Charter & Constitution

Over the last couple months I’ve changed the approach that I take in these classes and I must admit, I’m loving the results.  Allowing spirit to guide these classes and by having a much deeper conversation with people, I feel that the outcomes are much richer, rewarding and fulfilling.  We had another class where the participation, questions and discussion was profound and meaningful for me and I pray the others felt the same.  Thank you to all those who participate with these discussions and listen to them afterwards as well.

Man’s laws are for those who refuse to follow Spiritual law.  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

I love you all.

Recorded October 11, 2020

The Technology “Grid”

I acknowledge that this class was technical, but I felt it was important to cover this information as these tools are used for evil without most people’s knowledge or awareness.  Given that I have been involved with this technology for nearly 40 years, I felt it was my duty and responsibility to put my knowledge and experience to bear on what is going down in this arena and come up with options on how we can protect ourselves from these issues while helping stay connected and using the technology for good instead of evil.  

I looked into the Telegram application that Landon spoke about and a Wikipedia page that explains it in more detail.   It looks like it provides end to end encryption but currently only for secret conversations.  If there is group chats, then there are vulnerabilities.  So I would recommend that people use caution as the developers work at addressing those issues.  It looks like it is much better than Facebook Messenger or some of the other solutions.  It is still developed by a corporation, but there are open source alternatives which can be used.  Here is a good top 12 review that highlights what some of those open source alternatives are.  

I’m attaching a graphic image (below) that I used during this presentation.  While I don’t have the markups that I was doing in class, people should be able to follow along with what I’m talking about by looking at the image while listening to the audio recording of this class.  If anybody has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  

Peace to you all.

Recorded October 4, 2020

Conditional Acceptance

We had another fantastic decolonization class where we discussed the paradox of how to resolve disputes peacefully rather than engaging in violence, whether that is of a personal nature, one-on-one, or within the system when dealing with corporate or government claims.  

I don’t feel I answered Landon’s question properly, so I’m going to make a second attempt.  Is there any time where a conditional acceptance did not work?  Yes.  Early on in my journey, I tried this approach but got scared and did not finish.  I surrendered to the fear and intimidation, which was a self sabotage.  As a result, I did not get the results that I wanted or expected.  However, now that I’ve gained some confidence and know the process well, I do well at it.  However, I’ve not had to use the process in years for myself.  Now I use it to help others.  I hope that helps answer the question in a better way.

I hope you enjoy the audio recording of the class.  Peace to you.

Recorded September 27, 2020


I’ve shared the technical details of feudalism many times in the past. This class explores the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impacts of feudalism and what it takes to heal, remove dependencies and explore what it really means to be independent in inter-independent relationships. It is a wonderful two hour discussion about the impacts and intricacies of decolonization and walking away from the feudal empire to embrace our spiritual jurisdiction, authority and power from within.

Recorded September 20, 2020