Establishing Spiritual Honour within your tribe

It occurred to me this week that part of the decolonization process is not only healing myself, but helping my tribe re-establish protocols that are critical to healthy tribal life.  

When I study indigenous cultures, honour was a core component of life and feathers were often a symbol individuals obtained and received, as recognition of the highest honour, from other tribe members.  

Honour is still expressed today in many cultures, passed down for thousands of years.  Some of the things people do as a result of honour are rather barbaric and don’t qualify as honour in my world.  Killing people because they cheat or steal violates Spiritual Law in my view, yet people continue this honourable way of life.  

Honour is also a guiding principle with most military and para-military organizations.  That would extend to police departments and all the way up the command chain to the Governor General of Canada or the President of the United States.  In fact, those offices are held in such esteem that they are viewed as being sacred, demanding the highest honour.  

This is misguided honour as an expression of respect for fictional constructs only contributes to the corruption of the individual by the tribe.  When the tribe ends up being millions of people, we corrupt the individual by pouring out tremendous amounts of authority.  That is the trap that we must avoid.  Honour does not equate to authority but it has in the past in many cultures.

When I was training in the martial art of Tae Kwon Do, I trained under Grand Master James Lo.  He passed away recently and it is with great sadness that I reflect on the lessons I learned from him.  He showed me what healthy honour looks like.  He came to Canada from Hong Kong and brought with him a discipline taught not only in martial arts but his culture as well.  

When I first started training with him, I did not learn this protocol from him, I learned it from his students.  They are the ones that taught me how to bow and why as I entered the gym.  It was a sign of honouring and respecting the space upon which we train.  Without it, we would have no where to practice our art form.  When we meet a blackbelt, we were taught to bow as a sign of honour and respect to those who are willing to teach us.  It is their knowledge and experience that we want to learn from and we cannot do it without them.  But something happened that really made me stand up and take notice.  Whenever a Master or Grand Master walked into the room, the whole room would stop everything that they are doing to bow to them.  To show another man or woman that much honour was to acknowledge their dedication to the art form and express gratitude and appreciation for being willing to dedicate their lives to the art form.  That level of honour is earned and acknowledged by the tribe due to dedication, hard work, time, commitment and walking the path for decades.

While we were training in the Martial Arts, there was a military chain of command and as such, senior instructors used that authority structure to help facilitate training.  Sadly some abuse their position and abuse students in the process as they failed to honour their students too.  But instructors with honour would not do that and not take advantage of their honour outside of the class either.  Grand Master Lo never gave orders outside of class or abused his honour, to my knowledge anyway.  

As a result of the high integrity he demonstrated to me, his voice carried great weight and influence with me and the people around him.  He was not always right and he made mistakes along the way too.  After all, he is human along with the rest of us.  But there was also protocol when confronting him or raising issues.  This protocol was followed to maintain honour and respect while helping him learn and grow as well.  I witnessed this protocol and he was open to receiving so that he could become a better instructor.  That is what makes good instructors GREAT!  But if this was done outside of protocol and with disrespect, we risked being kicked out of the club.

After all, he is there to teach and disrespect is never tolerated as it shows a lack of self control, self discipline and honour.  One of the core aspects of our training was to learn self control and discipline and it must be demonstrated at all times.  This is the core of a healthy expression of honour.  

The thing about honour is that it is not a self declared expression of the individual, it must be given to them as an expression of their tribe.  If others disrespect their honour, the tribe steps up to correct or protect that honour.  

Honour can be a tricky thing as it also depends on the moral and ethical foundations of the tribe.  Within the Pacem Arts, we are working to raise that foundation to the highest levels of peace, freedom, prosperity and love.  As a result, those people who don’t govern themselves at that level will not respect the work of those who do and as such will not honour them either. In fact, there is a risk that this highest level of ethics and morality would be attacked and rebuked as people may feel inferior, shame or even guilt for not takes the steps to achieve such spiritual consciousness.  

This makes it even more important for those that are doing this work to support one another and ironically, I feel that the Divine Feminine has a critical role to play in this process.

One of the struggles that the Divine Masculine has had through colonization is that honour no longer applies as it threatened the sacredness and sanctity of the fictional constructs we call the Crown, Pope, Queen, Governor General, Lieutenant Governor, Prime Minister or any of those offices.  The people sitting in these sacred offices could not tolerate others who had as much or more honour.  So the customs of the tribes got demolished or even outright banned to ensure that everyone was obedient to the new master.  

As we work on the decolonization process, the Divine Feminine is being asked to reflect on what level of ethics and morality they want to see expressed within their tribe and then ask the masculine to rise up and be a steward of that expression.  The divine masculine is also responsible for this expression too as it will require team work.  However, it is within the divine masculine to be the Spiritual Brave and defend this higher expression of healing, love, freedom and peace or confront those that don’t.

We all have a duty to heal and raise our consciousness to meet or exceed this highest expression of Spiritual & Natural Law, but the masculine has an extra duty to protect and honour the divine feminine in the process.  

Over the last 15 years I’ve taken this duty very seriously and in fact, decided to take on the risks in order to protect Carey and they boys through the process.  This is my way of being honourable while I took on the risk of testing this decolonization process.  The healing and learning that I acquired through the process was immense.  However, it has taken its toll on me as I’ve come to realize that my work has not been honoured.  This became blatantly apparent to me this week when words were spoken by a family member that suggested that I was toxic, abandoned my family and that I’m incompetent.   It is not his words that hurt me as I know they were a reflection of him.  It is the fact that nobody stepped up to protect my honour.  

This cut me deep into my heart and is the foundation of this post.  If the masculine is going to step up and do the work to fix our tribes, take the risks and heal, they must be supported in that effort.  That support is done through the acknowledgement and ceremony of honour and by taking steps to protect that honour.  What I struggle with is wondering if I have yet to earn that honour from those around me, or that those around me have no idea how to show and protect that honour.  

As part of the decolonization process, I find myself being challenged on what honour would look like, post colonization.  Within the colonized, honour is often replaced with respect.  People with degrees have more respect than people with high school diplomas.  People with doctorates, likewise rank higher than people with degrees.  But most blatant is people who are elevated to the rank of royalty or those with billions of dollars.  No longer are we concerned about behaviour, ethics or morality, we are now caught up in status, money and worshiping sacred offices.  

So is it any wonder that people who reject those colonial constructs and work towards Christ level consciousness are not respected or treated with honour?  If that is the case, then those that do this work need the support and recognition from their tribes, or those outside of the tribe interested in learning.  The divine feminine has an important role to play as their acknowledgement and efforts to perform ceremonies for those Spiritual Braves that are doing the work to fulfill their highest visions of morality, ethics and stewardship will solidify a level of commitment and dedication that they may have never experienced in their lives or ever seen within the colonial systems.  

People all over the world are risking their lives, reputations, relationships and social standing in order to change how we are governing ourselves and confronting the violence, abuse, greed and genocide that is unfolding around us.  These people have made sacrifices beyond what most others can even comprehend.  Honour is, by far, the best way to support these people and we can do that by acknowledgement through ceremony or symbolic gifts, but most importantly, by protecting that honour when others seek to destroy it.  If it is to be destroyed, it will be by the dishonourable behaviour of the individual, not by those around him / her.  

Divine Masculine is floundering because colonization does not allow honour, only obedience and those who are decolonizing have yet to earn their honour among the tribe.   This is mainly due to the tribe not being aware of these issues and not clear as to what standard of morality and ethics the tribe will govern themselves by.  As such, how can we evaluate honour as a result and protect it from those who refuse to govern themselves at that standard?

Within the constructs of this school, we are working on obtaining the highest level of morality and ethics so that students can work towards a Christ level of consciousness to integrate within their tribe.  I will continue to work hard to earn honour from those who support me here and those outside of the school wanting to learn.  I will admit that earning honour for this type of work has been the most challenging and difficult part of the whole decolonization process.  

I bow to you all out of respect and honour as you express an interest in learning and growing with me.  Honour flows both ways and that is something else that Grand Master Lo taught me.  He honoured me just as much as I honoured him.  I do this work, despite the conflict, because I love people and I do my best to honour them, hold space for healing and forgiveness.  If I’ve acted out of honour, I ask for forgiveness.  

Our Spiritual Sovereignty is under attack

We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times. This video highlights how careful we have to be in these times.  This is not meant to scare but bring awareness.  As we work on finding peace within ourselves and acknowledge the sacredness of who we are, being aware of what other people are trying to do to compromise our sacred journey is critical.  I even ask that people be critical of what I’m doing and confront me should I ever cross that line in an attempt to compromise others.  There is no leaders here, just spiritual beings working to navigate the evil cults that are out in the open now, trying to enslave people and detract us from our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical journey towards peace, freedom, love, compassion, prosperity and joy.

We need constant vigilance and persistence to navigate these trying times.

Here is the link to an article called  

Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus:   How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are  Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global  Order 

This is why our work is so important.  We do the Sacred Heart Circle so that we can work through our traumas, fears, etc and find ways to communicate and be consciously aware of everything going on within us and around us.  We then take steps to be independent so that we don’t depend on the state or other grid partners.  We work hard to heal and form tribes so that we have the support and inter-independent relationships around us to navigate these trying times.  The decolonization classes provide tangible tools, skills and insight to implement our own personal sovereignty and detach from the testicles that have trapped us within this occult grid that is closing in … quickly.

Addressing Forced Medical Procedures

Calgary made masks mandatory in public spaces and now Edmonton has followed suit.

I’m astounded that politicians are moving forward making medical decisions like this.  Let’s review a few key points:

Medical Procedure:  An activity directed at or performed on an individual with the object of improving health, treating disease or injury, or making a diagnosis. – International Dictionary of Medicine and Biology

Medical Procedure:  The sequence of steps to be followed in establishing some course of action – Mosby’s Medical, Nursing, & Allied Health Dictionary

Medical Procedure:  A series of steps by which a desired result is accomplished. – Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 28th ed.

Here is the catch:  In order for any medical procedure to take place, it must have full disclosure and informed consent.  NOBODY can FORCE you to undergo a MEDICAL PROCEDURE without informed consent, especially non-medical government personnel.  This is the foundation of our sovereignty over our bodies.  The moment we surrender this sovereignty, they will do what ever they want to our bodies, including but not limited to forced vaccinations, organ harvesting or even culling (death).

Canadian Law dictionary 5th Edition

The last I checked, nothing is being done “not withstanding” the Charter, which means everything must be done in accordance with the charter.  EVERYONE has the right to refuse medical procedures and full disclosure must be provided so that people can make informed choices in order to meet ‘informed consent’.  Only then are doctors protected from liability should something go wrong.  

Ordering people to wear masks is a medical procedure.  Ordering people to social distance is a medical procedure.  Ordering people to undergo testing is a medical procedure.  

Forcing people into medical procedures through shame, guilt, intimidation, violence, force, etc is not valid, no matter what you think or feel.  

Systems of government still have to follow the rules laid out for THEM!!!  If any harm is done as a result of their orders, they are liable for the torts that occur.  A tort is an injury and they are liable within the constructs of their system.  

A friend who runs a business asked me this question and this is what I told her.  But she also had a good point.  If somebody enters her business with a mask on and faints, her insurance will most likely not cover any injuries that may result.  Liability is a huge issue with these bylaws.  

What is even more disturbing is how abusive people are getting while they attack those who know their rights and confront the government or others who are using mob rule to force these rules on people.  

I get it that people are scared.  But people cannot ignore the fact that the politicians still have to follow the rules and if people don’t know what the rules are, then the politicians are going to do what ever the fuck they want.  That is how tyranny manifests because the people are supposed to be the checks and balances!  If people don’t stand up to the state or even know what they can or cannot do, then they are going to walk all over everyone.  They got everyone so scared and they did that so that they can take complete control.  Well guess what?  They took complete control and people not only handed it to them on a silver platter, but rallied behind them at the same time.

You all might as well throw away the charter because it no longer applies.  Why?  Because people have completely ignored it out of fear and ignorance.  You have been hoodwinked and you are not going to get your country back.  It is gone and the majority of people support the changes.  

Get prepared, because the next phase is going to involve crashing the system and making people COMPLETELY DEPENDENT ON THE STATE OR KILL PEOPLE.

I am going to share the conditional acceptance letter that we worked on in class a few months back.  It was written to address forced vaccinations, but should also work very well for forced mask wearing or any other medical procedure they want to do on people.  When I get a copy of it, I will share it with you all.  

Image is the definition of Informed Consent from Canadian Law Dictionary 5th edition

Aboriginal Lands of Canada

This video series was recorded in BC years ago, but helps us to comprehend further the sprite and intent of the Crown. This series is shared to help us explore that relationship and the fictions surrounding it. It is also important to hear what the elder and chief has to say. They speak starting in part 3.

Update on Property Tax Case

Within one of the decolonization classes, I informed the group that I was helping a friend with a property tax issue.  Some major events have happened since then and here is the update.

Case:  A friend of mine stewards the land near Sherwood Park and has done so for over 15 years.  The tenure / title is in her dad’s name and he is going through a divorce and potentially a bankruptcy as well.  The mortgage is also in her dad’s name and the property taxes & mortgage has not been paid.  As a result, the county put a tax notification lien on the land and attempted to sell it at auction in May.  It was pushed to July 6th, due to their claim that corona virus quarantines prevented the auction.  However, I suspect we had something to do with that as well.

I’m including the three letters that were sent out using the peaceful approach that I teach within the decolonization classes.  This conditional acceptance is founded on Matthew 5:25 where we are asked to agree with our adversary’s quickly, otherwise they will drag us before a judge and go to jail.  So we agreed with the county but placed the burden of proof upon them in order to gain our acceptance.  My friend is not in receipt of any response to any of these letters.

On July 6th, she went in to serve the default judgement and found the building full of police officers.  Not sure what kind of trouble they were expecting, but she walked with the protection and guidance of spirit for sure!!!  She started reading the default judgement and was informed that the land was not on the list for the auction as the taxes were paid by the title holder.  She later found out that the bank paid the taxes.  

So we ended up kicking the can down the road and will now work to remove the can and recycle it.  Yes, this is a metaphor for the work that we are doing.  Somebody in the chain of command must have contacted the bank and informed them of what is going on.  The bank could not foreclose as the tax notification of the county trumped the banks lien.  The bank was stuck, waiting to get paid from the proceeds of the auction.  The County would get paid first, then the bank would be next.  However, this all changed now that the bank paid the taxes.  We caught a bunch of people engaged in fraud and other crimes and they could not wiggle out of it.  Is it possible that the lawyers encouraged this communication to happen as the bank is a private organization and can wiggle out of this for them all?  Time will tell.  But there is a conspiracy now and fraud for sure as the tax notification is now off and the bank is now open to proceed with foreclosure.  So we will follow up with the county and province regarding their conspiracy and breach of confidentiality of financial records, fraud, etc.  Note:  my friend could not even find out what the accounting was without consent from her dad, so how did the bank know what was going on, unless somebody told them and advised them what to do and how much to pay to make the tax notification lien go away?  

We have many questions and will continue our work to hold these thugs accountable.  I have permission from my friend to share this with you all.  I’ve remove her name and address, but the remainder of the document remains unedited.  

Now we will start challenging the bank regarding the mortgage.  I’ve challenged banks in the past regarding unsecured debt and won.  However, this will be my first attempt at secured debt against the title of this land.  I ask for prayers as we confront fraud, violence, theft, usury and other crimes against the people.  

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.  However, this is a peaceful approach to confront those who would drag us into their legal system and do violence against us.  I waive my right to be represented as a person.  Instead I present myself, a spiritual being in possession of this physical vessel, governed under Spiritual and Natural Law, specifically: Matthew 22, love God with all my heart, soul and mind, and love my neighbour as myself.  I love myself and I love you.  May this inspire others to learn and hold others accountable.  I’ve used this approach with CPS, banks, municipalities, utility companies and others.  I stand as a testimony to how this works but also acknowledge that it requires the individual to know who they are and have the courage to stand up and express their spiritual intent in the process.  This requires a leap of faith!

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The Perilous Navigation of Covert Violence

It happens in the bedroom, family room, board room, court room, social media walls, wall street, on the streets and even in parliament.  Covert violence is everywhere and most times the abuser is not even consciously aware that they are being violent.  The abused usually don’t figure it out for years, but when they do it takes many years and attempts to escape.

The sad reality of this violent cycle is that the abusers have been abused themselves.  When we are confronted with violence, stress or other dangers, the typical response is usually to fight, flight, freeze or fawn.  While some people will try to run away or end up freezing in their tracks, it is the fighters and those who flip sides to become an allies of their abusers that in turn end up being abusers and continuing the cycle.  The problem as I see it, is that even those that run away or freeze will eventually turn to fight or fawn if the violence continues for a long period of time.

My natural tendency is towards flight.  I worked hard throughout my childhood to avoid confrontation, violence or anything that I felt is a danger to me.  Yet I still ended up being an abuser, overcome with shame, guilt, frustration, pain, anxiety, loneliness, depression, addictions and even suicide attempts.  No matter what people did to intervene, there was no way I was going to hear what they were saying.  I was convinced that people out there was the issue, not me.  No amount of intervention was going to change my mind. 

I had to hit rock bottom and face the ultimate choice before I was ready to surrender and really start to listen to what others were saying.  What was that choice?  Change or die.  

I write about this at length in my book and in my posts.  Today I want to outline what covert violence looks like and how it feels as it seems to still penetrate every aspect of our lives.  Until we start to confront these behaviours, we will continue to struggle in our efforts to find peace in our lives.  This is not a comprehensive list, but I hope that it helps bring awareness so that when we set our boundaries, we can include these behaviours in our protocols for self governance and healthy relationships.


Laughter is a healthy expression when we are having fun and confronted with something that is funny.  However, laughter is also a covert violent approach to mock people and attempt to dismiss how others feel or view scenarios.  Abusers will use this behaviour to intimidate people to back down from their confrontation or position.  It is used to belittle or rebuke others, raising themselves in status while lowering others at the same time.  When in a serious conversation and somebody starts laughing at others, this can often be a covert violent attempt act against others.  

The Laundry List

In a healthy relationship, people would discuss an issue and work through it prior to moving onto another issue.  Within that relationship, they may also wait several days to make sure that everyone has processed it properly before moving on.  However, some people like to bring up multiple issues and continue to bring up issues in order to overwhelm the others and control the conversation.  This technique allows the abuser to feel superior or justified in their position as a list of evidence to overwhelm the guilty is presented.  This approach is not about healing but about judgement and guilt, a covert violent technique to shut down the other individual and win an argument through overwhelming his / her opponent.  

Speed talking

This is a technique that is often used with the laundry list, where the abuser talks quickly and non-stop in order to overwhelm his / her victim and make sure there is no time or space for others to respond or confront them on their behaviour.  Speed talking is also an intellectual technique that can suppress others by presenting so much information that it confuses the conversation as there is too much information to consciously keep in ones mind, let along discuss in a healthy way.  The confusion is magnified as the topics start to blur into one another and any response is met with more information to drown any comments or views by other people.   


Abusers will often make assumptions and then sabotage any attempt by others to clarify the situation.  If successful, their assumption then stands as fact, making their position correct and everyone else wrong.  This is an attempt to make people feel stupid or wrong, even though it is done through manipulation or dismissal of what other people know, think or feel.  This allows the abuser to then label others, often using labels that carry social stigma in order to control, shame or guilt others to support their position and join in on suppressing those who are being attacked by the abuser.  

Being the victim

If the abuser feels like he / she is not winning, they will then start to pout or act out in other ways to manipulate others into treating them like a victim.  This is a tricky and dangerous behaviour as depression, treats of suicide and other manipulations are often used to get people to pay attention or take action.  If people don’t, then they may lash out violently by screaming, yelling, name calling or other manipulations to force compliance and look after them.  This is an approach that I often took during the 20+ years I was struggling in my life.  It is a dangerous approach as I was a victim too, but because I was not consciously aware, I worked on people’s empathy to manipulate them.  I was not interested in healing or confronting my own shit, but instead I used it to gain favor, attention and affection.  


Through psychological manipulations, abusers attempt to overwhelm their victims to the point where they start to question their own sanity.  Highly intelligent abusers will use their intellect to make others feel stupid and surrender to their mastery and superiority.  This site has a good list of what the 11 Warning Signs of Gaslighting are all about.  Being consciously aware of these signs can be very helpful when recognizing covert violence, especially in sacred spaces where this type of behaviour must not be permitted.

No Win scenario

The abuser must win at all costs and he / she is willing to say or do anything to ensure of that win.  To them, this is a win / lose situation and any loss would devastate their position and result in a loss of power or standing within the relationship.  As such, they are prepared to lie, beg, yell, intimidate or act out in any way possible to win!  Even a condescending tone of voice or look on his / her face is enough to intimidate others to back off and let them win.  This puts everyone in a no win scenario and completely blocks the group or couple from healing, being real and feeling acknowledged, loved and supported. 

Sacred Space works very differently

While I recognize that abusers need healing too, I also must acknowledge that the healing cannot take place until they have surrendered and dedicate their lives towards self healing, improvement, forgiveness and making significant changes in how they behave, think and express themselves.  This is currently rare, but it does happen and this school will hold space for those that have done the surrender and are getting to work.  

However, sacred space must be safe for people to do this work and if an individual resorts to these type of violent behaviours, whether overt or covert, they will be removed from the circle.  Boundaries are a core and fundamental tool that must be used when dealing with violent people.  It does not matter whether it is government, corporations, co-workers, family, friends or lovers.  Boundaries are key and within the Sacred Heart Circle, we learn about what those boundaries look like, help people explore their boundaries, set them up and support them in their efforts to be safe and secure.  

Within this space, we use a specific protocol as most of us use covert violence due to modern social constructs making this type of behaviour not only acceptable but encouraged.  As such, we slow down the conversation within the circle.  The heart works very differently than the brain and if things are going fast, chances are good that the brain is working to express itself rather than working hard to connect with the heart and express what it is feeling.  This is, by far, the most difficult step for abuser or victim to take in their healing journey.

We accomplish this by asking pointed yet gentle questions to help the individual explore their heart, behaviours, words, assumptions, etc so that they can find their heart space, connect to it and start the healing journey towards self love, forgiveness, freedom and feeling supported along the way.  It is critical that we give the individual time to explore those questions, so there is often silence as exercises like this is so new and foreign to most people.  When conversations go fast, it bypasses the heart and we want to avoid that within this space.  By asking questions, we also don’t make assumptions or invoke other manipulations to force people through this process.  

We also encourage personal sharing, where people share their story and by being vulnerable, we can start to relate to one another in emotionally intimate ways.  This too is a skill development that helps us to connect with self rather than lashing out at others in anger, contempt or violence.  The main goal is to have a safe space so that people feel safe to lower their armour so that they can connect to their heart.  This is a slow, methodical, deliberate and focused approach to healing, boundaries, love, forgiveness and acceptance.  

While tribe building was an unforeseen manifestation of this process, it is not the focus or intent of this school.  This school is focused on personal healing so that the individual can find peace within themselves so that they can then express that outwards in their lives.  How that expression manifests is up to them.  Some people may use it to build tribe, while others work hard to unwind themselves from other abusive relationships like the state, corporations, society, etc.  We cannot do this work until we are consciously aware of what violence looks like and feels like.  When we experience it, we can then consciously address it in a healthier way, rather than getting dragged into the web of the abuser.  Often, that requires setting and implementing boundaries.  

Within this school, if the individual is not able or willing to surrender and do the work in a peaceful way, the boundary will be implemented and they will be removed.  New protocols have been setup to help with the boundaries as well.  

While I acknowledge that everyone has value and valid points, that will not trump this boundary and give them a free ticket to abuse people just because they have something we need or want.  That is not a good reason to abandon a boundary and is often used by abusers as they work hard to infiltrate groups.    I hope this helps bring some conscious awareness to the group and set the boundaries for moving forward.  

May Creator bless us all with peace in our hearts and our relationships.

The Feudal Empire marches on

OTTAWA — The Liberal government has named Salma Lakhani as next lieutenant-governor of Alberta, making her the first-ever Muslim to hold the ceremonial position in Canadian history. – Calgary Harold

While main stream media and politicians dismiss the Lieutenant Governor and Governor General as being merely “ceremonial” and often hinting that these roles hold no real power, this is far from the truth.

The Queen in Right of Alberta is a corporation sole, meaning that it is the merging of a corporation with a single individual.  When the ceremony is complete, the corporation is removed from the last LG (Lois Mitchell) and will be draped over the new LG (Salma Lakhani).  At that point the corporation continues to function and be animated by the actions of the spiritual being agreeing to have a corpse draped over their shoulders like a cloak.  Corporations are dead.  They have no life.  When we agree to animate the dead, wear its mask and act out, we pretend to give it life.  We personify the dead and not allow it to decompose and return its nutrients to Mother Earth for the living to consume.  

Each individual does this too, when they get a drivers license, birth certificate, passport, etc.  

The Governor General of Canada is a corporation sole.  I speak about it at length in my ‘Journey Towards Truth’ videos.  The Queen gave this office a black rod to represent her power and authority here.  As a result, the GG setup a court (Privy Counsel) upon which all authority flows from.  It is also the court that governs the Executive authority for the empire and individuals from the winning party is invited to minister to the GG.  From this court, the LG’s are assigned, the most recent being Salma Lakhani to hold the LG office for the Queen in Right of Alberta.

The ceremony, while often downplayed and dismissed, is actually a religious observance, a solemn rite.  The meaning behind the ceremony is profound and unless we take these ceremonies seriously, we will continue to fail in our attempts to comprehend what is going on around us.  

The feudal system depends on ceremony and people end up being feudal serfs because of their participation in these ceremonies.  We enslave ourselves because we don’t comprehend what is happening before our eyes.

When Salma Lakhani goes through her ceremony, she is going to swear an oath to the Queen, essentially making herself a feudal lord.  In return, the queen has granted her the authority to hold that office on her behalf, to govern the manor and her feudal serfs.  The corporation will be transferred to Salma Lakhani, to have the final say in everything that goes on within the manor called ‘Alberta’.  Title for all this land is held within this corporation.  Title for all that is ‘registered’ is held within this corporation.  That includes land, vehicles, homes and PEOPLE.  

Through this ceremony, a new corporation sole is created.  The corporation itself has not changed, but the spiritual being who agreed to have this corpse hung on her like a trophy has changed.  As such, there is a new corporation sole and I will be sending out letters to make it very clear that I AM NOT a subject of her or anybody else.  

When we hold valuable securities, like drivers licenses, birth certificates, etc, those are evidence that we are subjects of the corporation sole (Queen in Right of Alberta / Salma Lakhani).  It is not enough to send out letters.  It also requires that we return the property of that corporation sole back to the owner.  We are not the owners and many of these documents express that on the back where it states that it is the property of the Government of Alberta, etc.  

The spiritual ceremonies being held are not necessarily that of Creator as freedom, love, peace and prosperity for all is the energy that should be flowing from these constructs.  Instead, I propose that the spiritual ceremonies are that of the devil and I use the third temptation of Christ to back up that assertion.  The kingdom itself belongs to Creator, hence the duty to steward the land and bring prosperity to all life.  However, the right to rule over the kingdom rests with the devil and that is done through the fictional constructs that we have around us today.  

“Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.  Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

When I look up the original greek word for ‘kingdoms’, I’m confronted with the definition:

 royal power, kingship, dominion, rule

not to be confused with an actual kingdom but rather the right or authority to rule over a kingdom   

This is exactly what we are dealing with right now.  People exercising royal power and the right to rule over a kingdom, which is the domain of the devil / Satan.    I will worship Creator, not some fictional construct.  As such, I refuse to provide service or swear an oath of fealty to these people.  Every time we sign a document we are swearing an oath.  Think about the implications and why the state constantly wants our oaths.

Doing what it takes …

For years people have asked me how they can grow food without land and while living in the city.  For years I have talked about building relationships and connecting with people who have land.  

Not many are willing to make significant changes in their lives in order to do what it takes!  I suspect it is fear and a lack of knowledge that keeps people stuck.  So ironically, I find myself in a situation this year where I have no land and I’m confronted with growing food during a period where food shortages are a clear and present danger for the majority if people.  

What did I do?  I I built relationships and approached people who have land.  I’m working with two families this year and spending a lot of time on these relationships.  I’m also helping both of them as they did not have gardens and was not sure how to proceed.  So in exchange of sharing the food, I’m teaching them how to garden.  

The picture above is the garden here in town which was nothing but a lawn about 6 weeks ago.  It is about 1000 square feet, taking up the majority if the back yard.  The other family owns an acreage out of town and they now have a 2000+ square foot garden as well (third picture).

In both of these gardens we have about 1100 hills of potatoes (total), carrots, peas, lettuce, cucumbers, dill, beats, radish, sunflowers, spinach, turnip, zucchini, pumpkin, onions and a few other plants.  On top of that, I am teaching them how to harvest wild foods as there is plenty of that growing around, available for anybody to harvest.

I’m harvesting food for me and others through a win/win relationship with multiple families, all while having no land of my own to steward.  Teaching others how to steward is proving to be rewarding as well.  Having two gardens is also spreading the risk as the failure of one garden due to hail or other natural events does not mean 100% failure of our crops.  I’m rather enjoying this approach.  

If you live in the city or a small town, have no land and still want to grow your own food, there is plenty of opportunities to do that!  Get out there, get your hands dirty and let’s get to work.  There is no reason why people should go hungry.  That duty and responsibility is up to the individual.  For those that have the ability and will, our duty is to then feed those that do not have the ability and confront those who lack the will!  

All of this requires the capacity to build healthy relationships with other people, with Mother Earth and the knowledge helps too!  The knowledge is out there, being shared by people all over the world.  What most people are missing is the courage to reach out to other people, talk to them and work on building relationships so that they can share with one another.  The Pacem Arts can help people heal and practice what it takes to build those relationships.

I pray that my example here inspires others to do the same.  It is VERY possible to be food independent without owning land.  There are people out there wanting to learn and share.  Be creative!  There is literally food all around us.  People die of starvation in a sea of food.  What we are lacking is the knowledge, will and ability to see it for what it is.  We have been hoodwinked into thinking that only that which we find in a store is actually food.  That context is absolutely false.  Expanding our palette and minds, we will find food all around us and be able to harvest it, store it and nourish our bodies when others are starving.  We are then in a position to help them and ensure nobody goes hungry, especially when the food system collapses and the financial system melts down.  

It is not even July yet and we are eating out of the garden  and preserving food for winter for two families!!!  Doing what it takes!  

Letter to Dr. Henshaw, Premier Kenny regarding pandemic protocols in Alberta

Dear Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Premier Kenny, Minister LaGrange & Minister Shandro:

I wave my right to be represented as a person.  I owe no service or allegiance as I am not a serf, citizen or a subject of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, The Queen in Right of Alberta or The Queen in Right of Canada.  Instead, I AM that I AM and I write to you as a spiritual ambassador as my master is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.  My expression today is out of love, compassion, empathy and peace as I have deep concerns with the protocols and approach that I have witnessed over the past months and years.

As you all know, the duty of the government is to govern the ‘public’ and balance that with the rights of citizens, their privacy and sovereignty over their bodies and homes.  Some of you even swore an oath and are governed by a code of ethics and professional conduct, which I question whether you are upholding it or not.  When I reflect on the protocols that you are all proposing people use to return to work, educate their children, reconnect with loved ones and end the social distancing imposed by this government, I find myself deeply concerned and troubled by what I find, especially the protocols for children when they return to school.  Those protocols are abusive to children and completely disregard the foundational needs that they and everyone else has:  touch, social interaction & love.

This government has also passed legislation that violates the very principles of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but also the foundational spiritual principles of love, compassion, empathy, peace and prosperity for all, reflecting a questionable moral and ethical foundation for decision making.  I suspect others will challenge you all on the legal aspects, so I will instead address the moral and ethical issues that I see.  

Let us not forget that we are spiritual beings of love.  We were created in the image of God (Gen 1:27) and God is Love (1 John 4:16).  We are love and we need love in order to survive and thrive on this planet.  It is so important to us that it even superceids nourishment in regards to importance and foundational structures of life.  I draw your attention to Harry Harlow’s experiment on infant monkeys In the 1960’s, experiments on new born babies performed by German King Frederick II performed in the 13th Century, experiments on new born babies performed in 1944 in the US as well as experiments performed on children in Residential Schools for decades here in Canada.  

We literally cannot survive without touch, love, compassion and social interaction.  Love is the foundation of Spirit and our capacity to live here.  While it may not be a consideration within your political, medical or scientific protocols, it is indeed the foundation of life and must never be compromised in anything that we do, EVER!  Babies literally wither away and die without touch, love, snuggles, encouraging words from loved ones, etc.  Our youth manifest aggression, frustration, autistic type tendencies and other behaviours as a result of a lack of touch, whether that be from other students, family, friends or mentors.  

What you are currently proposing for school protocols is nothing short of child abuse.    

People literally thrive in an environment of love and this must never be ignored or downplayed, even in the midst of a ‘pandemic’, whether real or contrived.  “Anything that promotes feelings of love and intimacy is healing; anything that promotes isolation, separation, loneliness, loss, hostility, anger, cynicism, depression, alienation, and related feelings often leads to suffering, disease, and premature death from all causes” (Dean Ornish, Love and Survival, p. 29).

You have no right to harm one group of people in order to protect another group.  Your duty is to protect the PUBLIC from harm and the moment you deviate from that duty, or focus on a segment of the public, you violate your oath and mandate.  Let us not forget, the public is an inherently dangerous place and each individual has a duty to protect themselves when entering the public and ensure they do no harm when there.  This is where your duty rests, to help each individual to take personal responsibility for themselves and mitigate risk to others when in public.  That is all!  You have no mandate to do harm to people should they enter the public, period.  Your job is to protect the vulnerable, all the vulnerable and not to do harm to them.  Anything else is discrimination, much like what has been done to the Indigenous and other people of color!  You cannot harm one group of vulnerable people in order to protect another.  This requires a level of creativity measured against compassion, empathy and love in order to find solutions to problems.  Violence, coercion, threats and other state tools are not love and in fact violate spirit in every way!  

Social distancing is a medical procedure and must be governed as such using informed consent!

I question the motivation for declaring the pandemic emergency a few months ago.  I question the numbers that came out of this ‘pandemic’.  I question the bills that were passed that infringe on the Charter and violate the moral & ethical foundations of love.  I question the protocols that are being proposed to get people back to work, addressing the food issues that manifested or how dependent on the state that people have become.  

Your mandate should be to teach people how to be completely independent, self-governing, how to mitigate risk, connect with Mother Earth and walk the path of peace.  That cannot happen while you all are dictating how people should live, interact or engage with the public or the government.  You all know what YOUR courts say about ‘informed consent’ and especially when it comes to medical procedures.  How many people getting tested or treated through this state of emergency are receiving unredacted, full disclosure prior to being swabbed or engaging with the medical system?  How many people are informed that they can refuse a medical procedure at any time?  Has anybody contemplated that social distancing is a medical procedure and should also fall under the protocol of ‘informed consent’?  Now that the public health emergency is over, how do you propose to justify the continued protocols for medical procedures against an uninformed public?  How do you justify continuing these medical procedures without giving people ALL the information so that they can make an informed choice or inform them that they can say no at any time?  How do you justify using implied consent and ignorance against the people?  How do you justify harming people in the process?  

ALL life is sacred.  Death is also sacred.  I’ve seen reports of people dying all by themselves, which is the most appalling and morally corrupt manifesting of your protocols throughout this ’emergency’.  I rebuke you all on your violence.  Make no mistake about it, the state can only accomplish things as a result of authority backed by violence and coercion.  I implore you to contemplate peace and love as an alternative.  It may be harder, but the spiritual implications are profound.  The human species has drifted away from love and peace as most people embrace war, authority and violence in order to control others and dictate the social narrative of life.  

It is time that we make the effort to heal our hearts so that we can learn how to love, be compassionate and empathize with ALL of our brothers and sisters.  It is time to end the discrimination that dictates policy and walk away from the desire to dictate how others should live.  Your actions during this pandemic has scared people beyond belief and the covert & overt violence that is unfolding is a manifestation of your policies.  

Love demands that we heal ourselves and hold space for others to do the same.  Love does not use force, coercion or use authority over others.  Love teaches, peacefully confronts, supports one another, engages with empathy, patience, compassion and forgiveness.  I forgive you for the approach you all took during this event.  That does not negate your responsibility and duty!  I ask that you look within your heart, ask yourself the tough questions and explore the moral and ethical foundations of the decisions you are currently making.  

While the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one, the needs of the one also outweighs the needs of the many.  Both are valid and a balance must be found.  This whole pandemic approach has failed miserably to find that balance.  Fear has gripped control over love, compassion and empathy.  We must never allow that to happen.  I pray to the Creator to soften your hearts so that you can allow love to help you make balanced, loving decisions within your mandates, but also within your own personal lives.  

We are at a turning point in our lives where we are all being confronted with how we behave and interact with one another.  We can choose war, violence, authority, greed and state governance or we can choose peace, love, freedom, self-governance, healing, compassion and empathy.  The choice is up to each individual and I hope you find within yourselves the capacity to reflect on the outcomes of each and every decision you make or fail to make.  The vast majority of people are completely dependent upon you and seem to support your governance of them.  As such, you are responsible until they find within themselves to accept personal responsibility and accountability for their own lives.  Until then, your duty is to hold space to teach them how to do that.  You are NOT supposed to encourage dependency, but rather independence within the feudal serfs that you govern.  I ask that you govern yourselves accordingly with peace and love.  

Peace to you all.

I AM that I AM
My Spirit name is White Walking Feather
My vessels name is rob and it was born in the pagé family
I AM a headman for my ancestral White Tribe rooted in the Quercy region of France
I AM a co-steward of this land with my Treaty 6 brothers and sisters
I declared peace in 2008!  

A Matter of Integrity

For nearly 20 years I’ve worked hard to walk a path of integrity.  The previous 30+ years was wrote with covert violent behaviours, lying, addictions, depression, suicide attempts, numerous stays in hospital and other traumas that I fully disclosed and shared in my books, writings, etc.  

The other thing that I shared was how hard I had to work to walk a path of peace in order to demonstrate that I am a changed man.  I did that work because that is what is required in order to build trust, especially with people who have been victimized by violence and / or abuse.  It took YEARS of work and walking the path in order to demonstrate that I have changed and that I’m not going to resort to my old violent ways.  

Sometimes I make mistakes, but I work hard to remedy those mistakes!  

It has come to my attention that my separation from my wife of 25 years may have irreparably tarnished my reputation and integrity to hold space for those wanting to learn the Pacem Arts, heal and decolonize.  I’ve also been informed by my dear friends that I may not be explaining what happened properly and as such I’m being misunderstood.

In order for me to explain what happened, I must first explain my boundaries.  Please permit me to use an example.  Many alcoholics must refrain from drinking in order to help themselves heal from their addiction.  Any temptation of alcohol around them is often painful, stressful and highly triggering.  People who support the alcoholics will do what they can to avoid drinking around them in order to help them heal.

Being a reformed abuser, I’ve had to set boundaries to avoid abuse and violence, much in the same way alcoholics do with their addictions.  I’ve worked hard to take a zero tolerance stance with abuse because I had to in order to maintain my own health and well being.  Violence and abuse highly triggers me. I feel pain, anxiety and extreme discomfort when people engage in abusive behaviour.  The problem I have is that most people engage in abusive behaviour.  

Much like an ex-alcoholic, I’m sensitive and I work hard to find ways to heal and cope with the behaviours of others so that I don’t engage in those behaviours myself.  I do that by confronting them and seeing if they are able and willing to heal so that they no longer engage in the violence.  Most people are not.  So I walk away, doing my best to remove myself from the violence.  

I’ve gone to the point of even removing myself from the government and corporations as those relationships are abusive as well.  This is NOT an easy path to walk, but I’ve gone to extreme lengths to walk this path as my health and well being is extremely important to me and my relationships with those who fully comprehend the scope of this work that I do.

Many people don’t comprehend and as such they rebuke me with accusations that I throw away relationships far too easily, without realizing that my boundaries are there to protect myself and others.  I end relationships because I don’t want to be abusive or violent but also abused either.  I take a zero tolerance approach as my own health and well being depends on it and so does the salvation of my spirit!  My resolve to walk this path is most likely beyond the comprehension of most people, including my ex-wife.  

This caused great conflict between my ex-wife and I.  She asked me to compromise my firm boundaries in order to maintain some level of relationships with those that she valued.  She felt caught in the middle between me and others as I often refused to have a relationship with them.  This caused great stress and anxiety within her and our relationship.  So much so, that we were unable to find a remedy.  As a result, she asked me to leave.  

I willfully left and left almost everything with her as my love for her is absolute and the last thing I wanted to do is cause her pain and suffering.  If I compromised my own boundaries, I have no doubt that I would have resorted to further violence and started going down a path that I absolutely refused to go.  I’ve been down that path and it is dark, ugly, painful and downright violent.  The most peaceful solution was to remove myself from the situation.  I also walked away from the land that I spent 14 years building and developing.  I left it all to her because I built it for her and my sons.  

I’ve worked hard to be fully transparent and blunt about my journey in life.  I’m no guru and I make no claims to know it all or be an expert of any kind.  I share my journey and my story in the hopes that I can influence others to chose a path of peace, healing and freedom.  While my life may seem extreme, in many ways it is.  What I do well is hold space for others to do the same.  I work hard to build trust so that people can feel safe to be vulnerable and do their work to heal.  

I’ve witnessed many miracles over the years and I know that I make a difference.  However, I am not for everyone.  I am blunt, open and unyielding when it comes to honour, integrity, peace, freedom, prosperity and love.  I am equally unyielding when it comes to violence, coercion, greed, war, theft and other violent behaviours, whether done overtly or covertly.  

I am no saint or angel either.  If you are looking for a professional teacher or therapist with pieces of paper on the wall, then you are in the wrong place.  I hold space within this school for people who are serious about peace, healing and freedom.  We all have trauma to heal, including myself.  The group here is more than willing to help hold space so that we can do that work.  

Make no mistake, this is work.  Much like the martial arts, we do things over and over again, using repetition to help us learn and heal.  People come and go, depending on their needs.  Sometimes class is empty, often times it is full.  Healing, peace and freedom is the primary goal.  

What I do know is that this work will manifest beautiful things that was never designed or intended.  Much like the martial arts, after years of training, a spiritual enlightenment starts to manifest within the student.  I have no doubt the same will occur within the Pacem Arts as well.  What that looks like is completely up to each individual student.  

I trust that Spirit will guide that process and as such, I focus on the mechanics of healing, peace and freedom.  I trust Spirit will help guide us on the spiritual and tribal manifestations that we are all searching for within our lives.  I’ve learned a lot through this process already, now that the school has been up and running for seven months.  We are young yet, but for those willing to take that leap of faith, I have no doubt that we will get there.  Where are we going?  I have no idea, but I trust in Creator to guide us along the way.  It is the journey that I’m interested in, not the destination.  

If this does not resonate with you, then you are welcome to find others to walk your path with.  I will not apologize for being me, having firm boundaries and doing what I need to do in order to maintain my own health and integrity.