With the resignation of the Governor General of Canada yesterday, coal leases along the headwaters of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta and a whole bunch of other issues, it was time to confront the Premier and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta on their violence and corruption.

But more importantly, the letter is also an invitation to redeem themselves, reconcile their relationships and bring peace to this land through freedom, respect, honour, love and the highest level of morality and ethics.  This is a continuation of the ceremony that started back in October and I will continue to hold as I move forward to return to the land and build a relationship with tawahcâw tawatinaw.

On that note, I read a book that really helped me work on my relationship with myself and the feminine energy in my life.  It was a recent gift from a dear friend and sister!  Much love and respect for her.  Thank you.

Intimate Communion: Awakening your Sexual Essence by David Deida 

I share this book because tawahcâw tawatinaw is a powerful feminine energy and I find myself preparing to fully surrender to her energy.  It scares me, but yet I also am finding some renewed comfort and love as a result.  This book actually helped me with this journey that I’m on, so I recommend it for anyone looking to explore their relationship between the masculine and feminine.  I have an interesting exercise for Sacred Heart Circle tomorrow. Hopefully we all can explore these masculine and feminine energies to help facilitate further growth and surrender.

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