One of our dear friends and member of our tribe is having a baby. She is living off grid and doing a traditional home birth and asked Carey and I to help her. She is starting labour and could get deep into delivery any moment. When that happens, we will be called away and could be gone for several days. Carey’s roll within this beautiful ceremony is to help her with the baby. My roll is to smudge the perimeter of the house, hold the space and protect them all. The divine masculine and feminine have specific rolls to fulfill in one of the most beautiful ceremonies any of us could witness and experience.
Everything in life is sacred and as such, deserves that we approach it as a ceremony. It reminds us of the sacredness and having protocols to keep its sacredness is equally important.
I’m humbled as I’ve been asked to hold that sacred space by many people over the past few years. As I develop ceremonies, spirit moves people to reach out to me. Some of these ceremonies are new as nobody has ever worked on decolonization protocols since this experience is so new to us all. Spirit moved me to make a ceremony to four corner the land and I’ve performed this ceremony several times for friends in Alberta and Ontario. I’ve also performed spiritual ceremonies to help people within their wedding ceremonies too.
I’ve been working on ceremony in my life for years now. When ever a slaughter an animal or even harvest a plant, I work hard to ask for permission from their spirit first and I leave tobacco in exchange so that I’m not taking but rather making a trade. There are small but important things that we can do to bring balance back to our actions and behaviours within our lives. I grow our own tobacco specifically for this purpose and it was taught to me by the nehewin people of Treaty 6. The tobacco I use is traditional indigenous ceremonial tobacco from the pueblo people in the southern end of Turtle Island. It is sacred medicine. The sweetgrass grows on our land and the sage is from around here as well. We have no cedar here, but people give us cedar to round out the four medicines on the medicine wheel.
Holding ceremony and space for a baby being born is new to me, but I honour the trust and power of what is unfolding. The divine masculine energy flows through me stronger than ever before as I start to explore what that actually means. Holding that space in a healthy way is humbling and inspiring. It helps the divine feminine feel safe, comfortable and secure so that she can engage in the most powerful transfer of energy ever seen on this planet. The merging of spirit and land to allow another spiritual being to manifest here THROUGH her body. She is a portal between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. The divine feminine is sacred and special to be able to hold the space for such an awesome transformation. It is my duty to hold the space so that she can do her work!
I will be away from the school for a few days, but I will return. We will dig into these conversations deeply as we explore the spiritual aspects within the school’s curriculum. I won’t speak or disclose who are what happens, but instead we will explore the deeper meaning, duty and power associated with ceremony within our lives so that we can hold the space and bring balance back to our existence here.
As we finish the ceremony of the winter solstice, may Creator bless each of you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love as we embark on a new solar year and a period of birth and renewal. It is all fitting together as you can see!