Journey Towards Truth Presentations

In 2010 I recorded a series of presentations that I made in Edmonton to a group of people interested in freedom. While I have learned a lot since, the research and work that I put into these presentations is still relevant. There are a few mistakes made in these videos, so as with anything in life, do your own research and make up your own mind. I would also add that I was not aware of the feudal relationships back then, so my views have changed considerably. My book “Graduating Life with Honours” addresses those changes and fixes some of the mistakes that I made in these videos. Despite that, these videos still remain a core component of the Pacem Arts and I highly recommend people go through them, do their own research to validate what I’m sharing with people and formulate your own conclusions based on what your heart and spirit is guiding you on.

Module 1 – Who are you?
Module Two – History of the Relationship between the Crown, City of London, Vatican City & Washington DC
Module Three – History of “Canada”
Module Four – Freedom & Liberty
Module Five – Money & Banks
Module Six – Police & Courts
Module Seven – Dealing with the “System”
Module Eight – Sovereignty
Module Nine – R. v. Schmidt, 2010 ONCJ 9