Important Documents & Links

Below is a list of important documents that have been referenced in classes, recommended readings or are important to have on hand. It is recommended that students download these documents and be familiar with the content and context of these works of art.

At Your Command – Neville-Goddard – 1939 – PDF
Annotated Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Canada) – Word Doc

Canadian Legal Information Institute (CANLII) – Link
Coins Financial School – William Henry Harvey (1894) – PDF
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769) – Sir William Blackstone – Link
Constitution of Canada presentation by rob in the pag̩ family based on R. Rogers Smith Research РPDF

Federal & Provincial resource links to statutes & regulations (Canada) – Link
For a New Liberty – Murray Rothbard – 1973 – PDF

Graduating Life with Honours Рrob in the pag̩ family Р2015 РPDF

Meads vs Meads – A court ruling by Justice Rooke in 2012 (Alberta) – PDF
Meads vs Meads, An evaluation of recent court ruling by WWF – PDF

Natural Law in the Spiritual World – Henry Drummond – 1883 – PDF

Our Enemy, the State – Albert J. Nock – 1935 – PDF

R. Rogers Smith 1937 – PDF

The Kingdom of God is Within You – Leo Tolstoy – PDF
The Law – Frederic Bastiat – 1850 – PDF
The Politics of Obedience – Étienne de La Boétie – 1552 – PDF
Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold – John Scriven – 1846