Art of Peace – Podcast

We have started a podcast!  It runs every Wednesday at 5pm Eastern / 3pm Mountain / 2pm Pacific.  We are recording it on zoom, so if people want to attend live and ask questions, you are welcome to join us.  Please keep your video and audio muted and pose your questions using the zoom chat feature.  I will post links to the podcast here and use this post as a repository.  Come back often to catch new podcasts as they are recorded.  The first 14 podcasts will be a book study on my book “Graduating Life with Honours”.  Afterwards, content will be driven by people attending the podcast and asking questions.  I’ve had numerous conversations with people over the years and often wished they were recorded.  Now they will be!

To access the podcast live, please use this link.

To donate to my mission, you can send an e-transfer or go through my paypal link.  A friend has setup a gofundme where people can donate for my journey across Turtle Island.

Past Podcasts:

Episode 27:  February 5, 2025.  Continuing the conversation about relationships in Chapter 7.  Specifically, tribe building, what ceremony actually is and how important it all is for our journey here on Mother Earth.

Special Episode:  January 22, 2025.  An extensive conversation about emancipation of self and land, answering common questions received by people exploring these ideas for themselves.

Episode 26:  January 15, 2025.  Continuing with Chapter 7, covering our youth, authority, brainwashing and the trauma that needs healing in order to connect to the kingdom within.

Episode 25:  January 8, 2025.  Starting Chapter 7 with our first podcast of the year.  Exploring sovereignty with discussions on the journey from co-dependency, to independence to inter-independence.

Vignette:  December 28, 2024.  This recording is to explain the spirit and intent of the men’s retreats that I’m planning for the new year.  I’m looking to hold space for men so that we can heal, learn how to build containers and hold space for divine feminine and then work together to co-create tribal containers for everyone.  Follow this link for event details.

Episode 24:  December 18, 2024.  Finished the chapter on relationships and had some beautiful discussions about leadership and authenticity.

Episode 23:  December 4, 2024.  Tonight’s podcast covered some important topics such as boundaries, familiarity zones, personal power and lessons learned from martial arts training that can be directly applied to freedom, healing and relationships.

Episode 22:  November 27, 2024.  Continuing our deep dive into relationships.  Much to discuss as this whole journey of life is al about relationships.

Episode 21:  November 20, 2024.  Digging deeper into relationships, specifically boundaries, abusive relationships, intimacy, connection and love.

Episode 20:  November 13, 2024.  Exploring relationship as we navigate from dependency to independence to inter-independence.  Boundaries become important to help us navigate these shifts ad growth.

Episode 19:  November 6, 2024.  Relationship conversation moved to real world experiences on how I navigate the trauma, addictions and depression through actual surrender, healing and connection strategies I used.

Episode 18:  October 30, 2024.  We went on a deep dive into the core of relationships, specifically spirit and physical, emotional and mental, as well as the word magic around person and what it really is vs what the state defines a person to be.

Episode 17:  October 23, 2024.  Topic lead to discussions of answering “who am I?, as we explore what a man, human and person is in our spiritual, physical and fictional relationship with self and the state.

Episode 16:  October 16, 2024.  Exploring the chapter on relationships and especially adding to the content as I have learned and experienced so much more since writing the book.  We even covered the relationship between the spiritual realm, physical and fictional, specifically related to sovereignty and authority.

Vignette:  October 2024.  Over the past few months I’ve been traveling across this land holding ceremony.  When I landed in Vancouver I had the opportunity to record some highlights of what I’ve been sharing in ceremony.  This video helps explain most people’s relationship with the king as feudal serfs.  This audio is a meeting I had with many that attended past ceremonies to go over the spirit and intent behind the letters that I write.  I hope this helps those on the journey.

Episode 15:  August 29, 2024.  We finished the chapter on feudalism with a fantastic chat and probably one of my favorite episodes.  It is nearly two hours long, so I hope you enjoy the conversation.

Episode 14:  August 18, 2024.  We continued with feudalism and dove deep into courts, freeman and other subjects that most people have not been taught.  Please note that I had problems with this recording so the echos are distracting.  I’m working to learn how to clean up the audio, but until I get it done, I pray you can still gather the wonderful information from this episode.

Vignette:  August 18, 2024.  A discussion on real world practical experiences implementing this knowledge while traveling.

Episode 13:  July 24, 2024.  Continued exploration on feudalism and it’s connection with treaties as well.

Episode 12:  July 17, 2024.  Deep dive into feudalism and how it relates to modern governance models and our relationship with it all.

Episode 11:  July 10, 2024.  Started on unwrapping the feudal system and our relationship to the kings of the world.

Episode 10:  July 3, 2024.  Finished up the chapter on the Spiritual Realm.  A lot of potent and emotional conversation!  Next up, the feudal system and I’m looking forward to those conversations!

Episode 9:  June 26, 2024.  Continued exploring the spiritual realm and especially how important it is to find balance between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of life, building sacred partnership between the physical and spiritual, mind and heart, masculine and feminine.

Episode 8:  June 19, 2024.  Into Chapter Four where we start exploring the spiritual realm and how to start ‘seeing’ it.

Episode 7:  June 12, 2024.  Finished up Chapter Three.  Had some wonderful discussions about relationships with all the other spiritual beings here in this physical realm and how to honour them!

Episode 6:  June 5, 2024.  Worked on the second half of Chapter Three discussing the relationship between the physical and spiritual, our choices in life and navigating the meaning of words.

Episode 5:  May 29, 2024.  We started Chapter Three where we started exploring the physical realm and it’s relationship with the fictional and spiritual realms.

Episode 4:  May 22, 2024.  We finished up Chapter Two.  It took a three episodes, but comprehending the fiction is very important, so we spent time to make sure we covered these concepts and principles in detail.  Onto Chapter Three next week.

Episode 3:  May 15, 2024.  We covered the second half of Chapter Two.  Wonderful conversations about authority, consent and other feudal principles.

Episode 2:  May 8, 2024.  We explored chapter two and how the fiction uses language and fictional constructs to manipulate people.  We didn’t finish the chapter, so we will complete chapter two next week.

Episode 1:  May 1, 2024.  In this episode we explore the introduction and chapter one of my book “Graduating Life with Honours”. Specifically an introduction into the spiritual, physical and fictional realms.

Test run:  April 24, 2024.  This was a test run to see if the technology and format would work.  Still had great conversation so we are sharing it too!

Land Sovereignty – Emancipation of the Land from the Demesne of the Crown

When I received my spirit name and white eagle feather from the nehewin elder in Treaty 6 territory, the elder shared some profound words with me that night.  He told me that I AM the land!  That hit me hard and the implications of that simple statement has influenced my work ever since.  While I acknowledge that I was working on challenging the Crown on it’s claims over the land, this one statement from an elder shifted my approach significantly.

I started exploring removing land from the demesne of the Crown back in 2020, a few months after I left the land due to my marriage falling apart.  I knew that without a person I would not be able to buy land and there is no way I wanted to rent.  All of those options were for the feudal serfs, so I had to find another way to support myself.  That could only be done by returning to the land.  However, I also needed the support of a tribe to do this work.  It was also critical that the tribe comprehended and supported that work too.  Through the invitation of a dear friend in Ontario, I received that support.  After a season of healing, I stood ready to return to the land to restore my own sovereignty and the only way to do that was to free the land as well.

If the elder is correct and I AM the land, then I cannot be free and sovereign until the land is free and sovereign.  The Crown’s claim on the land had to be confronted and challenged.  In this post I will outline the basic strategy that I took to accomplish this and I will share the details on the private side of this site.

Who AM I?

I invested the last 20+ years trying to answer this question and even wrote the book “Graduating Life with Honours” about the journey too.  You can download and read the book from this site.  I cannot express enough how important it is that I figure out this question, but more importantly who I am NOT.  This is where most people get hung up on comprehending or applying what I speak about in my work.  Lots of people are figuring out that they are spiritual beings having a physical experience, but they still hold onto their fictional constructs and function as a feudal serf for reasons to numerous to share here.  I believe in my heart, mind, body and spirit that this work requires that we emancipate ourselves from the Crown in order to walk this path.  Doing this work while still a feudal serf only results in significant problems.

Know thyself, but also take action on what is known.  I emancipated myself from the Crown in April 2008.  I celebrated my 16th independence day a few months ago and it is only fitting that this celebration culminate in efforts to emancipate the land.  I did this work standing as a Spiritual being in spiritual jurisdiction rather than a man standing as a citizen, slave and feudal serf.  I’ve written at length how I did this, but it does require a foundational shift in thought, belief and action!

Burden rests with those who are making the claims

I’ve also written about how important it is to be peaceful.  When I emancipated myself in 2008, the key action I took was to walk off the battle field and declare peace.  That also required that I maintain the peace at all times.  To do that I found a passage in scripture that helps me do that.

Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. – Matthew 5:25

If I’m always agreeing with people, then there is no fight, no battle.  But how do I do that and maintain my own boundaries and confront wickedness?  The good news is that in “their” system, the one making the claims is the one that has the burden of proof.  So I agree with their claims, but then I put a condition on that agreement.  If they can prove their claims, then I will agree AND I provide the burden of proof that needs to be met.  This is where research, knowledge and wisdom is applied.  Because I’ve spent the last 17 years researching and studying their system, I know what they can or cannot do.  So I agree with them and then ask them to prove their claims while outlining the burden.  Every time I’ve done this I’ve found instances where they violated statutes, regulations and even violated spiritual law as well.  The only reason they get away with what they do is because people like you and I don’t know any different.  But when we educate ourselves, we can stand up and testify to what we are witnessing.  That is our duty, so I fulfill that duty through conditional acceptance of their claims.  I’ve used this approach for years.

Demesne created through genocide, war and lies

Knowing that the Crown came to Turtle Island with the authority to conquer land granted to them by the Pope is an important first step.  Studying the Doctrine of Discovery will bring some important points to testify against within the conditional acceptance.  It is also important to study the treaties, not only the written versions made by the Crown but also the spoken versions shared by the nations of Turtle Island.  There is a huge disparity between the two and it is the dishonour of the Crown that violated those treaties.  This all ripples down into more and more detail as the land patents that were issued by the Crown to certify the legitimacy of the title over the land ends up being a fraud as a result of the Crown dishonouring the treaties.  If the land patents are not legitimate, then any Fee Simple Tenures that people hold for their private land are also illegitimate, but also the claims the Crown has over “Crown Land”.  Their violence, dishonour, greed, lies and deceit are their undoing.  All that is required is for us to stand up and confront them on it all.

As a result, I’ve studied history, treaties and also the individuals who negotiated the treaties.  Those individuals were all paid bonuses for getting the treaties signed, also had conflict of interest as they profited from the process, lied, cheated and manipulated their way through this whole process.  They did not maintain the honour of the Crown and engaged in genocide to meet their objectives.  While it may have been viewed as appropriate at the time, it is time to right the wrongs and confront the whole system as it is based on a foundation of wickedness.  All individuals who represent the Crown in their duties are subject to this level of scrutiny.  It is up to each of us to apply that scrutiny.  This is done by placing the burden on each of them to prove that they can actually act in dishonour, engage in genocide, lie, cheat, manipulate, steal or engage in actions and behaviours that violate Natural Law;  The Law of Love!


The Crown has engaged in colonization for over a thousand years.  My ancestors were some of the first to be colonized and is the reason why the colonial system looks ‘white’.  But the colonial system is not a color, race or creed, it is an idea, philosophy and a system of control, greed and power, all designed to harvest souls.  We are at the stage now where souls are starting to be harvested.  The time is now to decolonize ourselves so that we can confront the wickedness that is taking over this world.

The decolonization process is more than removing ourselves from the system.  Decolonization requires a foundational shift in thinking, behaving and believing.  The colonization process was brutal and violent.  The white tribes don’t remember what happened to our ancestors when we were colonized.  But the red tribes do remember and it is wise for us to take note of what happened to them over the past few hundred years and acknowledge that this happened to our ancestors too.  The multi-generational trauma runs deep and there is a tremendous amount of healing required to decolonize.  It changes EVERYTHING!!!  I’ve been on this journey for nearly two decades and I’m still healing and decolonizing.  I trust the younger generations will have a quicker and easier time of this, but for me it has been a brutal journey that will most likely span the rest of my life.

Why is this so important?  Because I’ve found over the years, over and over again, people wanting to leave the system but implement rules and regulations to create a new system – one that functions exactly like the system they just left.  If we don’t decolonize we end up getting stuck in a cycle and is the reason why revolution after revolution does not solve the problem.  It is because we keep recreating the same systems, surrender our sovereignty to that system and enslaving ourselves.  Decolonization requires that we heal so that we can hold the charge of being sovereign, independent and free.  It feels like there is no safety and security in doing that, but I’m finding it is more safe and secure than being a citizen, subject, member of a society, etc.  There is no documents, paperwork or identification when we decolonize.  There is no constitution, rules, regulations, etc when we emancipate ourselves.  So how do we navigate relationships, conflict or other challenges?  That is what this school is all about, to explore those questions and figure it out through exploration of relationships, love, healing and ceremony.

Land Sovereignty Ceremony

Last summer I located some Crown land and went out, found a location to establish my home fire and built my medicine wheel.  Details of that have been shared already on this site.  I started a garden and this spring I expanded it even further.  Work started on my underground shelter and I’ve continued that work this season as well.  In June 2022 I sent out my first letter to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Governor General of Canada, Prime Minister and others.  In it I conditionally accepted their claim over the land and asked them to prove their claims in order for the conditions to be removed.  I gave them 10 days to respond.  After a few weeks I was not in receipt of any response, let alone a valid response from them.  I then sent out a notice of default along with a list of facts.  I gave them another 10 days to respond and if they failed to respond, then they would be agreeing through tacit acceptance to the facts listed in the notice of default.

I did not receive any response or valid response from them.  At this point many people would then send out a default judgement, but I decided to take a very different approach.  Instead I sent out an invitation to participate in ceremony.  I setup two ceremonies, the first at the full moon in July and the second during the new moon in July.  The first full moon ceremony was to focus on forgiveness, reconciliation and shedding of the old.  The second ceremony would focus on bringing in the new, acknowledgement of the sovereignty of the land, our relationship with her and our duty to provide and protect her.  The invitations when out and nobody from the Crown showed up to participate, receive forgiveness, healing, etc.  The tribe here did participate and through these efforts, I find myself standing as a member of the White Tribes working to decolonize, reconcile our relationship with the land and present ourselves in proper standing within Spiritual Jurisdiction.  I feel confident now that I can accept invitations from the Red Tribes to participate in lodge and continue the reconciliation process between our two tribes.

There is now 78 acres of land that is sovereign.  This little piece of heaven is called Silent Dancer and I make no claims of ownership over her.  I AM a part of her and she is a part of me.  My kin, the plants, animals, soil, water and air are a part of the land as I AM.  They all help provide for my needs;  water, food, shelter and hopefully over time, clothing.  My duty is to be a steward, to protect her and help ALL my kin to not only survive but thrive.  I own nothing.  I make no claims of ownership.  My sovereignty is a part of her sovereignty.  Now comes the process of continuing the decolonization process to figure out what life is like from this paradigm.  Living life in this way is VERY different than the colonial way.  The shift between the two is massive.  In my experience few will be able to make the shift.  But it is important that people do as I believe this is our own spiritual salvation from the system.  The colonial system is the system of the beast!  It is not broken.  It is functioning exactly as designed.  It is harvesting souls now and we need to return to our nature or face the harvest.  This requires physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing, growth, learning and remembering.  This is challenging work.  I’ve seen many attempt but few succeed.  Why?  Perhaps something to discuss in another post.

Next Steps

The details of this journey will be shared in the private side of the website.  Lots to discuss but also lots that have already been shared.  What I will cover is not new, but will be shared in a way to help people see the step by step process that I took.  So far the Crown is leaving me alone and that is all that I want from them.  If they show up, I will share updates.  It is my experience that they will leave me alone because I’m doing this all from a higher authority and jurisdiction than where they function from.  It is my dream to establish islands of sovereign land so that people have a place to establish their own kin domains so that people can return to the land and find peace, sovereignty, prosperity and love.  This is how we bring Heaven to Earth and starve the beast at the same time.  The beast can only thrive when we feed it.  We stop feeding it, it will wither away and die.  We don’t have to fight it, go to war or anything like that.  We end the war by walking off the battle field and stop participating in the conflict.  We end the war by declaring peace!

Supply Chain Failure & Canadian Censorship

Trudeau pushing fascism policy in Canada

We are in the summer schedule for classes, but the tyranny of the state continues to march forward quickly. We had discussions about whether our strategies will continue to apply given an environment of tyranny, violence and continued lock downs. We live in challenging times, but the conclusion is: we continue this work despite what is going on around us.

Recorded March 21, 2021

Harvard Class – Justice: What’s the Right Thing to do?

This is a 12 part class that found years ago that helps with critical thinking and exploring for one’s self the difference between right and wrong. The following link is Episode 01 and if you click on the three bars in the top left of the video labeled 1/19, you will find a playlist with the other 11 episodes.

Self Defense – CPS

In this class, we will look at how we can peacefully protect our offspring from Child Protective Services by putting them back into the ‘box’ and burdening them to prove their claims.  Please note that this is my testimony and you will need to do more research and learning to digest this information on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.  You are 100% responsible for that work and for your life.  

This requires knowledge of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, who you are and how scripture was used to make this system.  Supporting documents, links and other information to further your studies are attached.

Here is a testimony with a dear friend I helped who lives off grid in Ontario.

Here is more information to dig into.

Peace Garden

In the spring of 2020, I recorded a series of videos to help people navigate through the challenging times we are facing. I shared my 15+ years of experience living off grid and explored what it would take to remove my dependency from the grid and obtain true independence. Below is a series of videos that covers six topics. It is an introduction into the type of work that is required to reconcile our relationship with Mother Earth, Creator and empower ourselves to build independence and say no to those that would entice us into slavery. Welcome to the Peace Garden and it is recommended that this be viewed as an introduction into the Pacem Arts.

Food Sovereignty

The premise of this video is to explore what steps an individual can take to not only remove their dependency on the corporate industrial food complex, which is toxic and extremely unhealthy for life in general, but also to rebuild our relationship with the spiritual beings on this planet that are here to serve, nourish, cloth and protect us.

Water Sovereignty

Water is life and through pollution and corporate efforts to control and capitalize on water, it is no longer being viewed as a basic human need. People are completely dependent on the state and corporate empire to provide them with water to drink, bath and cook with. It is time that we explore how we can take back the responsibility for providing for our own needs and water is near the top of that list.

Shelter Sovereignty

It may seem odd to people, but in this area of the world, shelter is the top need we have. We can survive weeks without food and days without water, but only hours without shelter. So this is the top priority when exploring how to return to the land while removing ourselves from the grip of the banksters, government thugs and truly connecting with our duty and responsibility for providing for our shelter needs ourselves.

Energy Sovereignty

This video discusses my experiences exploring how I could become energy independent. When people talk about living off grid, the first thing they think of is solar panels, but this topic goes far beyond electricity and explore energy in general. This includes electricity, but also heating our homes, storing energy and how to manage it when we are no longer dependent on the industrial energy mafia.

Waste Sovereignty

Waste sovereignty may seem like an odd topic, but the goal here is to modify our behaviours so that we don’t produce any waste. This is a monumental challenge given the industrialized system that we have built around us, which generates a tremendous amount of waste. By exploring the waste we produce, we can find areas where we can modify how we live and find more gentle ways to walk upon the earth.

Personal Sovereignty

The last of this series of videos, I explore what it will take to remove our dependencies on external authority and accept responsibility for self-governance. This is a complex topic, which is explored in far more detail in other courses and offerings on this site. But this video is a good introduction to the topic as we examine the journey of maturity, self responsibility and even building inter-independent relationships with others who are also on this path.

When you are done these videos, I recommend you watch the UNPLUG workshop as it expands on these principles and prepares the student for the Journey Towards Truth modules. I hope you enjoyed these videos.

Decolonizing Money

The topic of money can often bring up many feelings, but tonight we tackled this huge topic and discussed options on what we can do to change our relationship with Money. This was spawned as this topic has come front and center as the development of the new website moves forward. Bravo to all who attended tonight to enrich these conversations, ask wonderful questions and really explore our relationship with money and more importantly, each other!

Recorded March 21, 2021

Important Documents & Links

Below is a list of important documents that have been referenced in classes, recommended readings or are important to have on hand. It is recommended that students download these documents and be familiar with the content and context of these works of art.

At Your Command – Neville-Goddard – 1939 – PDF
Annotated Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Canada) – Word Doc

Canadian Legal Information Institute (CANLII) – Link
Coins Financial School – William Henry Harvey (1894) – PDF
Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769) – Sir William Blackstone – Link
Constitution of Canada presentation by rob in the pagé family based on R. Rogers Smith Research – PDF

Federal & Provincial resource links to statutes & regulations (Canada) – Link
For a New Liberty – Murray Rothbard – 1973 – PDF

Graduating Life with Honours – rob in the pagé family – 2015 – PDF

Meads vs Meads – A court ruling by Justice Rooke in 2012 (Alberta) – PDF
Meads vs Meads, An evaluation of recent court ruling by WWF – PDF

Natural Law in the Spiritual World – Henry Drummond – 1883 – PDF

Our Enemy, the State – Albert J. Nock – 1935 – PDF

R. Rogers Smith 1937 – PDF

The Kingdom of God is Within You – Leo Tolstoy – PDF
The Law – Frederic Bastiat – 1850 – PDF
The Politics of Obedience – Étienne de La Boétie – 1552 – PDF
Treatise on Copyhold, Customary Freehold – John Scriven – 1846

Journey Towards Truth Presentations

In 2010 I recorded a series of presentations that I made in Edmonton to a group of people interested in freedom. While I have learned a lot since, the research and work that I put into these presentations is still relevant. There are a few mistakes made in these videos, so as with anything in life, do your own research and make up your own mind. I would also add that I was not aware of the feudal relationships back then, so my views have changed considerably. My book “Graduating Life with Honours” addresses those changes and fixes some of the mistakes that I made in these videos. Despite that, these videos still remain a core component of the Pacem Arts and I highly recommend people go through them, do their own research to validate what I’m sharing with people and formulate your own conclusions based on what your heart and spirit is guiding you on.
Module 1 – Who are you?
Module Two – History of the Relationship between the Crown, City of London, Vatican City & Washington DC
Module Three – History of “Canada”
Module Four – Freedom & Liberty
Module Five – Money & Banks
Module Six – Police & Courts
Module Seven – Dealing with the “System”
Module Eight – Sovereignty
Module Nine – R. v. Schmidt, 2010 ONCJ 9

Follow up message from tawahcâw tawatinaw

With the resignation of the Governor General of Canada yesterday, coal leases along the headwaters of the Rocky Mountains in Alberta and a whole bunch of other issues, it was time to confront the Premier and Lieutenant Governor of Alberta on their violence and corruption.

But more importantly, the letter is also an invitation to redeem themselves, reconcile their relationships and bring peace to this land through freedom, respect, honour, love and the highest level of morality and ethics.  This is a continuation of the ceremony that started back in October and I will continue to hold as I move forward to return to the land and build a relationship with tawahcâw tawatinaw.

On that note, I read a book that really helped me work on my relationship with myself and the feminine energy in my life.  It was a recent gift from a dear friend and sister!  Much love and respect for her.  Thank you.

Intimate Communion: Awakening your Sexual Essence by David Deida 

I share this book because tawahcâw tawatinaw is a powerful feminine energy and I find myself preparing to fully surrender to her energy.  It scares me, but yet I also am finding some renewed comfort and love as a result.  This book actually helped me with this journey that I’m on, so I recommend it for anyone looking to explore their relationship between the masculine and feminine.  I have an interesting exercise for Sacred Heart Circle tomorrow. Hopefully we all can explore these masculine and feminine energies to help facilitate further growth and surrender.

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