Defining Success

R M Media Ltd, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In this class we wrote out our obituaries to identify our core values.  At that point we had beautiful discussions about those values and using them to define our success in life rather than failing to meet the expectation of socially imposed values from family, communities, corporations and governments.  

The battery died on my phone, so I lost the last 10 minutes or so of the class.

Recorded January 3, 2021


While this class started out talking about courts, feudalism, rulings, jurisdiction and other such technical topics, the ending was orchestrated by spirit and was a complete surprise. I had not planned to have these types of discussions, but it was absolutely fitting and relevant to the conversation and topics covered in tonight’s class.

The class referenced two documents, both of which you can download here and here. You can also access other documents by visiting the library and opening the post “Important documents & Links”

Recorded December 13, 2020

Death & Wills

Photo Dharma from Sadao, Thailand, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

We had a particularly deep and touching class today as we discussed a topic that many find uncomfortable. However, in the end, the class reflected a profound shift in our relationship with death and I found it moving, touching, emotional and absolutely beautiful. I hope you enjoy the class as much as the group who participated and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and feelings about how we can grow a much healthier relationship with death and embrace this most sacred ceremony we will experience in our lives.

Recorded December 6, 2020

Common Law Courts

Spirit guided this class as I had a couple people ask the same question within hours of one another.  So we tackled Common Law Courts tonight and had some profound discussions about the topic.  I hope this helps people on their journey.  

As I mentioned in class, there is an injury pyramid which you can see at this link:

The idea is that 300,000 at risk behaviours will statistically result in 3000 near misses, 300 recordable injuries, 30 lost work day cases and 1 death.

If we want to eliminate work place injuries and death, we don’t focus on the injuries or death.  We focus on the 300,000 risky behaviours people do at work.

Same goes with murder and rape.  We don’t focus on the murder and rape behaviours but rather focus on the covert violent behaviours hidden in bed rooms, kitchens, board rooms, relationships, etc.  We focus on healing our relationships with self and others so that we don’t engage in violence.  The minor small stuff leads to bigger and bigger stuff, which leads to rape and murder.  We address the bottom of the pyramid to heal and prevent those types of behaviours we don’t want to see in our lives.  The state does not do this, but in fact, perpetuates the problem through violence, poverty, punishment and other abusive behaviours.  

Recorded November 29, 2020

Values that help us with boundaries

I am constantly amazed at how spirit orchestrates our conversations and what people get out of them. Tonight is no exception. We discussed boundaries and the steps that we need to take to bring our values into our conscious awareness so that we can have a firm foundation upon which to evaluate what is going on around us and within us as well. While this was introduced with the scenario of lock downs and masks, it quickly deviated into topics that were far more personal and deeper. I hope you enjoy the recording. Peace and love to you all.

Recorded November 22, 2020

Lessons from Nov 14, 2020 Land Ceremony

User comments

Yesterday I was in ceremony and went to introduce myself to the land. That experience went far beyond what I had expected and there were many things that happened. I wrote a post about some of it yesterday and tonight we discussed it further and far deeper than words could express. This was an emotional class for me and I pray it helps others who want to walk this path. I’ve not shared my process with people before. Usually I keep it to myself until I figure stuff out, then share my experiences. I’m not doing that this time. People who attend this school are witnessing my journey, process, trials and tribulations as I explore these principles of freedom, peace and healthy relationships. I have no idea where this is taking me and you are all along the ride with me. <3 Peace and love to you all.

Recorded November 15, 2020

Removing land from the Demesne of the Crown

I shared the journey that I’m taking to return to the land, but doing so in a peaceful way.  This is a sensitive process and as such I will not be sharing the letters yet.  But I did talk in detail what I am doing, risks involved, strategies and other topics associated with finding ways to remove land from the control of the crown and put it back into being governed by spirit instead.  I hope you enjoy the class.

Recorded November 8, 2020


photo by Djuradj Vujcic, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

In this class we discuss how our lack of awareness has gotten us into relationships that are abusive and the type of knowledge that is required to be able to set healthy boundaries. Protocols for establishing those boundaries was also covered as well as the moral and ethical foundations for doing that work. I hope you enjoy the recording. If you have feedback, thoughts or comments, feel free to share them here.

Recorded November 1, 2020

Connecting to Spirit & Tribe

We had a beautiful discussion tonight about how each of us connect to spirit and it moved into the intricacy of tribe as well.  Towards the end of the class a stunning turn of events happened that demonstrated how powerful spirit really is and how fitting it happened during a conversation about this very topic.  Add this as another chapter to the book called:  You cannot make this shit up.  

Spirit orchestrates our lives when we surrender to it peacefully.  I am grateful to spirit to help show how beautiful, surprising and powerful it can be when we allow it to unfold and have the eyes to see and the ears to hear!  Thank you to everyone involved in this call.  I love you all.

Recorded October 25, 2020

Pandemic Tyranny

With the leak of the letter from the Liberal Government this week, I felt moved to change the topic for tonight and instead talk about how to approach events that are unfolding around ourselves.  I must admit, I really enjoyed the conversation again tonight.  Well done everyone!  I hope you enjoy the recording of this class.  

Recorded October 18, 2020