In the Pacem Arts, knowing the difference between these two is significantly important. I’ve not read the book, but I am aware of the basic principles shared in David R. Hawkins book “Power vs Force”. It is a good first step to comprehending why we focus so much time and energy in the Sacred Heart Circle. The whole point is to heal ourselves so that we can start to embrace the higher levels of consciousness and not get trapped in the trauma, pain, fear, guilt and shame. We cannot build tribe or find peace unless we do this work first!
I duplicated the chart from Hawkin’s book Power vs Force to help students with their studies of these principles. I will also share muscle testing in the circles as this is something that I’m familiar with as I’ve done this type of self check for years.

While the original video that I found on Youtube sadly disappeared, this one comes close to describing the book at a high level. I encourage everyone to go through this video or even pick up the book and explore the significance behind the ideas being expressed here. In the end, this is just a tool and how we embrace these principles will help determine our progress as we Graduate Life with Honours and progress through the Pacem Arts. I do not endorse the author of this video, but agree with his assessment of the book.