Conditional Acceptance

We had another fantastic decolonization class where we discussed the paradox of how to resolve disputes peacefully rather than engaging in violence, whether that is of a personal nature, one-on-one, or within the system when dealing with corporate or government claims.  

I don’t feel I answered Landon’s question properly, so I’m going to make a second attempt.  Is there any time where a conditional acceptance did not work?  Yes.  Early on in my journey, I tried this approach but got scared and did not finish.  I surrendered to the fear and intimidation, which was a self sabotage.  As a result, I did not get the results that I wanted or expected.  However, now that I’ve gained some confidence and know the process well, I do well at it.  However, I’ve not had to use the process in years for myself.  Now I use it to help others.  I hope that helps answer the question in a better way.

I hope you enjoy the audio recording of the class.  Peace to you.

Recorded September 27, 2020