Aboriginal Lands of Canada

This video series was recorded in BC years ago, but helps us to comprehend further the sprite and intent of the Crown. This series is shared to help us explore that relationship and the fictions surrounding it. It is also important to hear what the elder and chief has to say. They speak starting in part 3.

You Are the Land

In this class I cover an introduction into who we are and our relationship with the land, each other, fictional constructs, decolonization, reconciliation and spirit.  

Here is some links to scripture quotes that I talk about in the video.


Q&A will be available after the Sacred Heart Circle on Saturday.  

A Beautiful Film about Treaty

There is a beautiful video on https://www.treatytalk.com, that I watched this morning and wept. My heart aches as I witness the lies, discrimination and violence that we do against one another and even to ourselves. I know and have met many of the speakers in this film. Most of them have also sat in our earthship talking about similar topics. I found myself nodding in agreement with what was being discussed. I love them dearly and am very grateful that they put this film together. Bravo to them all for sharing their stories!

I will not attempt or even pretend to fully comprehend what they said. What I can do though is speak about the Crown and confront every single individual who participates with the status quo and violates spirit and the spirit of the international treaties that were made so that we can live here. They know their side of the story and I know ours. Our side is full of lies, violence, greed, genocide, discrimination, willful ignorance and dishonour!

Like Diane said in the video, this is ALL about relationships and I’ve been speaking to that end for 20 years. What I’ve found is that this is not going to be resolved by watching a video or having debates on social media. This is going to take a life long journey of learning, change, communication, healing and reconciliation with ourselves, Creator, Mother Earth and each other.

I started a school to help people do exactly that! White Walking Feather’s School for the Pacem Arts is not going to be easy. The training will be intense. I am unorthodox and often dismissed due to main stream propaganda and I’ve been through hell and back many times. I have overcome depression, suicide attempts, cancer and a whole host of other trauma and horrible behaviours that I see other people engage in every single day. I will not yield in my life purpose; to teach people about how we can heal, reconcile and have healthy relationships.

Do yourself a favor; if you are truly tired of the crimes of our governments and the blind participation of billions of people, then watch this video! Reach out to people who are teaching, sharing and working hard to heal, listen and reconcile their relationships with others. We all make mistakes, but it is our dedication to peace, love, respect, honour, patience, empathy and prosperity for ALL life that will speak louder than any words we may utter. Act now. I welcome people to the school if they are truly interested in doing the work. Classes start January 1st and you can join any time.

All is welcome!