Peace Garden

In the spring of 2020, I recorded a series of videos to help people navigate through the challenging times we are facing. I shared my 15+ years of experience living off grid and explored what it would take to remove my dependency from the grid and obtain true independence. Below is a series of videos that covers six topics. It is an introduction into the type of work that is required to reconcile our relationship with Mother Earth, Creator and empower ourselves to build independence and say no to those that would entice us into slavery. Welcome to the Peace Garden and it is recommended that this be viewed as an introduction into the Pacem Arts.

Food Sovereignty

The premise of this video is to explore what steps an individual can take to not only remove their dependency on the corporate industrial food complex, which is toxic and extremely unhealthy for life in general, but also to rebuild our relationship with the spiritual beings on this planet that are here to serve, nourish, cloth and protect us.

Water Sovereignty

Water is life and through pollution and corporate efforts to control and capitalize on water, it is no longer being viewed as a basic human need. People are completely dependent on the state and corporate empire to provide them with water to drink, bath and cook with. It is time that we explore how we can take back the responsibility for providing for our own needs and water is near the top of that list.

Shelter Sovereignty

It may seem odd to people, but in this area of the world, shelter is the top need we have. We can survive weeks without food and days without water, but only hours without shelter. So this is the top priority when exploring how to return to the land while removing ourselves from the grip of the banksters, government thugs and truly connecting with our duty and responsibility for providing for our shelter needs ourselves.

Energy Sovereignty

This video discusses my experiences exploring how I could become energy independent. When people talk about living off grid, the first thing they think of is solar panels, but this topic goes far beyond electricity and explore energy in general. This includes electricity, but also heating our homes, storing energy and how to manage it when we are no longer dependent on the industrial energy mafia.

Waste Sovereignty

Waste sovereignty may seem like an odd topic, but the goal here is to modify our behaviours so that we don’t produce any waste. This is a monumental challenge given the industrialized system that we have built around us, which generates a tremendous amount of waste. By exploring the waste we produce, we can find areas where we can modify how we live and find more gentle ways to walk upon the earth.

Personal Sovereignty

The last of this series of videos, I explore what it will take to remove our dependencies on external authority and accept responsibility for self-governance. This is a complex topic, which is explored in far more detail in other courses and offerings on this site. But this video is a good introduction to the topic as we examine the journey of maturity, self responsibility and even building inter-independent relationships with others who are also on this path.

When you are done these videos, I recommend you watch the UNPLUG workshop as it expands on these principles and prepares the student for the Journey Towards Truth modules. I hope you enjoyed these videos.