The Healing Dance between Masculine and Feminine

I’ve been contemplating a lot about intimacy and the relationship between the masculine and feminine energies. Recently the men gathered together and we created a simple little ceremony to welcome the women during the last new moon ceremony. What I witnessed was beautiful, powerful and amazing. The ladies became animated, beaming and their movements turned fluid. It had a profound impact on the relationship between the men and women.

I’ve been exploring what intimacy actually is, but this experience has taken me on a whole new level of reflection. A few years ago I discovered that there is a big difference between emotional and physical intimacy. For most of my life I associated both as being one and the same. The problem is that when a woman was looking for emotional intimacy, I struggled because I associated that to sex and that caused all kinds of problems for me. I’m grateful that I was able to overcome that glaring oversight as I now realize that there is a profound difference between the two.

What I see now is that there are multiple kinds of intimacy with a wide range of levels. If we visit the medicine wheel, we are reminded of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. When speaking of physical intimacy, most people turn to sex, kisses or hugs. What I want to propose is that this goes far beyond these simple constructs. If we acknowledge that each body has a form of intimacy, then that compels a deeper examination of each and the interaction between them from all those different levels. The first step is to acknowledge that there are, in fact, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual intimacy needs that need to be met within each of us. Those types of intimacy are very different from one another, yet interact in amazing ways. Physical intimacy starts from birth and involves being held, touched and coddled. This need is equal or even grater than actual sustenance for the baby and this carries forward to be true for our entire lives. Emotional intimacy is something that develops over time as it require our ability to be vulnerable and share feelings with others. Trauma often makes the development of this level of intimacy difficult, but when healed, it can be profound. Mental intimacy is another that needs to be developed and involves the sharing of ideas, brainstorming and other synergistic exercises that foster cooperation and collaboration, equating to mental intimacy. Spiritual intimacy is when we start to explore our own spirituality and find common ground with others and share that level of intimacy in our ceremonies, prayers and beliefs.

The interaction of these different types of intimacy makes for a complex web to explore in all our relationships. It is this depth and diversity that makes life interesting to explore. It is also a core part of the decolonization process as it changes the very foundations of how we interact with one another.

When exploring my relationships, I acknowledge that the level of intimacy changes how vulnerable I will be and there are specific boundaries associated with each. For example, my interaction with a lover is very different than with a tribe member, friend, acquaintance or a stranger. Each one of these can provide a form of intimacy, but there are limits on each depending on trust and ability to reciprocate intimacy in a healthy way.

I may hug a stranger, but I’m not going to kiss them or have sex. A hug with a stranger is also very different than a hug from a friend or a lover. Intimacy needs require engaging in relationships with other individuals. I currently don’t know of any way to have intimacy needs met in isolation. After all, we are social beings and that requires that our needs be met by others in our circles AND that we meet the needs of others within those circles as well.

Finding a way to balance all of these intimacy needs could go a long way towards healing as well. Healing ourselves so that we don’t engage in violent behaviours must be a journey done within. People can hold space for the healing, but it is far too abusive to do this work while in intimate relationships. However, the healing journey stalls when we do that original shadow work as the next phase requires intimate relationships to finish that process.

It is in this light that I explore the dance between the masculine and feminine. Masculine energy is an energy that flows in and out. Feminine energy flows between being open and close. The interesting dynamic is that Masculine energy is also responsible for holding the container as feminine energy is very fluid. These energies can exist within a single individual, but also be a beautiful dynamic between two people.

When the masculine energy does his work properly, he establishes the safe container for the divine feminine. Much like what we did during the camp last week. The result is automatic within a healthy feminine. She feels safe to then express her feminine energy which then starts to be fluid and flow within the contain. She opens up like a flower to express her full beauty and feminine energy. The masculine energy must honour this process and her sovereignty. If everything is done in a healthy and respectful way, she will invite him ‘in’. With consent, he can then penetrate the feminine energy and make a profoundly intimate connection where the two energies begin to flow through each other and create absolute magic. While there are physical sexual references here, this also involves the other forms of intimacy too on an emotional, mental and spiritual level.

For intimate partners, I suspect that the goal is to find a balance between all four levels of intimacy. If the masculine can create a container for all four and feminine feels safe, then all four levels of intimacy are involved and profound healing can take place for both of them. For tribe members and friends, there may be limits to the level of intimacy, but the goal is similar. Sex and kissing may be off limits, but hugs, sacred circles and ceremonies are still a foundational goal for building trusting and deeply intimate relationships within a tribe.

For a stranger we may feel comfortable hugging them, having intellectual conversations about politics, economics, social issues, etc. For a friend or tribe member, the level of intimacy may involve being vulnerable by sharing feelings, fears and shadows while also covering deeper intellectual topics, performing ceremonies and hugging or dancing.

But for an intimate couple, the goal is to be ‘all in’ on all levels. The couple can engage on all those other levels, but their dance is very different. Instead of hugging for 10 seconds or dancing for a few minutes, their relationship becomes very intimate, to the point of melding the two energies together. They may start out in ceremony as their beliefs are common between the two. They agree on many of the same principles that govern how they live their lives. They have found a way to be vulnerable with one another in regards to how they are feeling and the traumas that they are working on healing. When all three of these intimacy needs have been met, the physical intimacy transforms. Their dance is no longer just a dance, but a way of making love to one another, exploring each other’s bodies through movement and music. As they learn how to move together, caress and kiss, the level of intimacy increases beyond acquaintance, beyond friendship. Making love to one another can take hours and is not just a physical act of sex. It requires profound intimacy on all four levels to start engaging in healing energies that help both! The dance may move from the dance floor to the bed, but it goes beyond anything I’ve ever contemplated or heard discussed by others.

I’ve yearned for a partner to explore this level of healing and interaction. I feel I’m ready to hold the container for divine feminine in this way. I’m sure we will both make mistakes along the way, but that is the beautiful part of this journey. It is in the attempt that also brings intimacy, trust and excitement to the relationship between masculine and feminine. It will help both heal the intimacy traumas of the past, but also the multi-generational traumas that resulted due to colonization and a lack of conscious awareness.

It is time for the masculine to start creating containers for the feminine, so that they can both explore a level of healing that goes beyond what any Sacred Heart Circle can do. This is something that we cannot do by ourselves. We need to reconcile our relationships between the two as this must be done together. Time to put away the hierarchy and join together in profound partnership and intimacy balanced between all four aspects of our being. I am open to discussion on these ideas. What do you think and feel about what I’ve shared here?

Peace Garden

In the spring of 2020, I recorded a series of videos to help people navigate through the challenging times we are facing. I shared my 15+ years of experience living off grid and explored what it would take to remove my dependency from the grid and obtain true independence. Below is a series of videos that covers six topics. It is an introduction into the type of work that is required to reconcile our relationship with Mother Earth, Creator and empower ourselves to build independence and say no to those that would entice us into slavery. Welcome to the Peace Garden and it is recommended that this be viewed as an introduction into the Pacem Arts.

Food Sovereignty

The premise of this video is to explore what steps an individual can take to not only remove their dependency on the corporate industrial food complex, which is toxic and extremely unhealthy for life in general, but also to rebuild our relationship with the spiritual beings on this planet that are here to serve, nourish, cloth and protect us.

Water Sovereignty

Water is life and through pollution and corporate efforts to control and capitalize on water, it is no longer being viewed as a basic human need. People are completely dependent on the state and corporate empire to provide them with water to drink, bath and cook with. It is time that we explore how we can take back the responsibility for providing for our own needs and water is near the top of that list.

Shelter Sovereignty

It may seem odd to people, but in this area of the world, shelter is the top need we have. We can survive weeks without food and days without water, but only hours without shelter. So this is the top priority when exploring how to return to the land while removing ourselves from the grip of the banksters, government thugs and truly connecting with our duty and responsibility for providing for our shelter needs ourselves.

Energy Sovereignty

This video discusses my experiences exploring how I could become energy independent. When people talk about living off grid, the first thing they think of is solar panels, but this topic goes far beyond electricity and explore energy in general. This includes electricity, but also heating our homes, storing energy and how to manage it when we are no longer dependent on the industrial energy mafia.

Waste Sovereignty

Waste sovereignty may seem like an odd topic, but the goal here is to modify our behaviours so that we don’t produce any waste. This is a monumental challenge given the industrialized system that we have built around us, which generates a tremendous amount of waste. By exploring the waste we produce, we can find areas where we can modify how we live and find more gentle ways to walk upon the earth.

Personal Sovereignty

The last of this series of videos, I explore what it will take to remove our dependencies on external authority and accept responsibility for self-governance. This is a complex topic, which is explored in far more detail in other courses and offerings on this site. But this video is a good introduction to the topic as we examine the journey of maturity, self responsibility and even building inter-independent relationships with others who are also on this path.

When you are done these videos, I recommend you watch the UNPLUG workshop as it expands on these principles and prepares the student for the Journey Towards Truth modules. I hope you enjoyed these videos.

Decolonizing Money

The topic of money can often bring up many feelings, but tonight we tackled this huge topic and discussed options on what we can do to change our relationship with Money. This was spawned as this topic has come front and center as the development of the new website moves forward. Bravo to all who attended tonight to enrich these conversations, ask wonderful questions and really explore our relationship with money and more importantly, each other!

Recorded March 21, 2021

The Heart is not a pump

I recommend that people read my book ‘Graduating Life with Honours’ because this video will expand on what I spoke about, specifically the power and sacredness of water, but also that we have a torus of energy that makes up our bodies and this doctor explains it all very brilliantly. I hope this helps with our journey in exploring who we are and how we can express ourselves in this world.