Dear Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Premier Kenny, Minister LaGrange & Minister Shandro:
I wave my right to be represented as a person. I owe no service or allegiance as I am not a serf, citizen or a subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Queen in Right of Alberta or The Queen in Right of Canada. Instead, I AM that I AM and I write to you as a spiritual ambassador as my master is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. My expression today is out of love, compassion, empathy and peace as I have deep concerns with the protocols and approach that I have witnessed over the past months and years.

As you all know, the duty of the government is to govern the ‘public’ and balance that with the rights of citizens, their privacy and sovereignty over their bodies and homes. Some of you even swore an oath and are governed by a code of ethics and professional conduct, which I question whether you are upholding it or not. When I reflect on the protocols that you are all proposing people use to return to work, educate their children, reconnect with loved ones and end the social distancing imposed by this government, I find myself deeply concerned and troubled by what I find, especially the protocols for children when they return to school. Those protocols are abusive to children and completely disregard the foundational needs that they and everyone else has: touch, social interaction & love.
This government has also passed legislation that violates the very principles of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but also the foundational spiritual principles of love, compassion, empathy, peace and prosperity for all, reflecting a questionable moral and ethical foundation for decision making. I suspect others will challenge you all on the legal aspects, so I will instead address the moral and ethical issues that I see.
Let us not forget that we are spiritual beings of love. We were created in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and God is Love (1 John 4:16). We are love and we need love in order to survive and thrive on this planet. It is so important to us that it even superceids nourishment in regards to importance and foundational structures of life. I draw your attention to Harry Harlow’s experiment on infant monkeys In the 1960’s, experiments on new born babies performed by German King Frederick II performed in the 13th Century, experiments on new born babies performed in 1944 in the US as well as experiments performed on children in Residential Schools for decades here in Canada.
We literally cannot survive without touch, love, compassion and social interaction. Love is the foundation of Spirit and our capacity to live here. While it may not be a consideration within your political, medical or scientific protocols, it is indeed the foundation of life and must never be compromised in anything that we do, EVER! Babies literally wither away and die without touch, love, snuggles, encouraging words from loved ones, etc. Our youth manifest aggression, frustration, autistic type tendencies and other behaviours as a result of a lack of touch, whether that be from other students, family, friends or mentors.
What you are currently proposing for school protocols is nothing short of child abuse.
People literally thrive in an environment of love and this must never be ignored or downplayed, even in the midst of a ‘pandemic’, whether real or contrived. “Anything that promotes feelings of love and intimacy is healing; anything that promotes isolation, separation, loneliness, loss, hostility, anger, cynicism, depression, alienation, and related feelings often leads to suffering, disease, and premature death from all causes” (Dean Ornish, Love and Survival, p. 29).
You have no right to harm one group of people in order to protect another group. Your duty is to protect the PUBLIC from harm and the moment you deviate from that duty, or focus on a segment of the public, you violate your oath and mandate. Let us not forget, the public is an inherently dangerous place and each individual has a duty to protect themselves when entering the public and ensure they do no harm when there. This is where your duty rests, to help each individual to take personal responsibility for themselves and mitigate risk to others when in public. That is all! You have no mandate to do harm to people should they enter the public, period. Your job is to protect the vulnerable, all the vulnerable and not to do harm to them. Anything else is discrimination, much like what has been done to the Indigenous and other people of color! You cannot harm one group of vulnerable people in order to protect another. This requires a level of creativity measured against compassion, empathy and love in order to find solutions to problems. Violence, coercion, threats and other state tools are not love and in fact violate spirit in every way!
Social distancing is a medical procedure and must be governed as such using informed consent!
I question the motivation for declaring the pandemic emergency a few months ago. I question the numbers that came out of this ‘pandemic’. I question the bills that were passed that infringe on the Charter and violate the moral & ethical foundations of love. I question the protocols that are being proposed to get people back to work, addressing the food issues that manifested or how dependent on the state that people have become.
Your mandate should be to teach people how to be completely independent, self-governing, how to mitigate risk, connect with Mother Earth and walk the path of peace. That cannot happen while you all are dictating how people should live, interact or engage with the public or the government. You all know what YOUR courts say about ‘informed consent’ and especially when it comes to medical procedures. How many people getting tested or treated through this state of emergency are receiving unredacted, full disclosure prior to being swabbed or engaging with the medical system? How many people are informed that they can refuse a medical procedure at any time? Has anybody contemplated that social distancing is a medical procedure and should also fall under the protocol of ‘informed consent’? Now that the public health emergency is over, how do you propose to justify the continued protocols for medical procedures against an uninformed public? How do you justify continuing these medical procedures without giving people ALL the information so that they can make an informed choice or inform them that they can say no at any time? How do you justify using implied consent and ignorance against the people? How do you justify harming people in the process?
ALL life is sacred. Death is also sacred. I’ve seen reports of people dying all by themselves, which is the most appalling and morally corrupt manifesting of your protocols throughout this ’emergency’. I rebuke you all on your violence. Make no mistake about it, the state can only accomplish things as a result of authority backed by violence and coercion. I implore you to contemplate peace and love as an alternative. It may be harder, but the spiritual implications are profound. The human species has drifted away from love and peace as most people embrace war, authority and violence in order to control others and dictate the social narrative of life.
It is time that we make the effort to heal our hearts so that we can learn how to love, be compassionate and empathize with ALL of our brothers and sisters. It is time to end the discrimination that dictates policy and walk away from the desire to dictate how others should live. Your actions during this pandemic has scared people beyond belief and the covert & overt violence that is unfolding is a manifestation of your policies.
Love demands that we heal ourselves and hold space for others to do the same. Love does not use force, coercion or use authority over others. Love teaches, peacefully confronts, supports one another, engages with empathy, patience, compassion and forgiveness. I forgive you for the approach you all took during this event. That does not negate your responsibility and duty! I ask that you look within your heart, ask yourself the tough questions and explore the moral and ethical foundations of the decisions you are currently making.
While the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, the needs of the one also outweighs the needs of the many. Both are valid and a balance must be found. This whole pandemic approach has failed miserably to find that balance. Fear has gripped control over love, compassion and empathy. We must never allow that to happen. I pray to the Creator to soften your hearts so that you can allow love to help you make balanced, loving decisions within your mandates, but also within your own personal lives.
We are at a turning point in our lives where we are all being confronted with how we behave and interact with one another. We can choose war, violence, authority, greed and state governance or we can choose peace, love, freedom, self-governance, healing, compassion and empathy. The choice is up to each individual and I hope you find within yourselves the capacity to reflect on the outcomes of each and every decision you make or fail to make. The vast majority of people are completely dependent upon you and seem to support your governance of them. As such, you are responsible until they find within themselves to accept personal responsibility and accountability for their own lives. Until then, your duty is to hold space to teach them how to do that. You are NOT supposed to encourage dependency, but rather independence within the feudal serfs that you govern. I ask that you govern yourselves accordingly with peace and love.
Peace to you all.
I AM that I AM
My Spirit name is White Walking Feather
My vessels name is rob and it was born in the pagé family
I AM a headman for my ancestral White Tribe rooted in the Quercy region of France
I AM a co-steward of this land with my Treaty 6 brothers and sisters
I declared peace in 2008!