Income Taxes

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I know that a few people in class did not necessarily hear what the wanted to hear.  I want to clarify a few points for those listening to this audio recording.

If you are wanting to play their game, you will need to do a lot of research and studying.  I looked into walking this path years ago, but for me it took way too much energy.   This is the foundation behind me choosing to get out rather than play the game.  Either way, risks are involved as with anything in life.  Some people are good at thinking on their feet and dealing with confrontation, stressful situations, etc.  Some people are not so good at it.  In the end, as with anything in life, checking in with your heart to help you decide what to do is the only way to go.  I don’t ever want people to make choices without checking in with themselves.  All I can do is share my experiences and I pray that people ‘see’ and ‘hear’ the conversations in this class for what is being shared.  

As always, the choice always remains with the individual.  I hope this class helps.  

Recorded January 24, 2021


While this class started out talking about courts, feudalism, rulings, jurisdiction and other such technical topics, the ending was orchestrated by spirit and was a complete surprise. I had not planned to have these types of discussions, but it was absolutely fitting and relevant to the conversation and topics covered in tonight’s class.

The class referenced two documents, both of which you can download here and here. You can also access other documents by visiting the library and opening the post “Important documents & Links”

Recorded December 13, 2020

Removing land from the Demesne of the Crown

I shared the journey that I’m taking to return to the land, but doing so in a peaceful way.  This is a sensitive process and as such I will not be sharing the letters yet.  But I did talk in detail what I am doing, risks involved, strategies and other topics associated with finding ways to remove land from the control of the crown and put it back into being governed by spirit instead.  I hope you enjoy the class.

Recorded November 8, 2020


I’ve shared the technical details of feudalism many times in the past. This class explores the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impacts of feudalism and what it takes to heal, remove dependencies and explore what it really means to be independent in inter-independent relationships. It is a wonderful two hour discussion about the impacts and intricacies of decolonization and walking away from the feudal empire to embrace our spiritual jurisdiction, authority and power from within.

Recorded September 20, 2020

Update on Property Tax Case

Within one of the decolonization classes, I informed the group that I was helping a friend with a property tax issue.  Some major events have happened since then and here is the update.

Case:  A friend of mine stewards the land near Sherwood Park and has done so for over 15 years.  The tenure / title is in her dad’s name and he is going through a divorce and potentially a bankruptcy as well.  The mortgage is also in her dad’s name and the property taxes & mortgage has not been paid.  As a result, the county put a tax notification lien on the land and attempted to sell it at auction in May.  It was pushed to July 6th, due to their claim that corona virus quarantines prevented the auction.  However, I suspect we had something to do with that as well.

I’m including the three letters that were sent out using the peaceful approach that I teach within the decolonization classes.  This conditional acceptance is founded on Matthew 5:25 where we are asked to agree with our adversary’s quickly, otherwise they will drag us before a judge and go to jail.  So we agreed with the county but placed the burden of proof upon them in order to gain our acceptance.  My friend is not in receipt of any response to any of these letters.

On July 6th, she went in to serve the default judgement and found the building full of police officers.  Not sure what kind of trouble they were expecting, but she walked with the protection and guidance of spirit for sure!!!  She started reading the default judgement and was informed that the land was not on the list for the auction as the taxes were paid by the title holder.  She later found out that the bank paid the taxes.  

So we ended up kicking the can down the road and will now work to remove the can and recycle it.  Yes, this is a metaphor for the work that we are doing.  Somebody in the chain of command must have contacted the bank and informed them of what is going on.  The bank could not foreclose as the tax notification of the county trumped the banks lien.  The bank was stuck, waiting to get paid from the proceeds of the auction.  The County would get paid first, then the bank would be next.  However, this all changed now that the bank paid the taxes.  We caught a bunch of people engaged in fraud and other crimes and they could not wiggle out of it.  Is it possible that the lawyers encouraged this communication to happen as the bank is a private organization and can wiggle out of this for them all?  Time will tell.  But there is a conspiracy now and fraud for sure as the tax notification is now off and the bank is now open to proceed with foreclosure.  So we will follow up with the county and province regarding their conspiracy and breach of confidentiality of financial records, fraud, etc.  Note:  my friend could not even find out what the accounting was without consent from her dad, so how did the bank know what was going on, unless somebody told them and advised them what to do and how much to pay to make the tax notification lien go away?  

We have many questions and will continue our work to hold these thugs accountable.  I have permission from my friend to share this with you all.  I’ve remove her name and address, but the remainder of the document remains unedited.  

Now we will start challenging the bank regarding the mortgage.  I’ve challenged banks in the past regarding unsecured debt and won.  However, this will be my first attempt at secured debt against the title of this land.  I ask for prayers as we confront fraud, violence, theft, usury and other crimes against the people.  

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.  However, this is a peaceful approach to confront those who would drag us into their legal system and do violence against us.  I waive my right to be represented as a person.  Instead I present myself, a spiritual being in possession of this physical vessel, governed under Spiritual and Natural Law, specifically: Matthew 22, love God with all my heart, soul and mind, and love my neighbour as myself.  I love myself and I love you.  May this inspire others to learn and hold others accountable.  I’ve used this approach with CPS, banks, municipalities, utility companies and others.  I stand as a testimony to how this works but also acknowledge that it requires the individual to know who they are and have the courage to stand up and express their spiritual intent in the process.  This requires a leap of faith!

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The Feudal Empire marches on

OTTAWA — The Liberal government has named Salma Lakhani as next lieutenant-governor of Alberta, making her the first-ever Muslim to hold the ceremonial position in Canadian history. – Calgary Harold

While main stream media and politicians dismiss the Lieutenant Governor and Governor General as being merely “ceremonial” and often hinting that these roles hold no real power, this is far from the truth.

The Queen in Right of Alberta is a corporation sole, meaning that it is the merging of a corporation with a single individual.  When the ceremony is complete, the corporation is removed from the last LG (Lois Mitchell) and will be draped over the new LG (Salma Lakhani).  At that point the corporation continues to function and be animated by the actions of the spiritual being agreeing to have a corpse draped over their shoulders like a cloak.  Corporations are dead.  They have no life.  When we agree to animate the dead, wear its mask and act out, we pretend to give it life.  We personify the dead and not allow it to decompose and return its nutrients to Mother Earth for the living to consume.  

Each individual does this too, when they get a drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.  

The Governor General of Canada is a corporation sole.  I speak about it at length in my ‘Journey Towards Truth’ videos.  The Queen gave this office a black rod to represent her power and authority here.  As a result, the GG setup a court (Privy Counsel) upon which all authority flows from.  It is also the court that governs the Executive authority for the empire and individuals from the winning party is invited to minister to the GG.  From this court, the LG’s are assigned, the most recent being Salma Lakhani to hold the LG office for the Queen in Right of Alberta.

The ceremony, while often downplayed and dismissed, is actually a religious observance, a solemn rite.  The meaning behind the ceremony is profound and unless we take these ceremonies seriously, we will continue to fail in our attempts to comprehend what is going on around us.  

The feudal system depends on ceremony and people end up being feudal serfs because of their participation in these ceremonies.  We enslave ourselves because we don’t comprehend what is happening before our eyes.

When Salma Lakhani goes through her ceremony, she is going to swear an oath to the Queen, essentially making herself a feudal lord.  In return, the queen has granted her the authority to hold that office on her behalf, to govern the manor and her feudal serfs.  The corporation will be transferred to Salma Lakhani, to have the final say in everything that goes on within the manor called ‘Alberta’.  Title for all this land is held within this corporation.  Title for all that is ‘registered’ is held within this corporation.  That includes land, vehicles, homes and PEOPLE.  

Through this ceremony, a new corporation sole is created.  The corporation itself has not changed, but the spiritual being who agreed to have this corpse hung on her like a trophy has changed.  As such, there is a new corporation sole and I will be sending out letters to make it very clear that I AM NOT a subject of her or anybody else.  

When we hold valuable securities, like drivers licenses, birth certificates, etc, those are evidence that we are subjects of the corporation sole (Queen in Right of Alberta / Salma Lakhani).  It is not enough to send out letters.  It also requires that we return the property of that corporation sole back to the owner.  We are not the owners and many of these documents express that on the back where it states that it is the property of the Government of Alberta, etc.  

The spiritual ceremonies being held are not necessarily that of Creator as freedom, love, peace and prosperity for all is the energy that should be flowing from these constructs.  Instead, I propose that the spiritual ceremonies are that of the devil and I use the third temptation of Christ to back up that assertion.  The kingdom itself belongs to Creator, hence the duty to steward the land and bring prosperity to all life.  However, the right to rule over the kingdom rests with the devil and that is done through the fictional constructs that we have around us today.  

“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.  Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

When I look up the original greek word for ‘kingdoms’, I’m confronted with the definition:

 royal power, kingship, dominion, rule

not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom   

This is exactly what we are dealing with right now.  People exercising royal power and the right to rule over a kingdom, which is the domain of the devil / Satan.    I will worship Creator, not some fictional construct.  As such, I refuse to provide service or swear an oath of fealty to these people.  Every time we sign a document we are swearing an oath.  Think about the implications and why the state constantly wants our oaths.

Ownership is a weapon of war

Ownership has no place in the Pacem Arts due to its violence and desecration of all that is sacred.

I see this playing out all the time and a lot of it is soooo subtle, most people don’t even see it.  However, we feel it when somebody violates another individual, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual violence.  Our bodies, spirit, mind and feelings are gifts from Creator and as such they are all sacred and ours to explore.  

In order for me to be peaceful, I must acknowledge the sacredness of others, whether they are my brothers & sisters or my cousins like the plants, animals, water, air, soil or Mother Earth herself.  That means learning how to ask for consent rather than just taking what I want.  The implications are profound.

My body is in my possession, a gift from Creator.  It is my responsibility to honour the sacredness of who I am.  As such, I place boundaries around me so that I can maintain that sacredness.  If others violate that sacredness, you will be called out or find yourself kicked out of my circles.  If I violate that sacredness, then I often find myself struggling or in pain.

This means that I cannot force myself onto others, even my wife.  She is sacred too and I refuse to use shame, guilt, coercion, covert violence or even overt violence to manipulate or control her.  She is not my property.  I do not ‘own’ her and I work hard to remember that every single day.  My relationship must be honourable, consensual and peaceful in order for me to respect that which is sacred; her, me and our relationship together.

When my wife was pregnant, those spiritual beings growing inside of her were sacred too.  Neither of us ‘owned’ the baby, even when still inside of her body.  What we are responsible for though, is to steward, raise and be responsible for their development into independence.  To violate their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being would violate that which is sacred.  

Scientists have recorded the exact moment that a sperm joins with the egg and the flash of light that is produced!  In my view, that is the very moment that spirit joins the flesh for its journey in this physical realm.  At that moment, the cell that was contributed by the woman and the cell contributed by the man no longer belongs to either, but instead is a gift to the new spiritual being coming into this world.  

To claim ownership over that being, violate it’s body, kill it or even to enslave it to the state through registration is an act of war and violates the very spirit of that young being.  

We are caught in an epidemic of thinking that king and country owns our bodies and knows best.  People feel compelled to hand over title of their off spring to the state.  Police, Child Protective Services, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, courts and many others claim jurisdiction over the vulnerable, ignorant or young.  Title being the weapon of choice to solidify control and ownership over our bodies.  This becomes a weapon of choice when couples have a dispute as they fight over property, children, etc.  

All of these components desecrate that which is sacred.  Life is sacred.  Life cannot be owned as it all belongs to Creator.  My body is not my own.  It too belongs to Creator and it is my job to look after it.  As such, I must govern myself to ensure others have the opportunity and support to do the same.  To force my will upon others, claim ownership or impose a jurisdiction on others is war, violence and a desecration of all that is holy.