

Special Episode:  January 22, 2025.  An extensive conversation about emancipation of self and land, answering common questions received by people exploring these ideas for themselves.

Episode 26:  January 15, 2025.  Continuing with Chapter 7, covering our youth, authority, brainwashing and the trauma that needs healing in order to connect to the kingdom within.

Episode 25:  January 8, 2025.  Starting Chapter 7 with our first podcast of the year.  Exploring sovereignty with discussions on the journey from co-dependency, to independence to inter-independence.

Vignette:  December 28, 2024.  This recording is to explain the spirit and intent of the men’s retreats that I’m planning for the new year.  I’m looking to hold space for men so that we can heal, learn how to build containers and hold space for divine feminine and then work together to co-create tribal containers for everyone.  Follow this link for event details.

Episode 24:  December 18, 2024.  Finished the chapter on relationships and had some beautiful discussions about leadership and authenticity.

Episode 23:  December 4, 2024.  Tonight’s podcast covered some important topics such as boundaries, familiarity zones, personal power and lessons learned from martial arts training that can be directly applied to freedom, healing and relationships.

Episode 22:  November 27, 2024.  Continuing our deep dive into relationships.  Much to discuss as this whole journey of life is al about relationships.

Episode 21:  November 20, 2024.  Digging deeper into relationships, specifically boundaries, abusive relationships, intimacy, connection and love.

Episode 20:  November 13, 2024.  Exploring relationship as we navigate from dependency to independence to inter-independence.  Boundaries become important to help us navigate these shifts ad growth.

Episode 19:  November 6, 2024.  Relationship conversation moved to real world experiences on how I navigate the trauma, addictions and depression through actual surrender, healing and connection strategies I used.

Episode 18:  October 30, 2024.  We went on a deep dive into the core of relationships, specifically spirit and physical, emotional and mental, as well as the word magic around person and what it really is vs what the state defines a person to be.

Episode 17:  October 23, 2024.  Topic lead to discussions of answering “who am I?, as we explore what a man, human and person is in our spiritual, physical and fictional relationship with self and the state.

Episode 16:  October 16, 2024.  Exploring the chapter on relationships and especially adding to the content as I have learned and experienced so much more since writing the book.  We even covered the relationship between the spiritual realm, physical and fictional, specifically related to sovereignty and authority.

Vignette:  October 2024.  Over the past few months I’ve been traveling across this land holding ceremony.  When I landed in Vancouver I had the opportunity to record some highlights of what I’ve been sharing in ceremony.  This video helps explain most people’s relationship with the king as feudal serfs.  This audio is a meeting I had with many that attended past ceremonies to go over the spirit and intent behind the letters that I write.  I hope this helps those on the journey.

Episode 15:  August 29, 2024.  We finished the chapter on feudalism with a fantastic chat and probably one of my favorite episodes.  It is nearly two hours long, so I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Episode 14:  August 18, 2024.  We continued with feudalism and dove deep into courts, freeman and other subjects that most people have not been taught.  Please note that I had problems with this recording so the echos are distracting.  I’m working to learn how to clean up the audio, but until I get it done, I pray you can still gather the wonderful information from this episode.

Vignette:  August 18, 2024.  A discussion on real world practical experiences implementing this knowledge while traveling.

Episode 13:  July 24, 2024.  Continued exploration on feudalism and it’s connection with treaties as well.

Episode 12:  July 17, 2024.  Deep dive into feudalism and how it relates to modern governance models and our relationship with it all.

Episode 11:  July 10, 2024.  Started on unwrapping the feudal system and our relationship to the kings of the world.

Episode 10:  July 3, 2024.  Finished up the chapter on the Spiritual Realm.  A lot of potent and emotional conversation!  Next up, the feudal system and I’m looking forward to those conversations!

Episode 9:  June 26, 2024.  Continued exploring the spiritual realm and especially how important it is to find balance between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life, building sacred partnership between the physical and spiritual, mind and heart, masculine and feminine.

Episode 8:  June 19, 2024.  Into Chapter Four where we start exploring the spiritual realm and how to start ‘seeing’ it.

Episode 7:  June 12, 2024.  Finished up Chapter Three.  Had some wonderful discussions about relationships with all the other spiritual beings here in this physical realm and how to honour them!

Episode 6:  June 5, 2024.  Worked on the second half of Chapter Three discussing the relationship between the physical and spiritual, our choices in life and navigating the meaning of words.

Episode 5:  May 29, 2024.  We started Chapter Three where we started exploring the physical realm and it’s relationship with the fictional and spiritual realms.

Episode 4:  May 22, 2024.  We finished up Chapter Two.  It took a three episodes, but comprehending the fiction is very important, so we spent time to make sure we covered these concepts and principles in detail.  Onto Chapter Three next week.

Episode 3:  May 15, 2024.  We covered the second half of Chapter Two.  Wonderful conversations about authority, consent and other feudal principles.

Episode 2:  May 8, 2024.  We explored chapter two and how the fiction uses language and fictional constructs to manipulate people.  We didn’t finish the chapter, so we will complete chapter two next week.

Episode 1:  May 1, 2024.  In this episode we explore the introduction and chapter one of my book “Graduating Life with Honours”. Specifically an introduction into the spiritual, physical and fictional realms.

Test run:  April 24, 2024.  This was a test run to see if the technology and format would work.  Still had great conversation so we are sharing it too!

Supply Chain Failure & Canadian Censorship

Trudeau pushing fascism policy in Canada

We are in the summer schedule for classes, but the tyranny of the state continues to march forward quickly. We had discussions about whether our strategies will continue to apply given an environment of tyranny, violence and continued lock downs. We live in challenging times, but the conclusion is: we continue this work despite what is going on around us.

Recorded March 21, 2021

Self Defense – CPS

In this class, we will look at how we can peacefully protect our offspring from Child Protective Services by putting them back into the ‘box’ and burdening them to prove their claims.  Please note that this is my testimony and you will need to do more research and learning to digest this information on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.  You are 100% responsible for that work and for your life.  

This requires knowledge of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, who you are and how scripture was used to make this system.  Supporting documents, links and other information to further your studies are attached.

Here is a testimony with a dear friend I helped who lives off grid in Ontario.

Here is more information to dig into.

Decolonizing Money

The topic of money can often bring up many feelings, but tonight we tackled this huge topic and discussed options on what we can do to change our relationship with Money. This was spawned as this topic has come front and center as the development of the new website moves forward. Bravo to all who attended tonight to enrich these conversations, ask wonderful questions and really explore our relationship with money and more importantly, each other!

Recorded March 21, 2021

Rights vs Responsibilities

Exploring the difference between rights and responsibilities is a profound concept when exploring how we can decolonize ourselves. Isaac Murdock made a public post a few days ago on Facebook, which spawned this discussion. You can connect with Isaac and his post on this link.

I encourage people to go visit Isaac as I like his teachings and I learn much from him.  This class also had a lot of profound things being said, but I wanted to highlight something that Danielle said at the very end.  Her words spawned an idea on how I can explain the principles I’m trying to express.  

“We each have an innate response that either fight, flight, freeze or fawn, in the moment, but if you can catch yourself, if you can catch that split second where there is a choice to be made, if you can catch it, it is very, very very subtle, very muted, very quick and it goes by in a second, but if you can catch it there is always a choice.  In certain moments of that experience, I was able to pinpoint certain moments of choice.”  D.L.

Recorded on February 28, 2021

Deconstructing Constitution of Republic of Alberta / Natural Law

Tonight’s class had profound implications on our interpretation of Natural Law, the Law of Love and how we implement that in our lives.  The discussions as we explored the constitutional document brought up some important moral and ethical questions.  In the end, this class was not about the constitutional document  at all but ended up being a confrontation of our selves and the foundations of how we govern self and interact with others in our lives, whether they are a part of our tribe or still a part of the colonial empires.  

Be prepared to be confronted with questions that most people have not contemplated but is important to ask, especially when exploring finding alternatives forms of governance to counter act the violence of the state and the world war that continues to rage on around us.  How do we peacefully stand up as a witness to it all and testify to what we see?  Well that depends on what moral and ethical foundations we stand on.  Very tough questions were asked tonight and it may take months or years to fully explore what those answers look like. 

Recorded February 21, 2021

Project Management Techniques for Tribe Development

Fish Bone Method

Back in 2005 I graduated from the N.A.I.T. Project Management program, which also reinforced a lot of the principles I learned during recovery as well.  I was moved to draw upon that training and the years of project management experience in the IT industry to help build stronger relationships within tribes.  While the scope is different, the intent and spirit is very much the same.  

I was talking to Claude and he also reminded me of the masculine and feminine energies involved in this process as well.  When going through this journey, the beginning part involves strong feminine energies, where inclusion, involvement and making sure all is heard and the problems are flushed out and identified.  The following processes involve masculine energy, where solutions are identified and targeted objectives are reached to bring about the results.  This dance between the feminine and masculine is within each of us, but also between us as well and upon reflecting on this journey, this process is a good introduction on how the two energies can work together for the betterment of each individual and the whole tribe.

I also want to make it clear that my intent is to help facilitate this process for people to learn and integrate within their own tribes.  I also believe it is our duty to hold space for one another along this path.  While most are not currently willing to do this work, by walking the path and leading by example, it is my prayer that it inspires others to find that will and learn the skills, heal and participate in a way of life that is very different than the one currently facilitating our relationships and controlling our lives.  By using techniques learned through tried and tested project management protocols in business, industry, etc, we can target those lessons to help us with our day to day relationship challenges as we explore decolonizing and working on rebuilding our lost tribes.  This is done in the spirit of peace, decolonization and tribe building.

To break down the process, I surveyed the tribe to see where they are currently at.  This can be done with 10 or 12 simple questions to see how people are feeling, allowing them to rate each one from 0 to 9.

Next step involves doing a root cause analysis.  I used ideas from the project management course to do this, but this site comes close to what I did.

I then performed another survey of the group to prioritize the problems.  By addressing the top 20%, we can address 80% of the problems (80:20 rule).  

We then brainstorm solutions for those top 20% and then assign teams to work through the details of prioritizing and working on implementing those solutions. 

Each team will then report back to the group and obtain a consensus on the solutions.  When consensus is obtain, they solutions can then be implemented.

I will then perform another satisfaction survey to see if we actually improved the situation for the tribe.  That is measured by an increase in satisfaction within the tribe.  

Recorded January 31, 2021

Income Taxes

public domain

I know that a few people in class did not necessarily hear what the wanted to hear.  I want to clarify a few points for those listening to this audio recording.

If you are wanting to play their game, you will need to do a lot of research and studying.  I looked into walking this path years ago, but for me it took way too much energy.   This is the foundation behind me choosing to get out rather than play the game.  Either way, risks are involved as with anything in life.  Some people are good at thinking on their feet and dealing with confrontation, stressful situations, etc.  Some people are not so good at it.  In the end, as with anything in life, checking in with your heart to help you decide what to do is the only way to go.  I don’t ever want people to make choices without checking in with themselves.  All I can do is share my experiences and I pray that people ‘see’ and ‘hear’ the conversations in this class for what is being shared.  

As always, the choice always remains with the individual.  I hope this class helps.  

Recorded January 24, 2021

UNDRIP, Decolonization & Reconciliation

We dived into the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Canada’s implementation through Bill C-15, which lead to the Constitution Act of 1982, Royal Proclamation of 1763, Treaty 6 of 1876 and a lengthy discussion of jurisdiction, decolonization and reconciliation. It was a heavy class, but well worth the effort to explore what the UN and Canada is not doing and where the true reconciliation will come from … each individual doing the work! I hope you enjoy the discussions. If you have questions or feel moved to share your thoughts, feel free to leave a comment below.

Recorded January 17, 2021

Colonization History & Love

Batchelor, Lawrence R., 1887-1961., Public domain

Tonight we reviewed the 2000+ year history of colonization in Europe and it’s migration to Turtle Island, along with some key moments that had a huge impact on the whole process. While we were discussing law forms between these fictional constructs, we got onto the Law of Love and that ended the class in a beautiful way. I hope you enjoy the class. Homework for class next week, so make sure you check out the beginning and end of the class for the assignment.

Recorded January 10, 2021