I recommend that people read my book ‘Graduating Life with Honours’ because this video will expand on what I spoke about, specifically the power and sacredness of water, but also that we have a torus of energy that makes up our bodies and this doctor explains it all very brilliantly. I hope this helps with our journey in exploring who we are and how we can express ourselves in this world.
I came back from my trip this week and despite how difficult it was, I am forever grateful! I was supposed to go to Loon Lake for a ceremony, but only managed to get to English Bay Treaty grounds where I met a Dene Clan Grandmother & elder by the name of Nancy. She is in her early 80’s, frail but her spirit is strong, sharp and on fire! The Great Spirit had other plans for us as our efforts to work on the Peace Conference was put aside while other more important matters were presented. I present a document that Nancy gave me and here is her story:
Nancy told me that the Queen considers her and her people as brothers and sisters, that there was a change in relationship that few people are aware of. She knew this to be true, and she spent years looking for the proof. She even spent time digging through archives in New York looking and one day she found it. A scroll written by Queen Victoria to the ‘New King of Canada’, aka the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. At that point, she gave me a copy of the letter and I will enclose it here for you all to go over.
The significance of this letter cannot be understated and I will study it further. However, her story of what happened to that letter underlines treason, fraud and genocide. I am working with a dear friend regarding the municipality moving forward with a tax auction for the land she stewards. When we finish that process I will share those letters, but I want to share the letter I wrote using this new information to help her and others with their land issues. This is something worthy of discussing in Decolonization class. Note: To date, we have received no response from anybody.
date: May 19, 2020, 10:51 AM subject:Auction of 4-21-51-31-NE, plan 3979RS, roll # 1131102004 mailed-by:gmail.com
Representatives of Queen Elizabeth II, I am writing to you today in regards to a matter that was brought to my attention a few weeks ago regarding land!
I write to you as an ally of the King Chiefs of Canada, Queen clan mothers and all my Red Tribe brothers and sisters, the true nations that govern this land under Spiritual and Natural law, protected by treaty. I removed myself from your feudal domain over twelve years ago, I owe no service or tenure to you or your Queen. In fact, I declared peace and welcomed your Queen as my sister, expressing love to her. I call upon my ancestors de Quercy, Turtle Island and others across Europe as I stand to reclaim my traditional and ancestral standing through the ancient customs of my ancestral White Tribes.
I have been invited as a brother by the nehewin King Chief, dene & nehewin Queen clan mothers, and many of my Red Tribe brothers and sisters across this land. They gifted me, through sacred ceremony, a white eagle feather and the spirit name of White Walking Feather. They welcome me into their homes to break bread in friendship and peace, into their sweats and sacred ceremonies and I do the same for them. I am an Eagle Feather holder, ally and sovereign brother and sister to them, who are also sovereign. Your Queen’s ancestor, Queen Victoria, made a bargain with the Red Tribes of Turtle Island (Canada) that binds you and your Queen today. She made a nation to nation agreement bound by the international law of sovereigns.
The Two Row Wampum belt treaty and Royal Proclamation of 1763 are a few important agreements, but the Bargain, the year 1665 comes the year 1835, is of particular concern. This agreement was hidden from the King Chief of Canada (Red Tribes). It was intercepted by your predecessors, agents, servants and / or ministers when Queen Victoria sent the King Chief of Canada the sealed document. It was hidden in the archives in New York for over 170+ years. Nancy, a Dene clan mother, found that document and petitioned for it to be delivered as originally intended. After years of work, it was finally delivered to her, with the Queen’s seal ripped off. Your predecessors are complicit by allowing or participating in the conspiracy to intercept and hide that Bargain. The Queens mail was stolen, the seal tampered with, and those individuals went to great lengths to hide the document. These actions are grounds for treason against the Queen and at that time was punishable by death. Those that perpetuate the fraud and treason today, whether they are aware of it or not, are also guilty of treason and fraud as they are complicit in perpetuating the original act.
This land has not been ceded. You and your predecessors have engaged in genocide against your Queen’s brothers and sisters, which is a direct attack against the Queen and her family. You have lied to them, tricked them and impoverished them into perpetual poverty. These are serious crimes against your sovereign that have been proven over and over again in your own courts.
The sovereign queen that currently stewards the land in question works hard to honour the land, her Red Tribe brothers and sisters, the Two Row Wampum belt treaty as well as revive her ancestral tribal customs, traditions and ceremony. She too is an ally of our Red Tribe brothers and sisters and an ally to myself, making her a sister and family to your Queen. Your actions against the land is a direct attack against your sovereign and her family.
The Bargain of 1835 stipulated that the Red Tribes were to make the townships, not you or your predecessors. I attach a copy of the Bargain and I call upon you all to put yourself back into honour and peace. Remove this land from the demesne of the Queen in Right of Alberta and / or the Queen in Right of Canada, acknowledge the true Kings and Queens of this land, honour the agreements that your Queen is bound to honour. Declare peace, cease and desist your claims against land that is not yours, restore honour to the Queen by fulfilling the agreements that were made.
The Queen Clan Mothers have had enough of your violence, genocide and war, as have I. I stand beside them as an ally and a witness to your actions as you are all trying to invalidate the Bargain by ensuring there is no “Indian in the country” and that there is no longer “water in the lakes and run in the rivers and Creeks, and the green grass grows”. We will not permit that to happen. I stand as a witness to your genocide, treason, fraud, violence and war. Your sovereign commanded you to bring peace. I welcome and encourage peace and your withdrawal from this land and return it to being governed by the Clan Mothers, sisters of your sovereign, is a condition of that peace. It is time to cease and desist and acknowledge the true nations of this land! If you cannot find it within your hearts to do what is right, I know Nancy would be more than happy to come down and read the Bargain to you in her native tongue of Dene.
I also put you all on notice: I stand as a witness to your treason, fraud and genocide. I will testify every chance I get, for as long as you engage in treason, fraud and crimes against humanity, for as long as my vessel breaths air and for as long as the Red Tribes walk upon this land, the water flows, sun shines and green grass grows. I stand as an ally and Headman for my ancient ancestral tribes.
I AM that I AM My Spirit name is White Walking Feather My vessels name is rob and it was born in the pagé family de quercy Headman of my ancient white tribes, granted to me by my ancestors
I saw this video today and resonate with it deeply as it speaks to the spirit of what we are doing here within this school. May Spirit guide us along this journey.
“this is narrated by Isaac Murdoch….one of the people who have put together the incredible land based language camp “Nimkii Aazhibikong” in Northern Ontario. https://nimkiiaazhibikong.com” – Catherine
In the Pacem Arts, knowing the difference between these two is significantly important. I’ve not read the book, but I am aware of the basic principles shared in David R. Hawkins book “Power vs Force”. It is a good first step to comprehending why we focus so much time and energy in the Sacred Heart Circle. The whole point is to heal ourselves so that we can start to embrace the higher levels of consciousness and not get trapped in the trauma, pain, fear, guilt and shame. We cannot build tribe or find peace unless we do this work first!
I duplicated the chart from Hawkin’s book Power vs Force to help students with their studies of these principles. I will also share muscle testing in the circles as this is something that I’m familiar with as I’ve done this type of self check for years.
While the original video that I found on Youtube sadly disappeared, this one comes close to describing the book at a high level. I encourage everyone to go through this video or even pick up the book and explore the significance behind the ideas being expressed here. In the end, this is just a tool and how we embrace these principles will help determine our progress as we Graduate Life with Honours and progress through the Pacem Arts. I do not endorse the author of this video, but agree with his assessment of the book.
One of the first justifications for me training in the martial arts was to learn how to discipline my mind. I was struggling with depression and my early recovery at the time and I needed help to quiet my mind and to ground myself so that I could explore this new aspect that I found: feelings. My intellect often drowned out my feelings and that caused all kinds of heart ache and pain. Martial Arts was one way that I found to quiet my mind. But I also found out that it allowed me to connect with my body in ways I never contemplated before.
By spending 9+ hours a week on nothing but 100% focus on my body, I was able to build a relationship that ripples throughout my life to this very day. More importantly, it also helped me to listen to my body as it has a lot to say. My body has feelings and those feelings were important to acknowledge. This required a tremendous amount of discipline to obtain that level of relationship, especially considering how strong my intellect was at the time.
This is one area where martial artists excel as their training provides a great deal of discipline that can be applied to all areas of life, not just to the training. This discipline helps when we are in stressful situations as we depend on calm, balanced and focused responses, rather than off the handle reactions that can often escalate situations unnecessarily. Our job is to deescalate in order to prevent war, not to provoke others or ourselves into war.
In class we would practice that discipline in everything we do. EVERYTHING. Even when we are lined up to start or end class, when our master asked us to stand at attention, we were to control ourselves to the point where we did not move a muscle. Try it some time. Try standing still, absolutely still for a few minutes. No wave in our stance. No fidgeting. No scratching that itch. No wandering eyes. No responding to distractions of any kind. Without training, most people would not be able to do that. It took me several years before I could discipline my mind to not chase after squirrels (distractions).
The Pacem Arts will require an equal or even higher level of discipline. As we move into a new paradigm, there is going to be a lot of distractions going on around ourselves. There will be plenty of triggers to entice us into war with others. If we are going to be effective Pacem Artists, we must work on our discipline and remain focused on what the work that Spirit needs us to do.
We don’t have the benefits of being in a martial arts class to work on this as we are spread throughout the land. But we can work on it while we are together in class. We need each other to hold ourselves accountable. We can provide feedback for one another as most of our actions and behaviours are often unconscious. By bringing these into our conscious awareness we can work on it. This requires time, dedication and a burning desire to be peaceful and free.
As in the martial arts classes, we can duplicate some of those protocols here. I had absolute respect for my Tae Kwon Do Master. He had knowledge that I wanted to learn, so I was prepared to surrender and learn it his way. I bowed to him out of respect. I also bowed to my fellow students as I could not learn without them there too. I bowed to the gym as we could not train without the facility. Showing respect to everyone and everything is a custom and sacred medicine of the Yellow Tribes of Asia. There was no talking back or challenging the Master. It was his way or the door.
We don’t have the privilege of time any more. World events are escalating and it is time we step up our training as we will be required to help others in short order. We need to work on our discipline to ensure that we can master this new art form. As in the martial arts, there were rules for training. If we used Tae Kwon Do outside of the class, we were kicked out. We were NOT allowed to go to war or hurt other people with the knowledge that we were taught.
In the Pacem Arts, if you use this knowledge to attack or hurt other people, I will kick you out and not invite or allow you back in. I will take a zero tolerance on this point. I know that people attending were at war and working hard to remove themselves from the war. I know that we are decolonizing ourselves and that takes time. However, I am asking all students to have the discipline to refrain from violence of any type while training with me. This is going to be hard work, but if you cannot control yourself, then I cannot help you.
By training with me, we must all dedicate ourselves to being peaceful at all times. This is an art form of honour, respect and dignity for all, including ourselves. The Pacem Arts brings with it a tremendous duty, which can feel daunting. With training, experience, guidance and patience, we can work through it all.
I’m asking students to work on their self discipline every day. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands by your sides, head up, shoulders back and eyes straight ahead. Stand there for 5 minutes and work your way up to 15 minutes. Focus your thoughts on that one spot in front of you. Your mind is going to go crazy and your body is going to freak out. Build that discipline so that you can govern both. Without that level of discipline, how can we expect to handle ourselves when we are triggered by stressful events around us?
If you need more help, join a martial arts class, preferably one that teaches the art rather than the sport. There is a huge difference between the two.
In our Pacem Arts classes, I demand respect, honour, patience, honesty, integrity and an indomitable spirit. If you cannot honour that code of conduct in class or in life, then you will not be welcome into our sacred space.
We may disagree with what others are doing or saying, but we still must respect and honour them, their spirit, path and journey.
In this class I cover an introduction into who we are and our relationship with the land, each other, fictional constructs, decolonization, reconciliation and spirit.
Here is some links to scripture quotes that I talk about in the video.
Ownership has no place in the Pacem Arts due to its violence and desecration of all that is sacred.
I see this playing out all the time and a lot of it is soooo subtle, most people don’t even see it. However, we feel it when somebody violates another individual, whether it is physical, emotional, mental or spiritual violence. Our bodies, spirit, mind and feelings are gifts from Creator and as such they are all sacred and ours to explore.
In order for me to be peaceful, I must acknowledge the sacredness of others, whether they are my brothers & sisters or my cousins like the plants, animals, water, air, soil or Mother Earth herself. That means learning how to ask for consent rather than just taking what I want. The implications are profound.
My body is in my possession, a gift from Creator. It is my responsibility to honour the sacredness of who I am. As such, I place boundaries around me so that I can maintain that sacredness. If others violate that sacredness, you will be called out or find yourself kicked out of my circles. If I violate that sacredness, then I often find myself struggling or in pain.
This means that I cannot force myself onto others, even my wife. She is sacred too and I refuse to use shame, guilt, coercion, covert violence or even overt violence to manipulate or control her. She is not my property. I do not ‘own’ her and I work hard to remember that every single day. My relationship must be honourable, consensual and peaceful in order for me to respect that which is sacred; her, me and our relationship together.
When my wife was pregnant, those spiritual beings growing inside of her were sacred too. Neither of us ‘owned’ the baby, even when still inside of her body. What we are responsible for though, is to steward, raise and be responsible for their development into independence. To violate their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being would violate that which is sacred.
Scientists have recorded the exact moment that a sperm joins with the egg and the flash of light that is produced! In my view, that is the very moment that spirit joins the flesh for its journey in this physical realm. At that moment, the cell that was contributed by the woman and the cell contributed by the man no longer belongs to either, but instead is a gift to the new spiritual being coming into this world.
To claim ownership over that being, violate it’s body, kill it or even to enslave it to the state through registration is an act of war and violates the very spirit of that young being.
We are caught in an epidemic of thinking that king and country owns our bodies and knows best. People feel compelled to hand over title of their off spring to the state. Police, Child Protective Services, Doctors, Lawyers, Judges, courts and many others claim jurisdiction over the vulnerable, ignorant or young. Title being the weapon of choice to solidify control and ownership over our bodies. This becomes a weapon of choice when couples have a dispute as they fight over property, children, etc.
All of these components desecrate that which is sacred. Life is sacred. Life cannot be owned as it all belongs to Creator. My body is not my own. It too belongs to Creator and it is my job to look after it. As such, I must govern myself to ensure others have the opportunity and support to do the same. To force my will upon others, claim ownership or impose a jurisdiction on others is war, violence and a desecration of all that is holy.
One of our dear friends and member of our tribe is having a baby. She is living off grid and doing a traditional home birth and asked Carey and I to help her. She is starting labour and could get deep into delivery any moment. When that happens, we will be called away and could be gone for several days. Carey’s roll within this beautiful ceremony is to help her with the baby. My roll is to smudge the perimeter of the house, hold the space and protect them all. The divine masculine and feminine have specific rolls to fulfill in one of the most beautiful ceremonies any of us could witness and experience.
Everything in life is sacred and as such, deserves that we approach it as a ceremony. It reminds us of the sacredness and having protocols to keep its sacredness is equally important.
I’m humbled as I’ve been asked to hold that sacred space by many people over the past few years. As I develop ceremonies, spirit moves people to reach out to me. Some of these ceremonies are new as nobody has ever worked on decolonization protocols since this experience is so new to us all. Spirit moved me to make a ceremony to four corner the land and I’ve performed this ceremony several times for friends in Alberta and Ontario. I’ve also performed spiritual ceremonies to help people within their wedding ceremonies too.
I’ve been working on ceremony in my life for years now. When ever a slaughter an animal or even harvest a plant, I work hard to ask for permission from their spirit first and I leave tobacco in exchange so that I’m not taking but rather making a trade. There are small but important things that we can do to bring balance back to our actions and behaviours within our lives. I grow our own tobacco specifically for this purpose and it was taught to me by the nehewin people of Treaty 6. The tobacco I use is traditional indigenous ceremonial tobacco from the pueblo people in the southern end of Turtle Island. It is sacred medicine. The sweetgrass grows on our land and the sage is from around here as well. We have no cedar here, but people give us cedar to round out the four medicines on the medicine wheel.
Holding ceremony and space for a baby being born is new to me, but I honour the trust and power of what is unfolding. The divine masculine energy flows through me stronger than ever before as I start to explore what that actually means. Holding that space in a healthy way is humbling and inspiring. It helps the divine feminine feel safe, comfortable and secure so that she can engage in the most powerful transfer of energy ever seen on this planet. The merging of spirit and land to allow another spiritual being to manifest here THROUGH her body. She is a portal between the spiritual realm and the physical realm. The divine feminine is sacred and special to be able to hold the space for such an awesome transformation. It is my duty to hold the space so that she can do her work!
I will be away from the school for a few days, but I will return. We will dig into these conversations deeply as we explore the spiritual aspects within the school’s curriculum. I won’t speak or disclose who are what happens, but instead we will explore the deeper meaning, duty and power associated with ceremony within our lives so that we can hold the space and bring balance back to our existence here.
As we finish the ceremony of the winter solstice, may Creator bless each of you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love as we embark on a new solar year and a period of birth and renewal. It is all fitting together as you can see!
White Walking Feather lives in a self sufficient manner and requires very little money for his own needs, however, bringing you his journey and explorations at this crucial time in history requires technology which is made possible by your generosity.
Due to the decolonization efforts of White Walking Feather, automated commerce is not possible. However, through the support of a friend, funds can currently be received through manual e-transfer by sending your payment to
Risks involved: This function may go away if the state or bank changes their policy or implements the mark.
Due to decolonization efforts of White Walking Feather, it is not possible to use the automated business commerce functions of PayPal. As a result, we are limited to personal gifts sent through PayPal, send to
Risks: The potential for PayPal to lock the account is present due to continued changes in financial and government regulations as a result of the globalization efforts and roll out of the mark and social credit scoring systems.
In an effort to decolonize our relationship with money, we are exploring alternatives like decentralized and distributed cryptocurrencies. We currently accept Bitcoin (address below), Steem (@wwf) and Hive (@wwf). As interest increases, we will welcome other decentralized and distributed crypto’s as well.
Risks: Central banks are getting into the Crypto game and we refuse to participate in their solutions. This arena is technical and complex, so there are barriers. Also requires government ID to create accounts on exchanges to convert fiat currency to crypto.
Precious Metals have been used as a currency for thousands of years. Most people comprehend the intrinsic value. The challenge is shipping metal which has additional costs. Regardless, this is an option and any gold or silver can be sent to:
White Walking Feather In Care Of PO Box 384 Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0
Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Availability of precious metals is also low due to recent events.
Here is a list of resources where you can purchase and trade precious metals: Kitco Metals (includes directory of local dealers accross Canada) 
Silver Gold Bull  
Sprott Money
Precious metals are traded around the clock on international markets. The price you pay for physical metals at a commercial dealer will be based on this price but will include a premium which allows dealers to make a living and will often be reflective of the availability of the product you are requesting.
Here are charts of the spot prices of Silver and Gold.
For many people, physical cash is the only way to go. The challenge of running a website accessible by people all around the world is the physical transportation. Snail mail is still a valid option and cash payments (CDN or USD) can be sent to:
White Walking Feather In Care Of PO Box 384 Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0
Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Availability of cash will also disappear when banking institutions move to a cashless society. This option may not be viable for much longer.
There still remains some anonymous methods through gift cards and pre-paid credit cards. Gift cards that are currently acceptable is: Peavey Mart, Canadian Tire, Home Hardware, Rona, Independent grocery store (President Choice). Pre-paid credit cards are also accepted. We are currently looking into a pre-paid card that can be loaded from anywhere. Until then, gift and credit cards (CDN) can be sent to:
White Walking Feather In Care Of PO Box 384 Larder lake, ON P0K 1L0
Risks: There is the potential that the postal service will lose the parcel. Vendors may lock out the cards without notice. Difficult to support local vendors using gift cards issued by large corporations.
Barter is an ancient tribal custom that has been around for thousands of years. The challenge with barter is it requires more effort to facilitate the exchange and the things one individual has, may not be what the other needs. Please write to white.walking.feather@gmail.com for an updated list of needs that you can choose from. We can then make arrangements to complete the transaction.
Risks: Takes time to complete the trade. Barter often deals with commodities which are hard to transport. Needs are shifting over time, so the list of needs is constantly changing.
Fiat Currency issued by Central Banks are a monopoly and we need competition. We are currently exploring www.community-exchange.org as one of many other alternatives that we can use to facilitate exchange with one another that provides alternative currencies that we can use. If you have other suggestions, we are open to exploring them as well.
Risks: Challenging for people to let go of their dependency on their idea of “money”. Currently there is a low participation rate with alternatives. Governments hate competition, so there is a risk that the alternatives will be attacked.
Training in the Pacem Arts can be challenging physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is unlike most other training any of us has done before. As such, it require that each individual accept 100% responsibility and accountability for themselves when engaging in this training. Violence, whether covert or overt, will not be tolerated.
It is also important to know that I AM NOT a lawyer, accountant, financial advisor, therapist, psychiatrist, medical doctor, agent, employee, citizen, slave, serf, person or any other word descriptive of any title, profession or expert. I AM that I AM and I wave my right to be represented as a person or any of these terms defined by others or the state. Everything shared on this site is me sharing my own experiences with you. I encourage everyone to do their own research, apply critical thinking and that you make up your own mind. The Pacem Arts is all about accepting 100% responsibility and accountability for ones life and forgiving others should mistakes be made or a trespass has occurred. That starts here. Participating in the Pacem Arts requires that each individual acknowledge these boundaries and hold themselves and others to the highest standards of love, peace, freedom, prosperity, ethics and morality.
As in the martial arts, there are specific boundaries and protocols in place to ensure we don’t hurt one another. The knowledge obtained here, if used without spiritual guidance and awareness or emotional health and intellectual integrity, can cause harm to you or others. There is also risks involved as we challenge those who claim authority over us. They can be unpredictable, but with healthy work in the Pacem Arts, these risks can be significantly mitigated. This work requires physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance, awareness, health and integrity. Anger, frustration, revenge, greed, lust for power, control or other colonial works of the flesh or violent behaviours have no place within the Pacem Arts. That sort of behaviour will not be tolerated and strict boundaries are in place to confront those who attempt to engage in those sort of behaviours.
About White Walking Feather
White Walking Feather (aka rob in the page family) is an individual whom dedicates his time towards writing books, blogging, teaching and facilitating healing circles while doing his best to live off grid and explore his relationship with Mother Earth. Some people have also called him a knowledge keeper and an elder.
For the first 30+ years of his life, he struggled with depression, addictions and multiple suicide attempts. Despite numerous visits to psychiatric wards in the hospital, it was not until he hit rock bottom that he decided to surrender and try a new approach to life. It is this surrender that helped him heal, learn new communication skills and completely change his approach at life.
These new skills turned his life around and he found success in his IT career, managing projects and dedicating himself to training in the art of Tae Kwon Do where he reached 3rd Dan Black belt and ran his own school for a couple years. As a result of his healing journey, he realized in 2005 that his relationship with the state and other corporate entities was not healthy as they were extremely abusive and violent. This started him down a spiritual path to reconnect with Creator and Mother Earth. In 2007 he moved off grid with his family where they build earthships, gardens, a greenhouse and took every measure they could to be free, independent and healthy.
On April 15, 2008 he declared peace and refused to provide service to the Queen and her lords that control her feudal empire. Since then, he has been invited to speak at public events, online radio shows and was featured in Ben Steward’s third film UNGRIP. He has written a book, released in 2015 and is currently in the middle of writing his second one. For years he has also shared his thoughts freely on social media and blogs. In late 2019 he decided to open up a school as he recognized there are no well rounded training methods to help people navigate the complex web of lies and deceit that surrounds modern social constructs. As a result, the Pacem Arts was created with the intent to utilize training methods learned through the Martial Arts but dedicated to the Pacem Arts instead.