I came back from my trip this week and despite how difficult it was, I am forever grateful!  I was supposed to go to Loon Lake for a ceremony, but only managed to get to English Bay Treaty grounds where I met a Dene Clan Grandmother & elder by the name of Nancy.  She is in her early 80’s, frail but her spirit is strong, sharp and on fire!  The Great Spirit had other plans for us as our efforts to work on the Peace Conference was put aside while other more important matters were presented.    I present a document that Nancy gave me and here is her story:

Nancy told me that the Queen considers her and her people as brothers and sisters, that there was a change in relationship that few people are aware of.  She knew this to be true, and she spent years looking for the proof.  She even spent time digging through archives in New York looking and one day she found it.  A scroll written by Queen Victoria to the ‘New King of Canada’, aka the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.  At that point, she gave me a copy of the letter and I will enclose it here for you all to go over.  

The significance of this letter cannot be understated and I will study it further.  However, her story of what happened to that letter underlines treason, fraud and genocide.  I am working with a dear friend regarding the municipality moving forward with a tax auction for the land she stewards.  When we finish that process I will share those letters, but I want to share the letter I wrote using this new information to help her and others with their land issues.  This is something worthy of discussing in Decolonization class.  Note:  To date, we have received no response from anybody.  


from:   White Feather <white.walking.feather@gmail.com>
to:        kevin.glebe@strathcona.ca,
cc:       info@gg.ca,
bcc:    ##########@live.ca,

date:  May 19, 2020, 10:51 AM
subject:Auction of 4-21-51-31-NE, plan 3979RS, roll # 1131102004

Representatives of Queen Elizabeth II, I am writing to you today in  regards to a matter that was brought to my attention a few weeks ago  regarding land! 

I write to you as an ally  of the King Chiefs of Canada, Queen clan mothers and all my Red Tribe  brothers and sisters, the true nations that govern this land under  Spiritual and Natural law, protected by treaty.  I removed myself from  your feudal domain over twelve years ago, I owe no service or tenure to  you or your Queen.  In fact, I declared peace and welcomed your Queen as  my sister, expressing love to her.  I call upon my ancestors de Quercy,  Turtle Island and others across Europe as I stand to reclaim my  traditional and ancestral standing through the ancient customs of my  ancestral White Tribes.

I have been invited as a brother by the  nehewin  King Chief, dene & nehewin Queen clan mothers, and many of my Red  Tribe brothers and sisters across this land.  They gifted me, through  sacred ceremony, a white eagle feather and the spirit name of White  Walking Feather. They welcome me into their homes to break bread in  friendship and peace, into their sweats and sacred ceremonies and I do  the same for them.  I am an Eagle Feather holder, ally and sovereign  brother and sister to them, who are also sovereign.  Your Queen’s  ancestor, Queen Victoria, made a bargain with the Red Tribes of Turtle  Island (Canada) that binds you and your Queen today.  She made a nation  to nation agreement bound by the international law of sovereigns. 

The  Two Row Wampum belt treaty and Royal Proclamation of 1763 are a few  important agreements, but the Bargain, the year 1665 comes the year  1835, is of particular concern.  This agreement was hidden from the King  Chief of Canada (Red Tribes).  It was intercepted by your predecessors,  agents, servants and / or ministers when Queen Victoria sent the King  Chief of Canada the sealed document.  It was hidden in the archives in  New York for over 170+ years.  Nancy, a Dene clan mother, found that  document and petitioned for it to be delivered as originally intended.   After years of work, it was finally delivered to her, with the Queen’s  seal ripped off.  Your predecessors are complicit by allowing or  participating in the conspiracy to intercept and hide that Bargain.  The  Queens mail was stolen, the seal tampered with, and those individuals  went to great lengths to hide the document.  These actions are grounds  for treason against the Queen and at that time was punishable by death.   Those that perpetuate the fraud and treason today, whether they are  aware of it or not, are also guilty of treason and fraud as they are  complicit in perpetuating the original act.

This  land has not been ceded.  You and your predecessors have engaged in  genocide against your Queen’s brothers and sisters, which is a direct  attack against the Queen and her family.  You have lied to them, tricked  them and impoverished them into perpetual poverty.  These are serious  crimes against your sovereign that have been proven over and over again  in your own courts. 

The sovereign queen  that currently stewards the land in question works hard to honour the  land, her Red Tribe brothers and sisters, the Two Row Wampum belt treaty  as well as revive her ancestral tribal customs, traditions and  ceremony.  She too is an ally of our Red Tribe brothers and sisters and  an ally to myself, making her a sister and family to your Queen.  Your  actions against the land is a direct attack against your sovereign and  her family.

The Bargain of 1835 stipulated  that the Red Tribes were to make the townships, not you or your  predecessors.  I attach a copy of the Bargain and I call upon you all to  put yourself back into honour and peace.  Remove this land from the  demesne of the Queen in Right of Alberta and / or the Queen in Right of  Canada, acknowledge the true Kings and Queens of this land, honour the  agreements that your Queen is bound to honour.  Declare peace, cease and  desist your claims against land that is not yours, restore honour to  the Queen by fulfilling the agreements that were made.

The  Queen Clan Mothers have had enough of your violence, genocide and war,  as have I.  I stand beside them as an ally and a witness to your actions  as you are all trying to invalidate the Bargain by ensuring there is no  “Indian in the country” and that there is no longer “water in the lakes  and run in the rivers and Creeks, and the green grass grows”.  We will  not permit that to happen.  I stand as a witness to your genocide,  treason, fraud, violence and war.  Your sovereign commanded you to bring  peace.  I welcome and encourage peace and your withdrawal from this  land and return it to being governed by the Clan Mothers, sisters of  your sovereign, is a condition of that peace.  It is time to cease and  desist and acknowledge the true nations of this land!  If you cannot  find it within your hearts to do what is right, I know Nancy would be  more than happy to come down and read the Bargain to you in her native  tongue of Dene. 

I also put you all on notice:  I  stand as a witness to your treason, fraud and genocide.  I will testify  every chance I get, for as long as you engage in treason, fraud and  crimes against humanity, for as long as my vessel breaths air and for as  long as the Red Tribes walk upon this land, the water flows, sun shines  and green grass grows.  I stand as an ally and Headman for my ancient  ancestral tribes.

I AM that I AM
My Spirit name is White Walking Feather
My vessels name is rob and it was born in the pagé family de quercy
Headman of my ancient white tribes, granted to me by my ancestors

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