Charter & Constitution

Over the last couple months I’ve changed the approach that I take in these classes and I must admit, I’m loving the results.  Allowing spirit to guide these classes and by having a much deeper conversation with people, I feel that the outcomes are much richer, rewarding and fulfilling.  We had another class where the participation, questions and discussion was profound and meaningful for me and I pray the others felt the same.  Thank you to all those who participate with these discussions and listen to them afterwards as well.

Man’s laws are for those who refuse to follow Spiritual law.  “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23

I love you all.

Recorded October 11, 2020

The Technology “Grid”

I acknowledge that this class was technical, but I felt it was important to cover this information as these tools are used for evil without most people’s knowledge or awareness.  Given that I have been involved with this technology for nearly 40 years, I felt it was my duty and responsibility to put my knowledge and experience to bear on what is going down in this arena and come up with options on how we can protect ourselves from these issues while helping stay connected and using the technology for good instead of evil.  

I looked into the Telegram application that Landon spoke about and a Wikipedia page that explains it in more detail.   It looks like it provides end to end encryption but currently only for secret conversations.  If there is group chats, then there are vulnerabilities.  So I would recommend that people use caution as the developers work at addressing those issues.  It looks like it is much better than Facebook Messenger or some of the other solutions.  It is still developed by a corporation, but there are open source alternatives which can be used.  Here is a good top 12 review that highlights what some of those open source alternatives are.  

I’m attaching a graphic image (below) that I used during this presentation.  While I don’t have the markups that I was doing in class, people should be able to follow along with what I’m talking about by looking at the image while listening to the audio recording of this class.  If anybody has any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  

Peace to you all.

Recorded October 4, 2020

Conditional Acceptance

We had another fantastic decolonization class where we discussed the paradox of how to resolve disputes peacefully rather than engaging in violence, whether that is of a personal nature, one-on-one, or within the system when dealing with corporate or government claims.  

I don’t feel I answered Landon’s question properly, so I’m going to make a second attempt.  Is there any time where a conditional acceptance did not work?  Yes.  Early on in my journey, I tried this approach but got scared and did not finish.  I surrendered to the fear and intimidation, which was a self sabotage.  As a result, I did not get the results that I wanted or expected.  However, now that I’ve gained some confidence and know the process well, I do well at it.  However, I’ve not had to use the process in years for myself.  Now I use it to help others.  I hope that helps answer the question in a better way.

I hope you enjoy the audio recording of the class.  Peace to you.

Recorded September 27, 2020


I’ve shared the technical details of feudalism many times in the past. This class explores the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual impacts of feudalism and what it takes to heal, remove dependencies and explore what it really means to be independent in inter-independent relationships. It is a wonderful two hour discussion about the impacts and intricacies of decolonization and walking away from the feudal empire to embrace our spiritual jurisdiction, authority and power from within.

Recorded September 20, 2020

Peaceful approach to Forced Vaccinations

We spent some time working on this within the Decolonization class a few months back and given how things are unfolding around us, I felt it prudent to share what we worked on as a group, especially considering governments around the world are moving towards forcing vaccinations.  I want to commend David and Mel on their work as well, as it was their document that we were working on in class and is attached here for you to learn from.  

Before getting into the document, it is critical that we comprehend the spirit and energy behind it.  The first paragraph of the letter is the most important as we make it clear that we are not a person or a corporation sole.  Please ready my book to get a sold comprehension on what this actually means.  As a result, we stand in our spiritual sovereignty which demands that we not go to war.  That is why we agree with our adversary (Matthew 5:25).  However, we also get to place the burden of proof on those making claims against us, so with knowledge of their system and the box they are to function, we can confront the ethics and morality of their behaviour and then place a burden so high, that it is impossible for them to obtain our consent.  

What this does is it confronts them peacefully about their own violence, fraud and even corruption, making it difficult for them to justify their actions.  David and Mel agreed to share this document and I cleaned it up a bit to post here.  However, I must add that this is for you to learn from, not copy.  This document reflects the energy and spirit of those who participated in it’s development and does not reflect your energy and spirit.  You are welcome to learn from it, but please don’t copy it.  Do your work.  Study, explore and reflect deeply within your heart on how you would express your own spiritual authority and not go to war in the process.

I know this sounds counter intuitive, but we protect ourselves by agreeing with them, not by going to war or fighting them.  This is the foundation of the Pacem Arts and when we learn how to confront peacefully, we can change our world.  Like I’ve said before, I’ve used this technique for over ten years against CPS, Banks, County, Utilities, etc with astounding success.  It is this experience and knowledge that I share with you in class.  

Also note that it will require knowledge and courage to stand up to tyranny.  By attending classes, working with the group and attending circles, we can start building the self confidence, awareness and knowledge required to stand in our own sacred authority and power.  

Hosea 4:6   My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: 

I have 15 years of research, study, practice and implementation of what we are learning in these classes.  People don’t have that kind of time any more as a result of what is unfolding around us.  Come study with us in class and take advantage of that experience.  Come work with us in circle so that we can do this together.  

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Establishing Spiritual Honour within your tribe

It occurred to me this week that part of the decolonization process is not only healing myself, but helping my tribe re-establish protocols that are critical to healthy tribal life.  

When I study indigenous cultures, honour was a core component of life and feathers were often a symbol individuals obtained and received, as recognition of the highest honour, from other tribe members.  

Honour is still expressed today in many cultures, passed down for thousands of years.  Some of the things people do as a result of honour are rather barbaric and don’t qualify as honour in my world.  Killing people because they cheat or steal violates Spiritual Law in my view, yet people continue this honourable way of life.  

Honour is also a guiding principle with most military and para-military organizations.  That would extend to police departments and all the way up the command chain to the Governor General of Canada or the President of the United States.  In fact, those offices are held in such esteem that they are viewed as being sacred, demanding the highest honour.  

This is misguided honour as an expression of respect for fictional constructs only contributes to the corruption of the individual by the tribe.  When the tribe ends up being millions of people, we corrupt the individual by pouring out tremendous amounts of authority.  That is the trap that we must avoid.  Honour does not equate to authority but it has in the past in many cultures.

When I was training in the martial art of Tae Kwon Do, I trained under Grand Master James Lo.  He passed away recently and it is with great sadness that I reflect on the lessons I learned from him.  He showed me what healthy honour looks like.  He came to Canada from Hong Kong and brought with him a discipline taught not only in martial arts but his culture as well.  

When I first started training with him, I did not learn this protocol from him, I learned it from his students.  They are the ones that taught me how to bow and why as I entered the gym.  It was a sign of honouring and respecting the space upon which we train.  Without it, we would have no where to practice our art form.  When we meet a blackbelt, we were taught to bow as a sign of honour and respect to those who are willing to teach us.  It is their knowledge and experience that we want to learn from and we cannot do it without them.  But something happened that really made me stand up and take notice.  Whenever a Master or Grand Master walked into the room, the whole room would stop everything that they are doing to bow to them.  To show another man or woman that much honour was to acknowledge their dedication to the art form and express gratitude and appreciation for being willing to dedicate their lives to the art form.  That level of honour is earned and acknowledged by the tribe due to dedication, hard work, time, commitment and walking the path for decades.

While we were training in the Martial Arts, there was a military chain of command and as such, senior instructors used that authority structure to help facilitate training.  Sadly some abuse their position and abuse students in the process as they failed to honour their students too.  But instructors with honour would not do that and not take advantage of their honour outside of the class either.  Grand Master Lo never gave orders outside of class or abused his honour, to my knowledge anyway.  

As a result of the high integrity he demonstrated to me, his voice carried great weight and influence with me and the people around him.  He was not always right and he made mistakes along the way too.  After all, he is human along with the rest of us.  But there was also protocol when confronting him or raising issues.  This protocol was followed to maintain honour and respect while helping him learn and grow as well.  I witnessed this protocol and he was open to receiving so that he could become a better instructor.  That is what makes good instructors GREAT!  But if this was done outside of protocol and with disrespect, we risked being kicked out of the club.

After all, he is there to teach and disrespect is never tolerated as it shows a lack of self control, self discipline and honour.  One of the core aspects of our training was to learn self control and discipline and it must be demonstrated at all times.  This is the core of a healthy expression of honour.  

The thing about honour is that it is not a self declared expression of the individual, it must be given to them as an expression of their tribe.  If others disrespect their honour, the tribe steps up to correct or protect that honour.  

Honour can be a tricky thing as it also depends on the moral and ethical foundations of the tribe.  Within the Pacem Arts, we are working to raise that foundation to the highest levels of peace, freedom, prosperity and love.  As a result, those people who don’t govern themselves at that level will not respect the work of those who do and as such will not honour them either. In fact, there is a risk that this highest level of ethics and morality would be attacked and rebuked as people may feel inferior, shame or even guilt for not takes the steps to achieve such spiritual consciousness.  

This makes it even more important for those that are doing this work to support one another and ironically, I feel that the Divine Feminine has a critical role to play in this process.

One of the struggles that the Divine Masculine has had through colonization is that honour no longer applies as it threatened the sacredness and sanctity of the fictional constructs we call the Crown, Pope, Queen, Governor General, Lieutenant Governor, Prime Minister or any of those offices.  The people sitting in these sacred offices could not tolerate others who had as much or more honour.  So the customs of the tribes got demolished or even outright banned to ensure that everyone was obedient to the new master.  

As we work on the decolonization process, the Divine Feminine is being asked to reflect on what level of ethics and morality they want to see expressed within their tribe and then ask the masculine to rise up and be a steward of that expression.  The divine masculine is also responsible for this expression too as it will require team work.  However, it is within the divine masculine to be the Spiritual Brave and defend this higher expression of healing, love, freedom and peace or confront those that don’t.

We all have a duty to heal and raise our consciousness to meet or exceed this highest expression of Spiritual & Natural Law, but the masculine has an extra duty to protect and honour the divine feminine in the process.  

Over the last 15 years I’ve taken this duty very seriously and in fact, decided to take on the risks in order to protect Carey and they boys through the process.  This is my way of being honourable while I took on the risk of testing this decolonization process.  The healing and learning that I acquired through the process was immense.  However, it has taken its toll on me as I’ve come to realize that my work has not been honoured.  This became blatantly apparent to me this week when words were spoken by a family member that suggested that I was toxic, abandoned my family and that I’m incompetent.   It is not his words that hurt me as I know they were a reflection of him.  It is the fact that nobody stepped up to protect my honour.  

This cut me deep into my heart and is the foundation of this post.  If the masculine is going to step up and do the work to fix our tribes, take the risks and heal, they must be supported in that effort.  That support is done through the acknowledgement and ceremony of honour and by taking steps to protect that honour.  What I struggle with is wondering if I have yet to earn that honour from those around me, or that those around me have no idea how to show and protect that honour.  

As part of the decolonization process, I find myself being challenged on what honour would look like, post colonization.  Within the colonized, honour is often replaced with respect.  People with degrees have more respect than people with high school diplomas.  People with doctorates, likewise rank higher than people with degrees.  But most blatant is people who are elevated to the rank of royalty or those with billions of dollars.  No longer are we concerned about behaviour, ethics or morality, we are now caught up in status, money and worshiping sacred offices.  

So is it any wonder that people who reject those colonial constructs and work towards Christ level consciousness are not respected or treated with honour?  If that is the case, then those that do this work need the support and recognition from their tribes, or those outside of the tribe interested in learning.  The divine feminine has an important role to play as their acknowledgement and efforts to perform ceremonies for those Spiritual Braves that are doing the work to fulfill their highest visions of morality, ethics and stewardship will solidify a level of commitment and dedication that they may have never experienced in their lives or ever seen within the colonial systems.  

People all over the world are risking their lives, reputations, relationships and social standing in order to change how we are governing ourselves and confronting the violence, abuse, greed and genocide that is unfolding around us.  These people have made sacrifices beyond what most others can even comprehend.  Honour is, by far, the best way to support these people and we can do that by acknowledgement through ceremony or symbolic gifts, but most importantly, by protecting that honour when others seek to destroy it.  If it is to be destroyed, it will be by the dishonourable behaviour of the individual, not by those around him / her.  

Divine Masculine is floundering because colonization does not allow honour, only obedience and those who are decolonizing have yet to earn their honour among the tribe.   This is mainly due to the tribe not being aware of these issues and not clear as to what standard of morality and ethics the tribe will govern themselves by.  As such, how can we evaluate honour as a result and protect it from those who refuse to govern themselves at that standard?

Within the constructs of this school, we are working on obtaining the highest level of morality and ethics so that students can work towards a Christ level of consciousness to integrate within their tribe.  I will continue to work hard to earn honour from those who support me here and those outside of the school wanting to learn.  I will admit that earning honour for this type of work has been the most challenging and difficult part of the whole decolonization process.  

I bow to you all out of respect and honour as you express an interest in learning and growing with me.  Honour flows both ways and that is something else that Grand Master Lo taught me.  He honoured me just as much as I honoured him.  I do this work, despite the conflict, because I love people and I do my best to honour them, hold space for healing and forgiveness.  If I’ve acted out of honour, I ask for forgiveness.  

Our Spiritual Sovereignty is under attack

We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times. This video highlights how careful we have to be in these times.  This is not meant to scare but bring awareness.  As we work on finding peace within ourselves and acknowledge the sacredness of who we are, being aware of what other people are trying to do to compromise our sacred journey is critical.  I even ask that people be critical of what I’m doing and confront me should I ever cross that line in an attempt to compromise others.  There is no leaders here, just spiritual beings working to navigate the evil cults that are out in the open now, trying to enslave people and detract us from our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical journey towards peace, freedom, love, compassion, prosperity and joy.

We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times.

Here is the link to an article called  

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus:   How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are  Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global  Order 

This is why our work is so important.  We do the Sacred Heart Circle so that we can work through our traumas, fears, etc and find ways to communicate and be consciously aware of everything going on within us and around us.  We then take steps to be independent so that we don’t depend on the state or other grid partners.  We work hard to heal and form tribes so that we have the support and inter-independent relationships around us to navigate these trying times.  The decolonization classes provide tangible tools, skills and insight to implement our own personal sovereignty and detach from the testicles that have trapped us within this occult grid that is closing in … quickly.

Addressing Forced Medical Procedures

Calgary made masks mandatory in public spaces and now Edmonton has followed suit.

I’m astounded that politicians are moving forward making medical decisions like this.  Let’s review a few key points:

Medical Procedure:  An activity directed at or performed on an individual with the object of improving health, treating disease or injury, or making a diagnosis. – International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology

Medical Procedure:  The sequence of steps to be followed in establishing some course of action – Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary

Medical Procedure:  A series of steps by which a desired result is accomplished. – Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th ed.

Here is the catch:  In order for any medical procedure to take place, it must have full disclosure and informed consent.  NOBODY can FORCE you to undergo a MEDICAL PROCEDURE without informed consent, especially non-medical government personnel.  This is the foundation of our sovereignty over our bodies.  The moment we surrender this sovereignty, they will do what ever they want to our bodies, including but not limited to forced vaccinations, organ harvesting or even culling (death).

Canadian Law dictionary 5th Edition

The last I checked, nothing is being done “not withstanding” the Charter, which means everything must be done in accordance with the charter.  EVERYONE has the right to refuse medical procedures and full disclosure must be provided so that people can make informed choices in order to meet ‘informed consent’.  Only then are doctors protected from liability should something go wrong.  

Ordering people to wear masks is a medical procedure.  Ordering people to social distance is a medical procedure.  Ordering people to undergo testing is a medical procedure.  

Forcing people into medical procedures through shame, guilt, intimidation, violence, force, etc is not valid, no matter what you think or feel.  

Systems of government still have to follow the rules laid out for THEM!!!  If any harm is done as a result of their orders, they are liable for the torts that occur.  A tort is an injury and they are liable within the constructs of their system.  

A friend who runs a business asked me this question and this is what I told her.  But she also had a good point.  If somebody enters her business with a mask on and faints, her insurance will most likely not cover any injuries that may result.  Liability is a huge issue with these bylaws.  

What is even more disturbing is how abusive people are getting while they attack those who know their rights and confront the government or others who are using mob rule to force these rules on people.  

I get it that people are scared.  But people cannot ignore the fact that the politicians still have to follow the rules and if people don’t know what the rules are, then the politicians are going to do what ever the fuck they want.  That is how tyranny manifests because the people are supposed to be the checks and balances!  If people don’t stand up to the state or even know what they can or cannot do, then they are going to walk all over everyone.  They got everyone so scared and they did that so that they can take complete control.  Well guess what?  They took complete control and people not only handed it to them on a silver platter, but rallied behind them at the same time.

You all might as well throw away the charter because it no longer applies.  Why?  Because people have completely ignored it out of fear and ignorance.  You have been hoodwinked and you are not going to get your country back.  It is gone and the majority of people support the changes.  

Get prepared, because the next phase is going to involve crashing the system and making people COMPLETELY DEPENDENT ON THE STATE OR KILL PEOPLE.

I am going to share the conditional acceptance letter that we worked on in class a few months back.  It was written to address forced vaccinations, but should also work very well for forced mask wearing or any other medical procedure they want to do on people.  When I get a copy of it, I will share it with you all.  

Image is the definition of Informed Consent from Canadian Law Dictionary 5th edition

Aboriginal Lands of Canada

This video series was recorded in BC years ago, but helps us to comprehend further the sprite and intent of the Crown. This series is shared to help us explore that relationship and the fictions surrounding it. It is also important to hear what the elder and chief has to say. They speak starting in part 3.

Update on Property Tax Case

Within one of the decolonization classes, I informed the group that I was helping a friend with a property tax issue.  Some major events have happened since then and here is the update.

Case:  A friend of mine stewards the land near Sherwood Park and has done so for over 15 years.  The tenure / title is in her dad’s name and he is going through a divorce and potentially a bankruptcy as well.  The mortgage is also in her dad’s name and the property taxes & mortgage has not been paid.  As a result, the county put a tax notification lien on the land and attempted to sell it at auction in May.  It was pushed to July 6th, due to their claim that corona virus quarantines prevented the auction.  However, I suspect we had something to do with that as well.

I’m including the three letters that were sent out using the peaceful approach that I teach within the decolonization classes.  This conditional acceptance is founded on Matthew 5:25 where we are asked to agree with our adversary’s quickly, otherwise they will drag us before a judge and go to jail.  So we agreed with the county but placed the burden of proof upon them in order to gain our acceptance.  My friend is not in receipt of any response to any of these letters.

On July 6th, she went in to serve the default judgement and found the building full of police officers.  Not sure what kind of trouble they were expecting, but she walked with the protection and guidance of spirit for sure!!!  She started reading the default judgement and was informed that the land was not on the list for the auction as the taxes were paid by the title holder.  She later found out that the bank paid the taxes.  

So we ended up kicking the can down the road and will now work to remove the can and recycle it.  Yes, this is a metaphor for the work that we are doing.  Somebody in the chain of command must have contacted the bank and informed them of what is going on.  The bank could not foreclose as the tax notification of the county trumped the banks lien.  The bank was stuck, waiting to get paid from the proceeds of the auction.  The County would get paid first, then the bank would be next.  However, this all changed now that the bank paid the taxes.  We caught a bunch of people engaged in fraud and other crimes and they could not wiggle out of it.  Is it possible that the lawyers encouraged this communication to happen as the bank is a private organization and can wiggle out of this for them all?  Time will tell.  But there is a conspiracy now and fraud for sure as the tax notification is now off and the bank is now open to proceed with foreclosure.  So we will follow up with the county and province regarding their conspiracy and breach of confidentiality of financial records, fraud, etc.  Note:  my friend could not even find out what the accounting was without consent from her dad, so how did the bank know what was going on, unless somebody told them and advised them what to do and how much to pay to make the tax notification lien go away?  

We have many questions and will continue our work to hold these thugs accountable.  I have permission from my friend to share this with you all.  I’ve remove her name and address, but the remainder of the document remains unedited.  

Now we will start challenging the bank regarding the mortgage.  I’ve challenged banks in the past regarding unsecured debt and won.  However, this will be my first attempt at secured debt against the title of this land.  I ask for prayers as we confront fraud, violence, theft, usury and other crimes against the people.  

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.  However, this is a peaceful approach to confront those who would drag us into their legal system and do violence against us.  I waive my right to be represented as a person.  Instead I present myself, a spiritual being in possession of this physical vessel, governed under Spiritual and Natural Law, specifically: Matthew 22, love God with all my heart, soul and mind, and love my neighbour as myself.  I love myself and I love you.  May this inspire others to learn and hold others accountable.  I’ve used this approach with CPS, banks, municipalities, utility companies and others.  I stand as a testimony to how this works but also acknowledge that it requires the individual to know who they are and have the courage to stand up and express their spiritual intent in the process.  This requires a leap of faith!

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