Income Taxes

public domain

I know that a few people in class did not necessarily hear what the wanted to hear.  I want to clarify a few points for those listening to this audio recording.

If you are wanting to play their game, you will need to do a lot of research and studying.  I looked into walking this path years ago, but for me it took way too much energy.   This is the foundation behind me choosing to get out rather than play the game.  Either way, risks are involved as with anything in life.  Some people are good at thinking on their feet and dealing with confrontation, stressful situations, etc.  Some people are not so good at it.  In the end, as with anything in life, checking in with your heart to help you decide what to do is the only way to go.  I don’t ever want people to make choices without checking in with themselves.  All I can do is share my experiences and I pray that people ‘see’ and ‘hear’ the conversations in this class for what is being shared.  

As always, the choice always remains with the individual.  I hope this class helps.  

Recorded January 24, 2021


While this class started out talking about courts, feudalism, rulings, jurisdiction and other such technical topics, the ending was orchestrated by spirit and was a complete surprise. I had not planned to have these types of discussions, but it was absolutely fitting and relevant to the conversation and topics covered in tonight’s class.

The class referenced two documents, both of which you can download here and here. You can also access other documents by visiting the library and opening the post “Important documents & Links”

Recorded December 13, 2020