Protocol for Student Lounge

The intent of the Student Lounge is to provide a centralized space for people to chat via text, voice or video as well as share documents, thoughts, questions, concerns or ideas. The ground rules for this lounge are simple:

  • No personal or confidential information should be shared here. Treat this space like a regular student lounge at a collage or university. If you need privacy, connect with people directly.
  • Anything discussed here should be treated as confidential.
  • No abusive behaviours or language will be tolerated within this space or any other space within this school.
  • People are allowed to disagree with one another. We are here to challenge ideas and poor behaviours, not people.

We chose Telegram as it allows for fairly good encryption through a distributed network and is capable of doing voice and text messaging. Zoom has been selected for video messaging as it is the platform being used in other areas of the school. Students will have to setup these products on their devices should they want to participate in the Student Lounge. Good sharing everyone!