Our tribe held a full moon ceremony and some significant feelings where shared in that circle. Normally I don’t share what happens in circles, but I asked my dear sister Tammy if she would consent to me sharing what she said. She gave me consent, so I share with you now as what she said is profound and extremely important.

Tammy acknowledged with the tribe that the divine masculine is healing and making profound strides in that journey. She followed up with the statement that she no longer feels afraid. She knows that no matter what happens, she will be provided for and protected.

To hear divine feminine express feelings like this is significant and a testimony to the work that we are doing here with this tribe. A lot of work has been done over the past three months, but I’m confident in suggesting that the tipping point happened when she shared with me that she was going to spend $600 on wood. I immediately thought that it was craziness to do that considering that we live in the middle of the bush. So I read the need that she had and went into the bush and started hauling out fire wood for her. I’m not done, but spending a day doing that meant the WORLD to her, so much so, that she was moved to share her feelings in circle. That in turn was a huge confirmation that I’m doing the right things, holding powerful masculine energy within this space and bridging the gap between masculine and feminine in a healthy way. That was acknowledged by her testimony regarding the healing of the masculine.

I’m confident in suggesting that this would never have happened if we did not engage in purposeful ceremony with specific intent: healing relationships. I’ve been reflecting on why ceremony is so important and I’m starting to realize now the significance of it. Life is busy and when we focus on objectives like building homes, tending gardens, harvesting, etc, we get so caught up in the work that we forget about or get distracted away from what matters most: relationships.

Holding ceremony on a regular basis ensures that we stop everything and submerse ourselves in deep, profound and intimate ceremony to work on our relationships with self, each other, Mother Earth, Creator and all of creation. It is too easy to suggest that the day to day work is more important and to suggest that we will have time later to work on relationships. This is not true. The work done in ceremony is, by far, the most important work we have. Ceremony is sacred work to help us heal, maintain balance, remind us of what is important and sacred in life. It provides everyone with an opportunity to heal and hold space for others to do the same. To honour spirit in such a way brings profound meaning and intent to life here on Mother Earth.

When working with a tribe, it is absolutely critical that ceremony be a central protocol for all involved. Those that don’t embrace the spirit of ceremony and the opportunities presented within those circles will have the most difficult time with the tribe. While tribe work involves supporting and encouraging each member to be as independent as possible, those that take advantage of the tribe will be confronted as it violates the spirit of the tribe as well as divine masculine and feminine energies. The safety net of the tribe comes when we provide support to develop and maintain the independence of ourselves and the other members of the tribe. Tribes are able to support the youth and elders, but not those able to support themselves.

Ceremony helps tribes work through these challenges and decolonize our way of thinking in the process. The colonial way is to pay into a pot and people can then draw from the pot (insurance / limited liability). This results in people living with limited liability, not being 100% responsible for the choices or actions that take in life. Dependency is encourage which then dis-empowers people and forms co-dependent relationships. However, in tribe, we live with full liability, where everyone must accept 100% responsibility and accountability for their life. Independence is encouraged so that inter-independent relationships can be formed. If somebody is dependent, the tribe works to restore independence as quickly as possible. This is our nature. This is the way we are supposed to live.

Ceremony is used to remind us of these truths and provide protocols to support and encourage this way of life. It is not easy and requires hard work, but the rewards are profound. Riches are found the the profoundly intimate relationships that are forged as a result. Intimate relationships on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. This is where true security comes from. What the state and corporations provide is a benefit; there is NO security there. When people gather together within the constructs of our nature and use ceremony and tribal protocols to work and live together, that is when we find security. That is NOT accomplished until divine feminine says that she feels safe and secure.

Divine masculine has a LOT of work to do in order to heal and build that kind of safe container. I know that I’m on the right track because divine feminine is saying she is no longer afraid. She knows her needs are being looked after. Masculine does not have a say in whether his work is good enough or not. Divine feminine has that say and it is best we start to listen to her. Divine feminine is standing up all over the world, screaming at the top of her lungs. It is best that we start listening to her. We do that by entering into sacred ceremonies, doing the work, changing how we live and address these issues at the root. Trauma is that root cause and it is best we heal that trauma so that we can remedy the issues that is confronting us and will destroy us if we don’t get to work soon. Those that refuse to do the work will find themselves facing tough love as unconscious violent colonial ways are not welcome within the tribe. Those that have the WILL and ABILITY to do this shadow work are welcome, but boundaries are firm for those that engage in violence within the tribe. These behaviours threaten the tribe and will be confronted. Creator and Mother Earth are both putting us all through a case of tough love right now. These lessons may feel harsh as death, disease, famine, starvation and other challenges are presenting at this moment. The learning and healing curve is great, but so too are the rewards.

In two weeks we will host the UNGRIP Boot Camp here with this tribe. Ceremony will be a big part of the time spent here. We only have two spots left open for those that want to experience what I speak about in these blog posts. If you want to attend, please let me know quickly as I anticipate these two spots will be filled soon.

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