Graduating Life With Honours

Graduating Life With Honours

Presenting Benefactor Participation

Benefactor Participation

As we transition from modern society to a new way of life, benefactors help by supporting the school and many students through the transition. By acknowledging that poverty was created on purpose by the money changers, this should not prevent people from participating with the school. Benefactors can help remedy this so that every individual has a chance to heal and connect to their full physical, emotional, mental and spiritual power and authority. Making changes at this level causes great disturbance, which is profound and takes time. By sharing energy with one another, we can help support and facilitate this transition, making it a little easier for those who have the burning will and desire for self improvement, peace, freedom and love. By working together, we can rebuild the ancient tribes that were lost a thousand + years ago through colonization.

Presenting Decolonization Participation

Decolonization Class

While all the information taught in the school is publicly available, it takes tens of thousands of hours to sift and sort through the trash. Despite all the intellectual work, integrating it all into a core moral and ethical foundation requires asking profound questions and exploring the answers to those questions. Classes are typically held once a week where information is presented and then followed up with discussions that explore the deeper meaning, significance and impacts it has on our lives. This is a process to decolonize and challenge the mind while exploring how we can approach life and relationships from a whole new paradigm.

Presenting Sacred Heart Participation

Sacred Heart Circle

It is a sign of courage and strength to acknowledge when one needs help. Dealing with the matters of the heart is often a taboo topic in modern society, but within the Sacred Heart Circle, matters of the heart is sacred! This sacred space is the core of the school as this is where the healing journey begins and helps form the core of the tribe. This sacred ceremony is held once a week where participants have opportunities to share, learn and grow with others in the circle. Facilitated by individuals who have personal experiences working through profound recovery processes, they use that experience to help hold space for others to do the same.

Presenting Free Public Participation

Free Public Participation

The public side of the school shares White Walking Feather’s writings, videos, workshops, experiences and teachings shared publicly over the years. “Graduating Life with Honours” is his first book released in 2015, for free, and is available to the public for download. For those who prefer self study and exploration, the public blogs and sharing will help facilitate the free transfer of knowledge and wisdom gained as a result of over 20 years of experience.

Features of the School

Features of the School

The public side of the school shares White Walking Feather’s writings, videos, workshops, experiences and teachings shared publicly over the years. “Graduating Life with Honours” is his first book released in 2015, for free, and is available to the public for download. For those who prefer self study and exploration, the public blogs and sharing will help facilitate the free transfer of knowledge and wisdom gained as a result of over 20 years of experience.

It is a sign of courage and strength to acknowledge when one needs help. Dealing with the matters of the heart is often a taboo topic in modern society, but within the Sacred Heart Circle, matters of the heart is sacred! This sacred space is the core of the school as this is where the healing journey begins and helps form the core of the tribe. This sacred ceremony is held once a week where participants have opportunities to share, learn and grow with others in the circle. Facilitated by individuals who have personal experiences working through profound recovery processes, they use that experience to help hold space for others to do the same.

While all the information taught in the school is publicly available, it takes tens of thousands of hours to sift and sort through the trash. Despite all the intellectual work, integrating it all into a core moral and ethical foundation requires asking profound questions and exploring the answers to those questions. Classes are typically held once a week where information is presented and then followed up with discussions that explore the deeper meaning, significance and impacts it has on our lives. This is a process to decolonize and challenge the mind while exploring how we can approach life and relationships from a whole new paradigm.

As we transition from modern society to a new way of life, benefactors help by supporting the school and many students through the transition. By acknowledging that poverty was created on purpose by the money changers, this should not prevent people from participating with the school. Benefactors can help remedy this so that every individual has a chance to heal and connect to their full physical, emotional, mental and spiritual power and authority. Making changes at this level causes great disturbance, which is profound and takes time. By sharing energy with one another, we can help support and facilitate this transition, making it a little easier for those who have the burning will and desire for self improvement, peace, freedom and love. By working together, we can rebuild the ancient tribes that were lost a thousand + years ago through colonization.

About White Walking Feather (Brief)

About White Walking Feather

White Walking Feather (aka rob in the page family) is an individual whom dedicates his time towards writing books, blogging, teaching and facilitating healing circles while doing his best to live off grid and explore his relationship with Mother Earth. Some people have also called him a knowledge keeper and an elder.

Update on Property Tax Case

Within one of the decolonization classes, I informed the group that I was helping a friend with a property tax issue.  Some major events have happened since then and here is the update.

Case:  A friend of mine stewards the land near Sherwood Park and has done so for over 15 years.  The tenure / title is in her dad’s name and he is going through a divorce and potentially a bankruptcy as well.  The mortgage is also in her dad’s name and the property taxes & mortgage has not been paid.  As a result, the county put a tax notification lien on the land and attempted to sell it at auction in May.  It was pushed to July 6th, due to their claim that corona virus quarantines prevented the auction.  However, I suspect we had something to do with that as well.

I’m including the three letters that were sent out using the peaceful approach that I teach within the decolonization classes.  This conditional acceptance is founded on Matthew 5:25 where we are asked to agree with our adversary’s quickly, otherwise they will drag us before a judge and go to jail.  So we agreed with the county but placed the burden of proof upon them in order to gain our acceptance.  My friend is not in receipt of any response to any of these letters.

On July 6th, she went in to serve the default judgement and found the building full of police officers.  Not sure what kind of trouble they were expecting, but she walked with the protection and guidance of spirit for sure!!!  She started reading the default judgement and was informed that the land was not on the list for the auction as the taxes were paid by the title holder.  She later found out that the bank paid the taxes.  

So we ended up kicking the can down the road and will now work to remove the can and recycle it.  Yes, this is a metaphor for the work that we are doing.  Somebody in the chain of command must have contacted the bank and informed them of what is going on.  The bank could not foreclose as the tax notification of the county trumped the banks lien.  The bank was stuck, waiting to get paid from the proceeds of the auction.  The County would get paid first, then the bank would be next.  However, this all changed now that the bank paid the taxes.  We caught a bunch of people engaged in fraud and other crimes and they could not wiggle out of it.  Is it possible that the lawyers encouraged this communication to happen as the bank is a private organization and can wiggle out of this for them all?  Time will tell.  But there is a conspiracy now and fraud for sure as the tax notification is now off and the bank is now open to proceed with foreclosure.  So we will follow up with the county and province regarding their conspiracy and breach of confidentiality of financial records, fraud, etc.  Note:  my friend could not even find out what the accounting was without consent from her dad, so how did the bank know what was going on, unless somebody told them and advised them what to do and how much to pay to make the tax notification lien go away?  

We have many questions and will continue our work to hold these thugs accountable.  I have permission from my friend to share this with you all.  I’ve remove her name and address, but the remainder of the document remains unedited.  

Now we will start challenging the bank regarding the mortgage.  I’ve challenged banks in the past regarding unsecured debt and won.  However, this will be my first attempt at secured debt against the title of this land.  I ask for prayers as we confront fraud, violence, theft, usury and other crimes against the people.  

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.  However, this is a peaceful approach to confront those who would drag us into their legal system and do violence against us.  I waive my right to be represented as a person.  Instead I present myself, a spiritual being in possession of this physical vessel, governed under Spiritual and Natural Law, specifically: Matthew 22, love God with all my heart, soul and mind, and love my neighbour as myself.  I love myself and I love you.  May this inspire others to learn and hold others accountable.  I’ve used this approach with CPS, banks, municipalities, utility companies and others.  I stand as a testimony to how this works but also acknowledge that it requires the individual to know who they are and have the courage to stand up and express their spiritual intent in the process.  This requires a leap of faith!

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Ownership is a weapon of war

Ownership has no place in the Pacem Arts due to its violence and desecration of all that is sacred.

I see this playing out all the time and a lot of it is soooo subtle, most people don’t even see it.  However, we feel it when somebody violates another individual, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual violence.  Our bodies, spirit, mind and feelings are gifts from Creator and as such they are all sacred and ours to explore.  

In order for me to be peaceful, I must acknowledge the sacredness of others, whether they are my brothers & sisters or my cousins like the plants, animals, water, air, soil or Mother Earth herself.  That means learning how to ask for consent rather than just taking what I want.  The implications are profound.

My body is in my possession, a gift from Creator.  It is my responsibility to honour the sacredness of who I am.  As such, I place boundaries around me so that I can maintain that sacredness.  If others violate that sacredness, you will be called out or find yourself kicked out of my circles.  If I violate that sacredness, then I often find myself struggling or in pain.

This means that I cannot force myself onto others, even my wife.  She is sacred too and I refuse to use shame, guilt, coercion, covert violence or even overt violence to manipulate or control her.  She is not my property.  I do not ‘own’ her and I work hard to remember that every single day.  My relationship must be honourable, consensual and peaceful in order for me to respect that which is sacred; her, me and our relationship together.

When my wife was pregnant, those spiritual beings growing inside of her were sacred too.  Neither of us ‘owned’ the baby, even when still inside of her body.  What we are responsible for though, is to steward, raise and be responsible for their development into independence.  To violate their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being would violate that which is sacred.  

Scientists have recorded the exact moment that a sperm joins with the egg and the flash of light that is produced!  In my view, that is the very moment that spirit joins the flesh for its journey in this physical realm.  At that moment, the cell that was contributed by the woman and the cell contributed by the man no longer belongs to either, but instead is a gift to the new spiritual being coming into this world.  

To claim ownership over that being, violate it’s body, kill it or even to enslave it to the state through registration is an act of war and violates the very spirit of that young being.  

We are caught in an epidemic of thinking that king and country owns our bodies and knows best.  People feel compelled to hand over title of their off spring to the state.  Police, Child Protective Services, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, courts and many others claim jurisdiction over the vulnerable, ignorant or young.  Title being the weapon of choice to solidify control and ownership over our bodies.  This becomes a weapon of choice when couples have a dispute as they fight over property, children, etc.  

All of these components desecrate that which is sacred.  Life is sacred.  Life cannot be owned as it all belongs to Creator.  My body is not my own.  It too belongs to Creator and it is my job to look after it.  As such, I must govern myself to ensure others have the opportunity and support to do the same.  To force my will upon others, claim ownership or impose a jurisdiction on others is war, violence and a desecration of all that is holy.